r3d100010821 TeachingWithData.org Pathway to Quantitative Literacy in the Social Sciences TwD http://www.teachingwithdata.org/ <<<!!!<<< url is no longer responsive, the entry will be revised >>>!!!>>> TeachingWithData.org is a portal where faculty can find resources and ideas to reduce the challenges of bringing real data into post-secondary classes. It allows faculty to introduce and build students' quantitative reasoning abilities with readily available, user-friendly, data-driven teaching materials. http://www.teachingwithdata.org/feedback other eng 1 Humanities and Social Sciences 102 History 11 Humanities 110 Psychology 111 Social Sciences 11102 Empirical Social Research 11104 Political Science 112 Economics 12 Social and Behavioural Sciences http://www.teachingwithdata.org/collection-development-policy#mission Scientific and statistical data formats Standard office documents Structured graphics serviceProvider charts educational material exercises literacy pedagogy publications statistic maps synamic maps tables Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research ICPSR USA funding general non-profit https://www.icpsr.umich.edu/icpsrweb/ National Science Foundation NSF USA funding non-profit https://www.nsf.gov/ Social Science Data Analysis Network SSDAN.net USA funding non-profit http://www.ssdan.net/ University Corporation for Atmospheric Research, National Science Digital Library NSDL USA funding non-profit https://nsdl.oercommons.org/ University of Michigan USA general non-profit https://www.umich.edu/ info@umich.edu Collection Development Policy http://www.teachingwithdata.org/collection-development-policy open open other http://www.teachingwithdata.org/collection-development-policy#scope restricted other unknown no none unknown yes http://teachingwithdata.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default/-/news?alt=rss TeachingWithData.org is a partnership between the Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research (ICPSR) and the Social Science Data Analysis Network (SSDAN), both at the University of Michigan. 2014-07-25 2021-11-16