r3d100010455 ICET International Center for Earth Tides formerly: World Data Center C For Earth Tides formerly: World Data Centre for Earth Tides http://www.upf.pf/ICET/ ISSN 2428-4556 >>>!!!<<<The IGETS data base at GFZ Potsdam http://www.re3data.org/repository/r3d100010300 continues the activities of the International Center for Earth Tides (ICET), in particular, in collecting, archiving and distributing Earth tide records from long series of gravimeters, tiltmeters, strainmeters and other geodynamic sensors. >>>!!!<<< The ICET Data Bank contains results from 360 tidal gravity stations: hourly values, main tidal waves obtained by least squares analyses, residual vectors, oceanic attraction and loading vectors. The Data Bank contains also data from tiltmeters and extensometers. ICET is responsible for the Information System and Data Center of the Global Geodynamic Project (GGP). The tasks ascribed to ICET are : to collect all available measurements of Earth tides (which is its task as World Data Centre C), to evaluate these data by convenient methods of analysis in order to reduce the very large amount of measurements to a limited number of parameters which should contain all the desired and needed geophysical information, to compare the data from different instruments and different stations distributed all over the world, evaluate their precision and accuracy from the point of view of internal errors as well as external errors, to help to solve the basic problem of calibrations and to organize reference stations or build reference calibration devices, to fill gaps in information or data as far as feasible, to build a data bank allowing immediate and easy comparison of Earth tide parameters with different Earth models and other geodetical and geophysical parameters like geographical position, Bouguer anomaly, crustal thickness and age, heat flow, ... to ensure a broad diffusion of the results and information to all interested laboratories and individual scientists. barriot@upf.pf bernard.ducarme@oma.be disciplinary 2008 2017 eng 3 Natural Sciences 313 Atmospheric Science and Oceanography 31302 Oceanography 315 Geophysics and Geodesy 31501 Geophysics 34 Geosciences (including Geography) http://www.upf.pf/ICET/history.html#Futur Archived data Plain text Scientific and statistical data formats Software applications Standard office documents dataProvider barometric stations calibration gravity ocean tides strain stations tilt stations wells Helmholtz Centre Potsdam - GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences GFZ Helmholtz-Zentrum Potsdam Deutsches GeoForschungsZentrum DEU general non-profit https://isdc.gfz-potsdam.de/igets-data-base/?L=0 ROR:04z8jg394 isdc-support@gfz-potsdam.de International Council for Science ICSU AAA funding non-profit http://www.icsu.org/ ROR:005vhrs19 2008 University of French Polynesia UPF Université de la Polynésie Francaise, Laboratoire des Sciences de la Terre PYF general technical non-profit https://www.upf.pf/fr ROR:03ay59x86 2008-01-01 barriot@upf.pf bernard.ducarme@oma.be Terms of Reference https://webdevel.upf.pf/ICET/terms/terms.html restricted registration restricted other registration other https://webdevel.upf.pf/ICET/terms/terms.html closed unknown none unknown yes ICSU World Data System superseded the World Data Centres (WDCs) and Federation of Astronomical and Geophysical data analysis Services (FAGS) created by ICSU to manage data generated by the International Geophysical Year[5][6][7] (1957–1958). Since January 1st, 2008 ICET is hosted at the University of French Polynesia with Chairman J. P. Barriot.(barriot@upf.pf). The IGETS data base at GFZ Potsdam continues the activities of the International Center for Earth Tides (ICET), in particular, in collecting, archiving and distributing Earth tide records from long series of gravimeters, tiltmeters, strainmeters and other geodynamic sensors. 2013-09-09 2021-03-31