r3d100014047 Region of Peel Data Portal https://data.peelregion.ca/ The Region of Peel Data Portal provides a central place to access data about Peel Region. We have information on topics such as demographics, population, housing, economic activity, and the operations of the Region. peeldatacentre@peelregion.ca other 142 results eng 1 Humanities and Social Sciences 2 Life Sciences 3 Natural Sciences https://data.peelregion.ca/pages/open-data-help/ Scientific and statistical data formats Standard office documents Structured graphics dataProvider boundaries demographics economy historic and forecast transportation Region of Peel CAN general non-profit https://www.peelregion.ca/ Terms of Use https://peelregion.ca/privacy/terms-of-use.asp open open Copyrights https://data.peelregion.ca/pages/license closed other https://developers.arcgis.com/rest/services-reference/enterprise/query-feature-service-layer-.htm unknown unknown 2022-11-16 2022-11-23