r3d100012074 BindingDB BDB The Binding Database http://bindingdb.org/bind/index.jsp FAIRsharing_doi:10.25504/FAIRsharing.3b36hk RRID:SCR_000390 RRID:nif-0000-02603 BindingDB is a public, web-accessible knowledgebase of measured binding affinities, focusing chiefly on the interactions of proteins considered to be candidate drug-targets with ligands that are small, drug-like molecules. BindingDB supports medicinal chemistry and drug discovery via literature awareness and development of structure-activity relations (SAR and QSAR); validation of computational chemistry and molecular modeling approaches such as docking, scoring and free energy methods; chemical biology and chemical genomics; and basic studies of the physical chemistry of molecular recognition. BindingDB also includes a small collection of host-guest binding data of interest to chemists studying supramolecular systems. The data collection derives from a variety of measurement techniques, including enzyme inhibition and kinetics, isothermal titration calorimetry, NMR, and radioligand and competition assays. BindingDB includes data extracted from the literature and from US Patents by the BindingDB project, selected PubChem confirmatory BioAssays, and ChEMBL entries for which a well defined protein target ("TARGET_TYPE='PROTEIN'") is provided. http://bindingdb.org/bind/sendmail.jsp mgilson@health.ucsd.edu disciplinary 2.100.000 binding data, 920.000 compounds, 8.200 proteins 2015 eng 2 Life Sciences 201 Basic Biological and Medical Research 20105 General Genetics 205 Medicine 20508 Pharmacy 21 Biology 22 Medicine 3 Natural Sciences 301 Molecular Chemistry 303 Physical and Theoretical Chemistry 30301 Physical Chemistry of Molecules, Interfaces and Liquids - Spectroscopy, Kinetics 31 Chemistry Archived data Images Plain text Scientific and statistical data formats Standard office documents Structured graphics dataProvider binding affinity chemical genomics drug drug discovery drug target interaction medicinal chemistry protein protein interaction small molecule small molecule-protein interaction National Institute of Standards and Technology NIST USA funding non-profit https://www.nist.gov/ ROR:05xpvk416 National Institutes of Health NIH USA funding non-profit https://www.nih.gov/ ROR:01cwqze88 National Science Foundation NSF USA funding non-profit https://nsf.gov/ ROR:021nxhr62 University of California at San Diego, Skaggs School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences USA general non-profit https://pharmacy.ucsd.edu/ https://gilson.cloud.ucsd.edu/ mgilson@ucsd.edu How to use BindingDB http://bindingdb.org/bind/FAQ2.jsp Introduction to BindingDB http://bindingdb.org/bind/BindingDB-Intro2a.pdf Reactome Users guide https://reactome.org/userguide/Usersguide.html open embargoed open CC http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/ CC https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/us/ open Data Deposition https://www.bindingdb.org/bind/contributedata.jsp other yes https://www.bindingdb.org/bind/BindingDBRESTfulAPI.jsp DOI yes yes is covered by Elsevier. 2016-07-25 2021-09-02