r3d100010625 ECCAD - the GEIA database Emissions of atmospheric Compounds & Compilation of Ancillary Data Global Emission Inventories Activity http://eccad.aeris-data.fr/ The main goal of the ECCAD project is to provide scientific and policy users with datasets of surface emissions of atmospheric compounds, and ancillary data, i.e. data required to estimate or quantify surface emissions. The supply of ancillary data - such as maps of population density, maps of fires spots, burnt areas, land cover - could help improve and encourage the development of new emissions datasets. ECCAD offers: Access to global and regional emission inventories and ancillary data, in a standardized format Quick visualization of emission and ancillary data Rationalization of the use of input data in algorithms or emission models Analysis and comparison of emissions datasets and ancillary data Tools for the evaluation of emissions and ancillary data ECCAD is a dynamical and interactive database, providing the most up to date datasets including data used within ongoing projects. Users are welcome to add their own datasets, or have their regional masks included in order to use ECCAD tools. https://eccad.aeris-data.fr/contact-us-ask-questions/ laurence.fleury@obs-mip.fr disciplinary 2011 eng fra 3 Natural Sciences 304 Analytical Chemistry, Method Development (Chemistry) 31 Chemistry 313 Atmospheric Science and Oceanography 31301 Atmospheric Science 34 Geosciences (including Geography) http://eccad.aeris-data.fr/# Plain text Scientific and statistical data formats Software applications Standard office documents Structured graphics Structured text other dataProvider serviceProvider CO map NOx ancillary data biofuel emissions biogenic emissions combustion rates global change greenhouse gases ozone pyrogenic emissions radiative emissions surface emissions Agence de l'Environnement et de la Maîtrise de l'Energie ADEME French Environment and Energy Management Agency FRA funding non-profit https://www.ademe.fr/ Centre National d'Études Spatiales CNES FRA funding non-profit https://cnes.fr/en ESPRI Data Centre Ensemble de Services Pour la Recherche à l'IPSL data centre Ensemble de Services Pour la Recherche à l'Institut Pierre Simon Laplace data centre Ether (formerly) FRA technical non-profit https://cds-espri.ipsl.upmc.fr/etherTypo/index.php?id=1450&L=1 http://cds-espri.ipsl.fr/etherTypo/index.php?id=1742&L=1 European Commission, Research & Innovation, Seventh Framework Programm - FP7 FP7 EEC funding non-profit http://ec.europa.eu/research/fp7/index_en.cfm http://ec.europa.eu/research/index.cfm?pg=contacts&origin=tools-contact Global Emissions InitiAtive GEIA Improving our understanding of air quality and climate AAA general non-profit http://www.geiacenter.org/ http://www.geiacenter.org/contact Institut National des Sciences de l'Univers CNRS INSU FRA technical non-profit http://www.insu.cnrs.fr/ Integrated Land Ecosystem - Atmosphere Processes Study iLEAPS FIN funding non-profit https://www.ileaps.org/ International Geosphere-Biosphere Programme IGBP AAA funding non-profit International Global Atmospheric Chemistry Project IGAC AAA funding non-profit http://www.igacproject.org/ Monitoring atmospheric composition & climate macc EEC funding non-profit https://www.ecmwf.int/sites/default/files/Monitoring_Atmospheric_Composition_and_Climate_MACC-II.pdf National Aeronautics and Space Administration NASA USA sponsoring non-profit https://www.nasa.gov/ Observatoire Midi-Pyrénées - OMP, SErvice de DOnnées de L'OMP SEDOO FRA general technical non-profit http://www.obs-mip.fr/Services-communs-OMP/sedoo http://www.obs-mip.fr/presentation/acces laurence.fleury@obs-mip.fr ECCAD users's manual http://eccad.aeris-data.fr/Doc/User-Manual.pdf restricted registration restricted registration other http://eccad.sedoo.fr/eccad_extract_interface/JSF/page_project3.jsf other http://eccad.sedoo.fr/eccad_extract_interface/doc/pdf/Eccad_users_manual.pdf restricted registration unknown yes http://eccad.aeris-data.fr/# none http://eccad.aeris-data.fr/Doc/User-Manual.pdf unknown unknown CF (Climate and Forecast) Metadata Conventions http://www.dcc.ac.uk/resources/metadata-standards/cf-climate-and-forecast-metadata-conventions ECCAD is part of the Ether Pole, the French Center of Atmospheric Products and Service, developed under a partnership between CNES (Centre National d’Etudes Spatiales)and (Institut National des Sciences de l’Univers) to facilitate access and encourage exploitation of all data and expert knowledge in this field. The ECCAD database and web application developments have been undertaken by CNRS/INSU and financed thanks to CNES efforts since the beginning of the project, and to ADEME on a three year basis. The ECCAD project contributes to French projects (CNRS, CNES and ADEME), projects funded by the European Commission within the 7th framework programs (MACC-II, ACCENT-Plus, CITYZEN, PEGASOS, ACCESS, etc.), and to International programs such as IGAC/IGBP and iLEAPS/IGBP. ECCAD is also the emissions database of the Global Emissions InitiAtive (GEIA) 2014-02-25 2021-08-24