r3d100011490 International Network of Nuclear Reaction Data Centres NRDC https://www-nds.iaea.org/nrdc/ The International Network of Nuclear Reaction Data Centres (NRDC) constitutes a worldwide cooperation of nuclear data centres under the auspices of the International Atomic Energy Agency. The Network was established to coordinate the world-wide collection, compilation and dissemination of nuclear reaction data. nds.contact-point@iaea.org disciplinary institutional eng 3 Natural Sciences 309 Particles, Nuclei and Fields 30901 Particles, Nuclei and Fields 32 Physics https://www-nds.iaea.org/nrdc/ Databases Plain text Raw data Scientific and statistical data formats Software applications Standard office documents other serviceProvider nuclear data nuclear physics nuclear science nuclear technology International Atomic Energy Agency IAEA AUT funding general technical non-profit https://www.iaea.org/ ROR:02zt1gg83 nds.contact-point@iaea.org open open restricted registration Copyrights https://www.iaea.org/about/terms-of-use other https://www.iaea.org/about/disclaimer closed unknown none https://www-nds.iaea.org/nrdc/about/citation-exfor.html yes yes file transfer: username: NDSOPEN; EXFOR file transfer: username: NDSX4; Mirrors: India http://www-nds.org.in/, China, Russia http://www-nds.atomstandard.ru/ 2015-04-15 2021-09-03