r3d100012912 National Coronial Information System NCIS http://www.ncis.org.au/ FAIRsharing_DOI:10.25504/FAIRsharing.U9GXhB The NCIS is a national database of information on every death reported to a coroner in Australia and New Zealand. It contains demographic information on the deceased, contextual information on the nature of the fatality and medico-legal documents including the coroner's finding, autopsy and toxicology reports and the police notification of death report. http://www.ncis.org.au/contact-us/general-enquiries/ ncis@ncis.org.au disciplinary about 385.000 coronial case records 2000-07-01 eng 2 Life Sciences 205 Medicine 20502 Public Health, Health Services Research, Social Medicine 20512 Cardiology, Angiology 22 Medicine http://www.ncis.org.au/ Databases Standard office documents dataProvider causes of Death coronial data death death prevention mortality public health Australian Commonwealth, Department of Health AUS funding non-profit http://www.health.gov.au/ http://www.health.gov.au/internet/main/publishing.nsf/Content/health-central.htm National Coronial Information AUS general non-profit http://www.ncis.org.au/ ncis@ncis.org.au Victoria State Government, Department of Justice and Regulation AUS general non-profit https://www.justice.vic.gov.au/ https://www.justice.vic.gov.au/contact-us Request System Access – Researchers http://www.ncis.org.au/data-access/request-system-access/ closed restricted feeRequired other CC https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ Copyrights http://www.ncis.org.au/about-us/copyright/ other http://www.ncis.org.au/data-access/data-privacy-protocols/ closed unknown none unknown unknown 2018-11-29 2021-11-16