r3d100014024 Digitale Sammlungen der GWLB Hannover Digital Collections GWLB Hanover Digitale Sammlungen der Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Bibliothek https://digitale-sammlungen.gwlb.de/start In the digital collections, you can take a look at the digitized prints from the holdings of the GWLB Hannover free of cost. In special collections, the GWLB unites rare, valuable and unique parts of holdings that are installed as an ensemble. Deposita, unpublished works, donations, acquisition of rare books etc. were and are an important source for the constant growth of the library. These treasures and specialties - beyond their academic value - also contribute substantially to the profile of the GWLB. digitalisierung@gwlb.de institutional 2011 deu 1 Humanities and Social Sciences 102 History 108 Philosophy 10801 History of Philosophy 11 Humanities https://www.gwlb.de/die-bibliothek/ueber-die-gwlb/digitalisierung Images Structured text dataProvider manuscripts old prints royal collection Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Bibliothek – Niedersächsische Landesbibliothek GWLB DEU general non-profit https://www.gwlb.de/home ROR:03bbqn881 information@gwlb.de Open Access Policy http://gwlb-portal.gbv.de/fileadmin/PDFs_Benutzung/Open_Access_Policy_GWLB_Hannover.pdf Open Digitisation Policy https://www.gwlb.de/recherche-sammlungen/digitale-sammlungen open CC0 https://www.gwlb.de/recherche-sammlungen/digitale-sammlungen open CC http://creativecommons.org/ CC0 https://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/deed.de Copyrights https://www.gwlb.de/fileadmin/recherche_Sammlungen/Open_Digitisation_Policy_GWLB_Hannover.pdf Public Domain https://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/mark/1.0/deed.de closed other no http://digitale-sammlungen.gwlb.de/oai2/ https://iiif.io/ PURL unknown unknown Dublin Core http://www.dcc.ac.uk/resources/metadata-standards/dublin-core 2022-11-09 2022-11-12