r3d100011029 Barrow Area Information Database BAID http://barrowmapped.org/ The Barrow area on the North Slope of Alaska is one of the most intensely sampled locations in the Arctic with research sites dating back to the 1940s. The Barrow Area Information Database (BAID) is a resource for learning about the types of data collection activities in the region. The BAID team collaborates with scientists and the local community to compile and share this information via online web mapping applications. http://barrowmapped.org/#section-contact disciplinary 12.000 research plots 2000-06 2010-01-31 eng 3 Natural Sciences 34 Geosciences (including Geography) https://data.eol.ucar.edu/dataset/106.ARCSS400 Images Structured graphics Structured text dataProvider serviceProvider Barrow (Alaska) North Slope (Alaska) geospatial data satellity imagery Barrow Arctic Science Consortium BASC USA general technical non-profit https://arcticscience.wordpress.com/ ROR:0447b5h55 basc@nuvuk.net National Science Foundation NSF USA funding non-profit https://www.nsf.gov/ ROR:021nxhr62 RRID:SCR_012938 RRID:nlx_inv_1005118 2005 2009 The University of Texas at El Paso, Department of Biological Sciences UTEP, Department of Biology USA general technical non-profit https://www.utep.edu/science/biology/ aaguirre3@miners.utep.edu ctweedie@utep.edu nunatech@usa.net rpcody@utep.edu UNAVCO University NAVSTAR Consortium USA general technical non-profit https://www.unavco.org/projects/project-support/polar/polar.html ROR:02n9tn974 https://www.unavco.org/contact/contact.html Terms of use https://www.ucar.edu/terms-of-use open open restricted other Copyrights https://www.ucar.edu/notification-copyright-infringement-digital-millenium-copyright-act other https://www.ucar.edu/terms-of-use restricted other other yes https://data.eol.ucar.edu/dataset/106.ARCSS400 none no unknown FGDC/CSDGM - Federal Geographic Data Committee Content Standard for Digital Geospatial Metadata http://www.dcc.ac.uk/resources/metadata-standards/fgdccsdgm-federal-geographic-data-committee-content-standard-digital-ge Data sets unique to BAID are available via Barrow Area Information Database (BAID) Geospatial Data Sets at the Earth Observing Lab at: https://data.eol.ucar.edu/dataset/106.ARCSS400. Metadata that meets the standards of the Federal Geographic Data Committee (FGDC) is available (or under development) for many data layers in BAID-IMS. Data that is considered unrestricted can be downloaded at the Arctic System Science (ARCSS) Data Coordination Center (ADCC) at the National Snow and Ice Data Center (NSIDC) located at University of Colorado in Boulder, USA. In 2003, BASC's Digital Subcommittee saw an opportunity to visual the BAID database with Internet Map Server (IMS) technology and commonly requested base maps. The BAID-IMS prototype was soon released. Allison Graves Gaylord. 2016. Barrow Area Information Database (BAID) Geospatial Data Sets, Barrow, AK, USA. Arctic Data Center: https://arcticdata.io/catalog/#view/doi:10.5065/D6VT1Q75 Archived pages see: http://archive.is/search/?q=*www.baidims.org The development of these applications has been discontinued: BAID IMS, BAID in Google Earth BAID Research Sites (formats available include OGC WMS, WFS and Geoservices RES): http://arcticgeoservices.org/arcgis/rest/services/public/BAID_Research_Sites/MapServer 2014-07-09 2022-03-17