r3d100011933 Kinsources.net https://www.kinsources.net/ ISSN 2495-9480 Kinsources is an open and interactive platform to archive, share, analyze and compare kinship data used in scientific research. Kinsources is not just another genealogy website, but a peer-reviewed repository designed for comparative and collaborative research. The aim of Kinsources is to provide kinship studies with a large and solid empirical base. Kinsources combines the functionality of communal data repository with a toolbox providing researchers with advanced software for analyzing kinship data. The software Puck (Program for the Use and Computation of Kinship data) is integrated in the statistical package and the search engine of the Kinsources website. Kinsources is part of a research perspective that seeks to understand the interaction between genealogy, terminology and space in the emergence of kinship structures. Hosted by the TGIR HumaNum, the platform ensures both security and free access to the scientific data is validated by the research community. contact@kinsources.net https://www.kinsources.net/editorial/contact_us.xhtml disciplinary eng 1 Humanities and Social Sciences 102 History 106 Non-European Languages and Cultures, Social and Cultural Anthropology, Jewish Studies and Religious Studies 10601 Social and Cultural Anthropology and Ethnology/Folklore 11 Humanities 12 Social and Behavioural Sciences https://www.kinsources.net/editorial/about_Kinsources.xhtml Audiovisual data Raw data Scientific and statistical data formats Software applications Standard office documents dataProvider anthropology census ethnic genealogy history social network survey CNRS Centre national de la recherche scientifique FRA general non-profit https://www.cnrs.fr/en ROR:02feahw73 Centre Roland Mousnier CRM FRA general non-profit https://centrerolandmousnier.cnrs.fr/ https://centrerolandmousnier.cnrs.fr/contacts/ Collège de France FRA general non-profit https://www.college-de-france.fr/site/college/index.htm ROR:04ex24z53 https://www.college-de-france.fr/site/pratique/index.htm Huma-Num La TGIR des humanités numériques FRA technical non-profit https://www.huma-num.fr/ https://www.huma-num.fr/informations-pratiques L'Agence Nationale de la Recherche ANR The French National Research Agency FRA funding non-profit https://anr.fr/ ROR:00rbzpz17 https://anr.fr/fr/contact/nous-contacter/ L'École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales EHESS FRA non-profit https://www.ehess.fr/fr ROR:02d9dg697 Laboratoire de démographie et d'histoire sociale LaDéHiS FRA general non-profit http://ladehis.ehess.fr/ http://ladehis.ehess.fr/index.php?297 Laboratoitre d'Anthropologie Sociale LAS FRA general non-profit http://las.ehess.fr/ ROR:05pm8ec76 http://las.ehess.fr/index.php?950 Maison Archéologie & Ethnologie, Renè-Ginouvès, Laboratoire d’Ethnologie et de Sociologie Comparative LESC FRA general non-profit https://lesc-cnrs.fr/fr Université Paris Ouest Nanterre La Défense FRA general non-profit https://www.parisnanterre.fr/ ROR:013bkhk48 https://www.parisnanterre.fr/contacts Université de Paris-Sorbonne Lettres et civilisations Paris - Sorbonne University FRA general non-profit http://www-com.paris-sorbonne.fr/02_home_universite.html Terms of use https://www.kinsources.net/editorial/terms_of_use.xhtml open open CC https://creativecommons.org/ restricted other registration How to submit a dataset to Kinsources https://www.kinsources.net/editorial/how_to_submit_a_dataset.xhtml unknown https://www.kinsources.net/editorial/terms_of_use.xhtml none https://www.kinsources.net/editorial/terms_of_use.xhtml none yes yes https://www.kinsources.net/actulog/kinsources_news.xhtml https://www.kinsources.net/actalog/kinsources_website.xhtml 2016-02-11 2022-05-13