r3d100010103 IPB MassBank High resolution mass spectral database IPB MS Database JST-BIRD MassBank http://msbi.ipb-halle.de/MassBank/ MassBank is the first public repository of mass spectral data for sharing them among scientific research community. MassBank data are useful for the chemical identification and structure elucidation of chemical comounds detected by mass spectrometry.MassBank system is originally designed for public sharing of reference mass spectra for metabolite identification. It is also useful for their in-house or local sharing. Recently it finds another application; sharing mass spectra of unknown metabolites for metabolite profiling. The IPB is operating the first european MassBank site, that is part of the consortial MassBank Project. You can access both the set of IPB Tandem-MS and Ion Trap spectra, as well as the other massbank sites. admin@massbank.jp massbank@iab.keio.ac.jp disciplinary 2006 deu jpn 3 Natural Sciences 304 Analytical Chemistry, Method Development (Chemistry) 31 Chemistry https://www.ipb-halle.de/forschung/netzwerke-und-verbundprojekte/netzwerke/ Raw data Scientific and statistical data formats Structured graphics Structured text dataProvider serviceProvider chemical compounds mass spectra mass spectrometry metabolomics Institute for Bioinformatics Research and Development BIRD JPN funding non-profit http://www.jst.go.jp/nbdc/bird/index_e.html 2006 2010 Leibniz-Institut für Pflanzenbiochemie IPB Leibniz Institute for Plant Biochemistry DEU funding general technical non-profit http://www.ipb-halle.de/ 2006 http://www.ipb-halle.de/kontakt/ Mass Spectorometry Society of Japan MSSJ JPN funding non-profit http://www.mssj.jp/en/ http://www.mssj.jp/en/ National Institute of Biomedical Innovation NIBO JPN funding non-profit https://www.nibiohn.go.jp/english/index.html 2011 2013 https://www.nibiohn.go.jp/english/contact/index.php open CC http://creativecommons.org/licenses/ open CC http://creativecommons.org/licenses/ Copyrights http://www.ipb-halle.de/kontakt/impressum-datenschutz/ restricted registration unknown yes https://msbi.ipb-halle.de/MassBank/api/services/MassBankAPI?wsdl none unknown yes As of January 2010, 16 research groups, 12 in Japan, 3 in the United States and 1 in Germany, are contributing data to MassBank (Table 2). Mass spectral data, chemical compounds and analytical methods are summarized for each research group on the website (http://www.massbank.jp/en/published.html). These data are distributed on eight MassBank data servers, one of which is located in the Leibniz Institute of Plant Biochemistry (Halle, Germany). Eight small research groups currently without their own data servers contribute their data to the MassBank data servers in Japan or Germany. http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/jms.1777/abstract;jsessionid=8279FC05CA737F0FC8F8D1B9C9B0D6FE.f04t01?systemMessage=WOL+Usage+report+download+page+will+be+unavailable+on+Friday+27th+January+2017+at+23%3A00+GMT%2F+18%3A00+EST%2F+07%3A00+SGT+%28Saturday+28th+Jan+for+SGT%29++for+up+to+2+hours+due+to+essential+server+maintenance.+Apologies+for+the+inconvenience. 2012-10-05 2018-12-11