r3d100011318 Washington State University Data Center Dataverse https://dataverse.harvard.edu/dataverse.xhtml?alias=wsu The gift of the Stowell Datasets, a digital archive of psychographic data, to the College of Liberal Arts (and continued gift of new datasets) provide a unique opportunity for WSU to facilitate access to a valuable research resource. The datasets include over 350 individual major media market surveys (CATI, Random Digit Dialing telephone surveys) collected over the period 1989-2001 and feature approximately n=1,000+ respondents for each market for each year. https://dataverse.harvard.edu/dataverse.xhtml?alias=wsu disciplinary institutional 88 datasets; 711 files 2008 eng 1 Humanities and Social Sciences 111 Social Sciences 11102 Empirical Social Research 12 Social and Behavioural Sciences https://dgss.wsu.edu/ Plain text Standard office documents dataProvider CATI Random Digit Dialing telephone surveys consumer survey demographics media market psychographics social sciences State of Washington, Washington State Office of Financial Management USA funding non-profit https://www.ofm.wa.gov/ https://www.ofm.wa.gov/about/contact-us The Dataverse Project AAA technical non-profit https://dataverse.org/ support@dataverse.org Washington State University, Division of Governmental Studies and Services DGSS USA general non-profit https://dgss.wsu.edu/ dgss@wsu.edu https://wsu.edu/about/contact/ Dataverse Community-norms https://dataverse.org/best-practices/dataverse-community-norms Dataverse Guides http://guides.dataverse.org/en/latest/ Harvard Dataverse General Terms of Use https://dataverse.org/best-practices/harvard-dataverse-general-terms-use Harvard Dataverse Policies https://dataverse.org/best-practices/dataverse-community-norms Intended Use Office of Financial Management Policy https://www.ofm.wa.gov/about/about-our-website/intended-use open Apache License 2.0 http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 open restricted institutional membership other other https://dataverse.org/best-practices/harvard-dataverse-general-terms-use restricted institutional membership Harvard Dataverse General Terms of Use, User uploads https://dataverse.org/best-practices/harvard-dataverse-general-terms-use DataVerse yes http://guides.dataverse.org/en/latest/api/native-api.html http://guides.dataverse.org/en/latest/api/sword.html hdl yes yes DDI - Data Documentation Initiative http://www.dcc.ac.uk/resources/metadata-standards/ddi-data-documentation-initiative Washington State University Data Center is covered by Thomson Reuters Data Citation Index. Washington State University Data Center Dataverse uses Data Documentation Initative (DDI) metadata standards 2014-12-12 2019-03-05