r3d100012617 LOAR Library Open Access Repository https://loar.kb.dk/ Library Open Access Repository (LOAR) is an open data repository established in 2016 as a service for storing and providing access to Danish research data. The service has the following key goals: Make data accessible to review for publications. Enable researchers to meet requirements for Danish and European grants. Ensure data privacy and removal of data as appropriate. Enable reuse of data where appropriate Researchers who upload data are expected to share the data using Creative Commons licenses. baj@kb.dk data-repo@kb.dk khg@kb.dk other 2016 eng 1 Humanities and Social Sciences 102 History 11 Humanities https://loar.kb.dk/kb/about.jsp Audiovisual data Images Plain text Raw data Scientific and statistical data formats Standard office documents other dataProvider serviceProvider Ruben recordings cultural heritage military land use Aarhus University Aarhus Universitet DNK general non-profit https://international.au.dk/ ROR:01aj84f44 RRID:SCR_000948 RRID:nlx_156945 Roskilde University DNK general non-profit https://ruc.dk/en ROR:014axpa37 RRID:SCR_011499 RRID:nlx_158001 The Royal Danish Library Det Kgl. Bibliotek DNK general non-profit https://www.kb.dk/en ROR:03vvy0v27 University of Copenhagen Københavns Universitet DNK general non-profit https://www.ku.dk/english/ ROR:035b05819 RRID:SCR_011627 RRID:nlx_26520 Terms of service for end users of the Library Open Access Repository https://loar.kb.dk/assets/pdfs/LOAR_TermsofService_v3_KB.pdf open open CC https://creativecommons.dk/ other https://loar.kb.dk/assets/pdfs/LOAR_License_V3_KB.pdf restricted registration Distribution License https://loar.kb.dk/assets/pdfs/LOAR_License_V3_KB.pdf DSpace yes hdl unknown unknown https://loar.kb.dk/feed/atom_1.0/site https://loar.kb.dk/feed/rss_2.0/site https://loar.kb.dk/feed/rss_1.0/site 2018-03-07 2021-12-15