r3d100010301 World Data Centre for Geomagnetism, Copenhagen WDC - Geomagnetism, Copenhagen https://www.space.dtu.dk/English/Research/Scientific_data_and_models/World_Data_Center_for_Geomagnetism.aspx The WDC has a FTP-server to distribute the PCN index derived from the geomagnetic observatory Qaanaaq (THL) and the Kp-index data products derived at the geomagnetic observatory Niemegk (NGK). The WDC is also holding extensive archives of magnetograms and other geomagnetic observatory data products that predate the introduction of digital data recording. The material is in analogue form such as film or microfiche. The Polar Cap index (abbreviation PC index) consists of the Polar Cap North (PCN) and the Polar Cap South (PCS) index, which are derived from magnetic measurements taken at the geomagnetic observatories Qaanaaq (THL, Greenland, +85o magnetic latitude) and Vostok (VOS, Antarctica, -83o magnetic latitude), respectively. The idea behind these indices is to estimate the intensity of anti-sunward plasma convection in the polar caps. This convection is associated with electric Hall currents and consequent magnetic field variations perpendicular to the antisunward plasma flow (and related Hall current) which can be monitored at the Qaanaaq and Vostok magnetic observatories. PC aims at monitoring the energy input from solar wind to the magnetosphere (loading activity). The index is constructed in such a way that it has a linear relationship with the merging Electric Field at the magnetopause; consequently PC is given in units of mV/m as for the electric field. In August 2013, the International Association of Geomagnetism and Aeronomy (IAGA) endorsed the PC index. The endorsed PC index is accessible at pcindex.org or through WDC Copenhagen. anna@space.dtu.dk disciplinary 2010 dan eng 3 Natural Sciences 311 Astrophysics and Astronomy 315 Geophysics and Geodesy 32 Physics 34 Geosciences (including Geography) http://www.wdc.bgs.ac.uk/ Plain text Raw data Standard office documents Structured graphics Structured text dataProvider Kp-index Northern PC Index geomagnetism magnetograms Helmholtz Centre Potsdam, GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences GFZ Helmholtz-Zentrum Potsdam Deutsches GeoForschungsZentrum DEU general non-profit https://www.gfz-potsdam.de/en/home/ ROR:04z8jg394 International Council for Science, World Data System ICSU WDS ICSU World Data System AAA general non-profit https://www.worlddatasystem.org/ Technical University of Denmark, DTU Space -National Space Institute DTU Danmarks Tekniske Universitet, DTU Space - Institut for Rumforskning og-teknologi DNK general technical non-profit http://www.space.dtu.dk/english https://www.space.dtu.dk/english/Service/Contact jrgm@space.dtu.dk Certification of WDS Members https://www.worlddatasystem.org/services/certification ICSU World Data System Constitution https://www.worlddatasystem.org/organization/constitution_and_bylaws open open other https://www.worlddatasystem.org/services/data-sharing-principles closed unknown yes ftp://ftp.space.dtu.dk/WDC/ none unknown unknown WDS ISO 19115 http://www.dcc.ac.uk/resources/metadata-standards/iso-19115 https://www.space.dtu.dk/english/News?rss=1 The WDC Copenhagen was established for the International Geophysical Year in 1957 at the Danish Meteorological Institute. The Geomagnetic Data Master Catalogue of hourly and 1-minute means of the geomagnetic observatories was developed at WDC Copenhagen and moved to WDC Edinburgh at BGS in 2007. The WDC Copenhagen is maintained by DTU Space from 2010 onwards. The WDC Copenagen is accredited by ICSU World Data System (ICSU-WDS). Data Sharing Principles read more: http://www.icsu-wds.org/services/data-sharing-principles 2013-05-16 2020-09-25