r3d100012184 KIT Whole-Body Human Motion Database https://motion-database.humanoids.kit.edu/ With the KIT Whole-Body Human Motion Database, we aim to provide a simple way of sharing high-quality motion capture recordings of human whole-body motion. In addition, with the Motion Annotation Tool (https://motion-annotation.humanoids.kit.edu/ ), we aim to collect a comprehensive set of whole-body motions along with natural language descriptions of these motions (https://motion-annotation.humanoids.kit.edu/dataset/). https://motion-database.humanoids.kit.edu/contact/ motiondatabase@lists.kit.edu disciplinary 1.529 motion experiments; 210 subjects; 98 objects eng 1 Humanities and Social Sciences 2 Life Sciences 201 Basic Biological and Medical Research 20108 Anatomy 21 Biology 4 Engineering Sciences 409 Computer Science 44 Computer Science, Electrical and System Engineering https://h2t.anthropomatik.kit.edu/english/1040.php Audiovisual data Plain text Raw data Standard office documents other dataProvider serviceProvider Motion Annotation Tool Motion Description Tree (MDT) anthropometric whole-body motions Karlsruhe Institute of Technology KIT Karlsruher Institut für Technologie DEU general technical non-profit http://www.kit.edu/english/ ROR:04t3en479 Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Department of Informatics, Institute for Anthropomatics and Robotics, High Performance Humanoid Technologies KIT, IAR, H²T Karlsruher Institut für Technologie, Fakultät für Informatik, Institut für Anthropomatik und Robotik, Hochperformante Humanoide Technologien DEU general technical non-profit http://h2t.anthropomatik.kit.edu/english/index.php http://h2t.anthropomatik.kit.edu/english/530.php KIT policy http://www.rdm.kit.edu/downloads/KIT-FDM-Policy.pdf Legals https://www.informatik.kit.edu/english/impressum.php open open restricted registration Copyrights https://motion-database.humanoids.kit.edu/faq/#register Copyrights https://www.sle.kit.edu/downloads/AmtlicheBekanntmachungen/2014_AB_056.pdf restricted registration https://motion-database.humanoids.kit.edu/faq/#access_methods other https://motion-database.humanoids.kit.edu/faq/#cite unknown unknown The KIT Whole-Body Human Motion Database is used within the European projects KoroiBot (grant agreement no. 611909), WALK-MAN (grant agreement no. 611832), Xperience (grant agreement no. 270273) funded by the European Union Seventh Framework Programme, SecondHands (grant agreement no. 643950), TimeStorm (grant agreement no. 641100), I-SUPPORT (grant agreement no. 643666) funded by the European Union H2020 Programme, PACO-PLUS (grant agreement no. 027657) funded by the European Union Sixth Framework Programme, and the Collaborative Research Project on Humanoid Robots (SFB 588) funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG). 2016-10-17 2021-10-08