r3d100013935 Community Data Program CDP https://communitydata.ca/ The Community Data Program (CDP) is a membership-based community development initiative open to any Canadian public, non-profit or community sector organization with a local service delivery or public policy mandate. The program facilitates access to the evidence needed to tell our stories and inform effective and responsive policy and program design and implementation. The CDP makes data accessible and useful for all members with training and capacity building resources. Through its vibrant network, the CDP facilitates and supports dialogue and the sharing of best practices in the use of community data. The CDP has emerged as a unique Canada-wide platform for generating information, convening and collaborating. https://communitydata.ca/about/contact information@communitydata.ca other 1.277 products 1995 eng 1 Humanities and Social Sciences 112 Economics 11205 Statistics and Econometrics 113 Jurisprudence 11305 Criminology 12 Social and Behavioural Sciences 2 Life Sciences 205 Medicine 20502 Public Health, Health Services Research, Social Medicine 22 Medicine 3 Natural Sciences 317 Geography 31702 Human Geography 34 Geosciences (including Geography) https://communitydata.ca/about Scientific and statistical data formats Standard office documents Structured graphics serviceProvider COVID-19 municipal data well-being Canadian Community Economic Development Network CCEDNet CAN general non-profit https://ccednet-rcdec.ca/en Wikidata:Q5029895 2019-09 Canadian Council on Social Development CCSD CAN general non-profit https://www.ccsd.ca/ ROR:031903y12 2019-09 Strategic Plan https://communitydata.ca/sites/default/files/CDP%20Vision%20and%20Strategic%20Plan%20for%202022%20-%202026%20-%20FINAL%2020%20JUNE%202022.pdf The Canadian CED Network Personal Information Protection Policy https://ccednet-rcdec.ca/en/privacy open restricted feeRequired registration CC https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/ other https://communitydata.ca/sites/default/files/ccednet-cdp_schedule-c.pdf restricted other yes yes 2022-08-02 2022-08-10