r3d100010609 World Data Center for Geoinformatics and Sustainable Development WDC - Geoinformatics and Sustainable Development WDC-Ukraine http://wdc.org.ua/ Among the basic tasks of WDC-Ukraine there is collection, handling and storage of science data and giving access to it for usage both in science research and study process. That include contemporary tutoring technologies and resources of e-libraries and archives; remote access to own information resources for the wide circle of scientists from the universities and science institutions of Ukraine mail@wdc.org.ua disciplinary 2008 eng ukr 3 Natural Sciences 311 Astrophysics and Astronomy 313 Atmospheric Science and Oceanography 31302 Oceanography 315 Geophysics and Geodesy 31501 Geophysics 32 Physics 34 Geosciences (including Geography) http://wdc.org.ua/en/about-us Plain text Scientific and statistical data formats Standard office documents dataProvider seismology solar physics terrestrial physics Institute for Applied Systems Analysis IASA NTUU KPI ІПСА Інститут прикладного системного аналізу UKR general non-profit https://kpi.ua/en/node/7349 National Technical University of Ukraine, Kyiv Polytechnic Institute NTUU KPI Національний технічний університет України "Київський політехнічний інститут" UKR general technical non-profit http://inter.kpi.ua/ mail@wdc.org.ua Russian Foundation for Basic Research RFBR РФФИ Российский фонд фундаментальных исследований RUS funding non-profit http://www.rfbr.ru/rffi/eng http://www.rfbr.ru/rffi/eng/contacts State Fund for Fundamental Research of Ukraine SFFR Державного фонду фундаментальних досліджень UKR funding non-profit http://www.dffd.gov.ua/index.php?lang=en http://www.dffd.gov.ua/index.php?option=com_gmapfp&view=gmapfp&Itemid=1810&lang=en World Data Centers in Russia and Ukraine WDC Мировые центры данных России и Украины RUS general non-profit http://www.wdcb.ru/ sep@wdcb.ru Certification of WDS Members http://www.icsu-wds.org/services/certification ICSU World Data System Constitution http://www.icsu-wds.org/organization/constitution_and_bylaws open open restricted other other http://www.icsu-wds.org/services/data-sharing-principles closed unknown yes none unknown yes WDS In 2008 World Data Centers in Russia and Ukraine have united in the Russian-Ukrainian segment of the World Data System. WDCs provide a free access of scientific organizations and scientists to data of planetary geophysics and sustainable development. Details of the WDCs in Russia and Ukraine are given on their Web-sites. WDC in Ukraine is created in the structure of the Institute for Applied Systems Analysis and the National Technical University of Ukraine "Kiev Polytechnical Institute" in 2006. This WDC is situated in Kiev 2013-09-04 2018-12-14