r3d100000023 The Cell Image Library CIL The Cell http://www.cellimagelibrary.org/home FAIRsharing_doi:10.25504/FAIRsharing.8t18te OMICS_05631 RRID:SCR_003510 RRID:nif-0000-37639 This library is a public and easily accessible resource database of images, videos, and animations of cells, capturing a wide diversity of organisms, cell types, and cellular processes. The Cell Image Library has been merged with "Cell Centered Database" in 2017. The purpose of the database is to advance research on cellular activity, with the ultimate goal of improving human health. dorloff@ncmir.ucsd.edu disciplinary over 10,000 unique datasets and 20 TB of data 2010 eng 2 Life Sciences 201 Basic Biological and Medical Research 20103 Cell Biology 202 Plant Sciences 20206 Plant Cell and Developmental Biology 203 Zoology 20306 Animal Genetics, Cell and Developmental Biology 205 Medicine 206 Neurosciences 21 Biology 22 Medicine http://www.cellimagelibrary.org/pages/about Audiovisual data Images Raw data other dataProvider Cell Biology DNA RNA biochemistry chromosome endosome metabolism microscopy data plasma vacuole virus American Society for Cell Biology ASCB USA general non-profit http://ascb.org/ http://ascb.org/contact/ National Center for Microscopy and Imaging Research NCMIR USA funding technical non-profit https://ncmir.ucsd.edu/ dorloff@ncmir.ucsd.edu https://ncmir.ucsd.edu/about/contact-2 National Institute of General Medical Sciences NIGMS USA funding non-profit https://www.nigms.nih.gov/ https://www.nigms.nih.gov/Pages/ContactUs.aspx U.S. National Institutes of Health NIH USA funding non-profit https://www.nih.gov/ https://www.nih.gov/about-nih/contact-us University of California at Berkeley, Department of Molecular and Cell Biology MCB Molecular and Cell Biology USA general non-profit https://mcb.berkeley.edu/ https://mcb.berkeley.edu/about-the-department/contact University of Utah, Department of Biochemistry Department of Biochemistry USA general technical non-profit https://medicine.utah.edu/biochemistry/ https://biochem.web.utah.edu/iwasa/contact.html Licensing Policy http://www.cellimagelibrary.org/pages/license open open CC https://creativecommons.org/licenses/ Copyrights http://www.cellimagelibrary.org/pages/license Public Domain http://www.cellimagelibrary.org/pages/license other http://www.cellimagelibrary.org/pages/license restricted other Submission Policy http://www.cellimagelibrary.org/pages/contribute unknown no http://www.cellimagelibrary.org/pages/help#citing_the_library yes yes other http://www.dcc.ac.uk/resources/metadata-standards/abcd-access-biological-collection-data is covered by Elsevier. The Cell is covered by Thomson Reuters Data Citation Index. We are accumulating images of all cell types from all organisms, including intracellular structures and movies or animations demonstrating functions. This ambitious project obviously is multiyear and relies upon the cell biology community to populate the library. The Cell: An Image Library™ aims to be as useful to the researcher and the public as are the sequence databases for nucleic acids and proteins. Toward that end, the images and videos will be annotated by professionals with broad disciplinary expertise. Raw data as well as data with limited processing will be the most valuable. Please join us in this effort by allowing us to include your image collections and videos in this open access library, and by sharing your raw data. Our team of professional annotators will work with your valuable data to assure its accuracy before presenting it to the scientific and lay communities. Their annotations will provide useful information about the images to allow researchers to explore data generated by biologists. 2012-08-26 2021-09-02