r3d100012724 BacMap BacMap Genome Atlas http://bacmap.wishartlab.com/ FAIRsharing_doi:10.25504/FAIRsharing.z6rbe3 MIR:00100539 OMICS_20942 RRID:SCR_006988 RRID:nif-0000-02591 BacMap is a picture atlas of annotated bacterial genomes. It is an interactive visual database containing hundreds of fully labeled, zoomable, and searchable maps of bacterial genomes. http://bacmap.wishartlab.com/contact_us disciplinary maps for 2.989 bacterial chromosomes across 1.790 bacterial organisms 2005 eng 2 Life Sciences 201 Basic Biological and Medical Research 20103 Cell Biology 20105 General Genetics 21 Biology http://bacmap.wishartlab.com/about Scientific and statistical data formats Structured graphics Structured text other dataProvider bacteria chromosome gene annotation gene sequence genomes prokaryotic species University of Alberta CAN funding general non-profit https://www.ualberta.ca/ RRID:SCR_001853 RRID:nlx_10148 University of Alberta, Wishart Research Group CAN general technical non-profit http://www.wishartlab.com/ open open CC https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/3.0/ closed none http://bacmap.wishartlab.com/ unknown unknown 2018-07-04 2019-02-13