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o_lan = 0 o_acr = 0 o_count = 0 for name in dic['name']: if 'name' in name and name['name'] != '': o_count +=1 if 'language' in name and name['language'] != '': o_lan += 1 if 'acronym' in name: o_acr += 1 if o_count > 1: coverage['organizationName'] += 1 if o_acr > 1: coverage['organizationAcronym'] += 1 if o_lan > 1 : coverage['organizationNameLanguage'] += 1 if 'country' in dic and dic['country'] != '': coverage['organizationCountry'] += 1 if 'url' in dic and dic['url'] != '': coverage['organizationUrl'] += 1 if 'identifiers' in dic and dic['identifiers'] != []: id_num = 0 for id in dic['identifiers']: if id['identifier'] != '': id_num +=1 if id_num > 1: coverage['organizationId'] += 1 print(coverage) print(count)