r3d100013058 TInnGO Open Data Repository T-ODR TInnGO ODR Transport Innovation Gender Observatory Open Data Repository formerly: GO-DaRe https://tinngo.sboing.net/#repository The Data Repository of the H2020/TINNGO Project (https://www.tinngo.eu/) is used to store large volumes of gender-related transport data, acquired from 10 national hubs of a pan-European Gender Observatory. https://tinngo.sboing.net/#contact liotop@sboing.net disciplinary 3 TBytes eng 4 Engineering Sciences 407 Systems Engineering 40704 Traffic and Transport Systems, Logistics 40705 Human Factors, Ergonomics, Human-Machine Systems 44 Computer Science, Electrical and System Engineering https://www.tinngo.eu/observatory/national-hubs/ Plain text other dataProvider experimental data geospatial data smart mobility socio-cultural norms time series Coventry University GBR funding general technical non-profit https://www.coventry.ac.uk/ ROR:01tgmhj36 European Commission, HORIZON 2020 EEC funding non-profit https://ec.europa.eu/programmes/horizon2020/ TInnGO Transport Innovation Gender Observatory EEC funding general non-profit https://www.tinngo.eu/ https://www.tinngo.eu/contact/ Legal Notice, Privacy Notice http://www.tinngo.eu/legal-notice/ open open restricted registration CC https://creativecommons.org/ Copyrights http://www.tinngo.eu/legal-notice/ restricted other unknown hdl unknown unknown TInnGO DaRe is part of the TInnGO project, funded by the Horizon 2020 framework. Information about TinnGO: https://cordis.europa.eu/project/id/824349 and http://www.itene.com/en/open-dissemination-projects/i/12865/56/tinngo Partners: https://www.tinngo.eu/about-us/partners/ 2019-05-06 2020-02-24