r3d100011181 Digital Case http://library.case.edu/digitalcase/ Digital Case is Case Western Reserve University's digital library, institutional repository and digital archive. Digital Case stores, disseminates, and preserves the intellectual output of Case faculty, departments and research centers in digital formats (both "born digital" items as well as materials of historical interest that have been digitized). Kelvin Smith Library manages Digital Case on behalf of the university. With Digital Case, KSL assumes an active role in the scholarly communication process, providing expertise in the form of a set of services (metadata creation, secure environment, preservation over time) for access and distribution of the university’s collective intellectual product. digitalcase@case.edu institutional 37.359 items in 199 collections eng 1 Humanities and Social Sciences 2 Life Sciences 3 Natural Sciences 4 Engineering Sciences Audiovisual data Images Plain text Raw data Standard office documents dataProvider multidisciplinary Case Western Reserve University, Kelvin Smith Library KSL USA general non-profit http://library.case.edu/ksl/ http://library.case.edu/ksl/contactus/comments/ Copyright http://library.case.edu/digitalcase/policy.aspx#copyright open open Copyrights http://library.case.edu/digitalcase/policy.aspx#copyright restricted other unknown hdl no yes 2014-10-20 2019-12-18