r3d100011434 Atomic Data for Astrophysics https://www.pa.uky.edu/~verner/atom.html The Atomic Data for Astrophysics server provides links to basic atomic data required for calculation of the ionization state of astrophysical plasmas and for quantitative spectroscopy. verner@oblako.pa.uky.edu disciplinary eng 3 Natural Sciences 308 Optics, Quantum Optics and Physics of Atoms, Molecules and Plasmas 309 Particles, Nuclei and Fields 311 Astrophysics and Astronomy 32 Physics https://www.pa.uky.edu/~verner/info.html Scientific and statistical data formats Structured text dataProvider Auger process astrophysical plasmas atomic physics autoionization collisional ionization energy level opacities photoionization plasma physics quantitative spectroscopy wavelength National Aeronautics and Space Administration NASA USA funding non-profit https://www.nasa.gov/ ROR:027ka1x80 https://www.nasa.gov/about/contact/index.html National Science Foundation NSF USA funding non-profit https://www.nsf.gov/ ROR:021nxhr62 RRID:SCR_012938 RRID:nlx_inv_1005118 https://www.nsf.gov/help/contact.jsp University of Kentucky, Department of Physics & Astronomy UK, Department of Physics & Astronomy USA general technical non-profit https://pa.as.uky.edu/ https://pa.as.uky.edu/contact-physics-and-astronomy Intellectual Property Disposition and Administrative Regulation https://www.uky.edu/regs/sites/www.uky.edu.regs/files/files/ar/ar7-6.pdf Policy Governing Access To and Use of University Information Technology Resources https://www.uky.edu/regs/sites/www.uky.edu.regs/files/files/ar/ar10-1.pdf UK regulation and policy library https://www.uky.edu/regs/ open open Copyrights https://libraries.uky.edu/page.php?lweb_id=115&ltab_id=326 other https://www.uky.edu/sotu/2015-2020-strategic-plan#UK%20Mission closed unknown no none unknown unknown This work has been supported by the National Science Foundation through grant AST 93-19034 and by NASA through award NAGW-3315. Most of these data are utilized in the photoionization code Cloudy https://www.nublado.org/ and other radiative-collisional, photoionization, and coronal plasma codes. 2015-04-13 2022-04-08