r3d100011527 GlycomeDB A carbohydrate structure metadatabase http://www.glycome-db.org/ RRID:SCR_005717 RRID:nlx_149174 <<<<<!!! With the implementation of GlyTouCan (https://glytoucan.org/) the mission of GlycomeDB comes to an end. !!!>>>>> With the new database, GlycomeDB, it is possible to get an overview of all carbohydrate structures in the different databases and to crosslink common structures in the different databases. Scientists are now able to search for a particular structure in the meta database and get information about the occurrence of this structure in the five carbohydrate structure databases. disciplinary 2006 2016 eng 2 Life Sciences 201 Basic Biological and Medical Research 20101 Biochemistry 21 Biology 3 Natural Sciences Archived data Databases Images Plain text Scientific and statistical data formats Software applications Source code Standard office documents Structured text dataProvider carbohydrate glycobiology Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft DFG DEU funding non-profit http://www.dfg.de/en/index.jsp ROR:018mejw64 RRID:SCR_012420 RRID:nlx_144062 German Cancer Research Center Heidelberg DKFZ Deutsches Krebsforschungszentrum DEU general non-profit http://www.dkfz.de/en/index.html ROR:04cdgtt98 http://www.dkfz.de/en/kontakt.php open open Copyrights http://www.glycome-db.org/index.html closed unknown no none none no unknown For use of data from any of the integrated databases you have to respect the licenses of the corresponding database initiative. (BCSDB, CFG, GlyAffinity, GlycoBase(Dublin), GlycoBase(Lille), KEGG) 2015-03-03 2021-07-02