r3d100013541 Harmonia Universalis https://harmoniauniversalis.univ-paris1.fr/ Harmonia universalis is a prosopographical database gathering data on the actors of the mesmerist movement at the end of the 18th century. The Harmonia Universalis database is designed as a space for exchange and sharing between researchers and enthusiasts. Any interested person can participate in its realization by contacting the administrators of the database. They will then be able to enter directly on line the information they wish to introduce. These will be integrated into the database after confirmation by the administrators. disciplinary 2014 fra 1 Humanities and Social Sciences 110 Psychology 11001 General, Biological and Mathematical Psychology 12 Social and Behavioural Sciences 2 Life Sciences 203 Zoology 20305 Biochemistry and Animal Physiology 207 Agriculture, Forestry, Horticulture and Veterinary Medicine 20714 Basic Research on Pathogenesis, Diagnostics and Therapy and Clinical Veterinary Medicine 21 Biology 23 Agriculture, Forestry, Horticulture and Veterinary Medicine https://www.ephe.psl.eu/actualites/harmonia-universalis Images Raw data Standard office documents other dataProvider Mesmer illness magnetism Université de Recherche Paris Sciences et Lettres, École Pratique des Hautes Études, Laboratoire d’Excellence Hastec PSL, EPHE, Labex Hastec FRA general technical non-profit https://labexhastec-psl.ephe.fr/ Mentions légales https://www.ephe.psl.eu/mentions-legales Politique de confidentialité https://www.ephe.psl.eu/politique-de-confidentialite open open Copyrights https://www.ephe.psl.eu/mentions-legales restricted other no https://harmoniauniversalis.univ-paris1.fr/api/info yes unknown 2021-03-23 2021-03-25