r3d100013168 DeZIM Research Data Center DSFZ DeZIM-Forschungsdatenzentrum DeZIM.fdz https://fdz.dezim-institut.de/en The Research Data Center DeZIM.fdz at the German Center for Integration and Migration Research consists of four interconnected modules: (1) data archive, (2) support for staff and users, (3) online access panel and (4) metadatabase. It offers interested researchers the opportunity to access research data collected in the course of projects carried out at the DeZIM Institute and at the institutes of the DeZIM Research Association. In addition to the access to the data, the DeZIM.fdz organizes an extensive support for the individual data sets in its data offer as well as for various methodological key topics. The regularly conducted surveys within the framework of the Online Access Panel enable scientists at the DeZIM Institute, at the institutes of the DeZIM Research Association, external scientists and the staff of the BMFSFJ to access a pool of potential interviewees. Furthermore, DeZIM.fdz offers an extensive information database, which enables research on studies - both internally and externally archived - that deal with the topics of integration and migration. fdz@dezim-institut.de disciplinary 2 dataset deu eng 1 Humanities and Social Sciences 102 History 10203 Modern and Current History 106 Non-European Languages and Cultures, Social and Cultural Anthropology, Jewish Studies and Religious Studies 10601 Social and Cultural Anthropology and Ethnology/Folklore 11 Humanities 111 Social Sciences 11102 Empirical Social Research 11104 Political Science 12 Social and Behavioural Sciences https://www.dezim-institut.de/forschungsdatenzentrum-dezimfdz/datenarchiv/ Standard office documents Structured graphics dataProvider demographic change diversity minorities participation radicalization refugees social acceptance Deutsches Zentrum für Integrations- und Migrationsforschung DeZIM e.V. DEU general non-profit https://dezim-institut.de/ info@dezim-institut.de DeZIM-Datennutzungsvertrag - Off-Site - https://registration.fdz.dezim-institut.de/en/contract_blank.pdf open restricted other Copyrights https://fdz.dezim-institut.de/de/imprint restricted other yes DOI unknown unknown RatSWD 2019-11-04 2021-10-11