r3d100013727 ATCC Genome Portal https://genomes.atcc.org RRID:SCR_021330 Database and knowledgebase of authenticated microbial genomics data with full data provenance to physical materials held within American Type Culture Collection's (ATCC) biorepository and culture collections. Data includes whole genome sequencing data for bacterial, viral and fungal strains at ATCC, their genome assemblies, metadata, drug susceptibility data, and more. All data is freely available for non-commercial research use only (RUO) applications via the web portal interface or via a REST-API. The goal is to provide the research community with provenance information and authentication between the biological source materials and reference genome assemblies derived from them. https://www.atcc.org/en/Support/Contact_Us.aspx institutional 2019 eng 2 Life Sciences 204 Microbiology, Virology and Immunology 21 Biology 22 Medicine Scientific and statistical data formats dataProvider genomics reference genome American Type Culture Collection USA funding general non-profit https://atcc.org ROR:03thhhv76 2019 The ATCC Genome Portal Documentation https://docs.onecodex.com/en/collections/2314023-the-atcc-genome-portal open open restricted feeRequired registration other https://www.atcc.org/policies/product-use-policies/data-use-agreement restricted institutional membership other https://app.swaggerhub.com/apis/bcamarda/genome-portal_api/v1#/ https://www.atcc.org/policies/product-use-policies/data-use-agreement yes yes 2022-01-29 2022-02-02