r3d100011937 PPBio Data Repository Programa de Pesquisa em Biodiversidade Repositorio de Dados Repositório de Dados de Levantamentos Biológicos https://ppbio.inpa.gov.br/en/repository The Biodiversity Research Program (PPBio) was created in 2004 with the aims of furthering biodiversity studies in Brazil, decentralizing scientific production from already-developed academic centers, integrating research activities and disseminating results across a variety of purposes, including environmental management and education. PPBio contributes its data to the DataONE network as a member node: https://search.dataone.org/#profile/PPBIO gestaoppbio.ne@gmail.com https://ppbio.inpa.gov.br/en/Contacts_1 disciplinary eng por 2 Life Sciences 202 Plant Sciences 20202 Plant Ecology and Ecosystem Analysis 203 Zoology 20303 Animal Ecology, Biodiversity and Ecosystem Research 21 Biology https://ppbio.inpa.gov.br Audiovisual data Images Plain text Raw data Scientific and statistical data formats Standard office documents Structured text dataProvider Brazil Western Amazon animals biodiversity fungi plants DataONE Data Observation Network for Earth USA general non-profit https://www.dataone.org ROR:00hr5y405 2016 https://www.dataone.org/contact/ support@dataone.org INCT Centro de Estudos Integrados da Biodiversidade Amazonica Centre for Amazonian Biodiversity Studies INCT CENBAM PPBio Programa de Pesquisa em Biodiversidade Amazonia Ocidental Western Amazonian Biodiversity Research Program BRA general non-profit https://ppbio.inpa.gov.br/en/home Long Term Ecological Research Network LTER AAA general non-profit https://lternet.edu/ ROR:039kwqk96 https://lternet.edu/contact-us/ jbrunt@lternet.edu Politica de dados https://ppbio.inpa.gov.br/politicadados Survey guides and protocols https://ppbio.inpa.gov.br/en/Survey_guides_and_protocols Terms of reference and rules of conduct for the use of PPBio/CENBAM research sites https://ppbio.inpa.gov.br/sites/default/files/TERMO%20DE%20COMPROMISSO%20e%20Normas%20de%20conduta.pdf open open restricted other CC https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/ restricted institutional membership other yes DOI URN https://ppbio.inpa.gov.br/repositorio/como_citar unknown unknown EML - Ecological Metadata Language http://www.dcc.ac.uk/resources/metadata-standards/eml-ecological-metadata-language 2016-02-17 2022-05-16