r3d100010151 PAC - Archiving Platform CINES Archivage numérique pérenne CINES CINES PAC Centre Informatique National de l’Enseignement Supérieur Archivage Numérique Pérenne PAC - Long-term Preservation Platform CINES PAC - Plateforme d'Archivage au CINES https://www.cines.fr/en/long-term-preservation/ ISSN 2425-8792 CINES is the French national long-term preservation service provider for Higher Education and Research: more than 20 institutions (universities, librairies, labs) archive their digital heritage at CINES so that it's preserved over time in a secure, dedicated environment. This includes documents such as PhD theses or publications, digitized ancient/rare books, satellite imagery, 3D/vidéos/image galleries, datasets, etc. svp@cines.fr institutional other 60 terabytes; 1 million AIPs; 20 millions objects archived 2007 eng fra 1 Humanities and Social Sciences 2 Life Sciences 3 Natural Sciences 4 Engineering Sciences https://www.cines.fr/en/overview/missions/ Archived data Audiovisual data Images Plain text Standard office documents Structured text other dataProvider serviceProvider multidisciplinary Centre Informatique National de l'enseignement Supérieur CINES National Computing Center for Higher Education FRA general technical non-profit https://www.cines.fr/en/ ROR:00gnrwz95 pac_admin@cines.fr Ministère de l'enseigenment Supérieur et de la Recherche, Direction générale de l'enseignement supérieur et de l'insertion professionnelle DGESIP FRA funding non-profit https://www.enseignementsup-recherche.gouv.fr/cid24149/dgesip.html Ministère de l'enseigenment Supérieur et de la Recherche, Direction générale de la Recherche et de l'innovation DGRI FRA funding non-profit https://www.enseignementsup-recherche.gouv.fr/cid24148/direction-generale-pour-la-recherche-et-l-innovation-d.g.r.i.html Charte de bon usage des ressources informatiques du cines https://www.cines.fr/wp-content/uploads/2013/12/CHARTE0911201.pdf Implementation of the Data Seal of Approval https://assessment.datasealofapproval.org/assessment_34/seal/pdf/ RENATER http://www.renater.fr/sites/default/files/2019-02/Charte%20deontologique%20RENATER-EN.pdf restricted other closed restricted other registration other https://www.cines.fr/wp-content/uploads/2014/06/CHARTE0911201.pdf restricted registration Long term preservation concept https://www.cines.fr/en/long-term-preservation/a-concept-problems-2/long-term-preservation-concept/ unknown yes https://facile.cines.fr/ https://www.cines.fr/calcul/documentation-generale/connexion-au-cines/ ARK unknown yes DSA Dublin Core http://www.dcc.ac.uk/resources/metadata-standards/dublin-core https://www.cines.fr/feed/ From this observation, and basing oneself on its expertise in the long-term archiving (Project PAC), CINES initiated the project ISAAC (Scientific Information Archived At CINES). This project aims to provide to the higher education and research community, an electronic archiving service specific to scientific data. The retention period is 3 to 5 years (medium-term conservation). Isaac is an overall project. It in fact includes all steps of the implementation of a classic IT project (from the definition of functional and technical specifications to their implementation on a production platform), but it also aims to implement an administrative structured organization, involving different actors (researchers, experts in scientific fields, representatives of CINES). 2013-09-06 2020-08-27