r3d100010134 PANGAEA Data Publisher for Earth and Environmental Science https://www.pangaea.de/ FAIRsharing_doi:10.25504/FAIRsharing.6yw6cp PANGAEA - Data Publisher for Earth & Environmental Sciences has an almost 30-year history as an open-access library for archiving, publishing, and disseminating georeferenced data from the Earth, environmental, and biodiversity sciences. Originally evolving from a database for sediment cores, it is operated as a joint facility of the Alfred Wegener Institute, Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research (AWI) and the Center for Marine Environmental Sciences (MARUM) at the University of Bremen. PANGAEA holds a mandate from the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) and is accredited as a World Radiation Monitoring Center (WRMC). It was further accredited as a World Data Center by the International Council for Science (ICS) in 2001 and has been certified with the Core Trust Seal since 2019. The successful cooperation between PANGAEA and the publishing industry along with the correspondent technical implementation enables the cross-referencing of scientific publications and datasets archived as supplements to these publications. PANGAEA is the recommended data repository of numerous international scientific journals. https://www.pangaea.de/contact/ info@pangaea.de disciplinary 1994 eng 2 Life Sciences 21 Biology 3 Natural Sciences 313 Atmospheric Science and Oceanography 31302 Oceanography 314 Geology and Palaeontology 31401 Geology and Palaeontology 315 Geophysics and Geodesy 31501 Geophysics 316 Geochemistry, Mineralogy and Crystallography 31601 Geochemistry, Mineralogy and Crystallography 34 Geosciences (including Geography) https://www.pangaea.de/about/ Archived data Audiovisual data Images Plain text Source code Standard office documents dataProvider agriculture atmosphere biology biosphere cryosphere earth science ecology environmental science fisheries land surface lithosphere paleontology Alfred Wegener Institute - Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research AWI Alfred-Wegener-Institut Helmholtz-Zentrum für Polar- und Meeresforschung DEU general technical non-profit https://www.awi.de/en/ ROR:032e6b942 https://www.awi.de/en/about-us/service/contact.html University of Bremen, Center for Marine Environmental Sciences MARUM Universität Bremen, Zentrum für Marine Umweltwissenschaften DEU general non-profit https://www.marum.de/en/index.html info@marum.de CoreTrustSeal assessment https://www.coretrustseal.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/06/PANGAEA-Data-Publisher-for-Earth-and-Environmental-Sciences.pdf Terms of Use https://pangaea.de/about/terms.php open CC0 https://creativecommons.org/share-your-work/public-domain/cc0/ open CC https://wiki.pangaea.de/wiki/License restricted registration Data Submission https://www.pangaea.de/submit/ other yes https://ws.pangaea.de/oai/provider DOI https://wiki.pangaea.de/wiki/Citation ORCID unknown yes other WDS DIF - Directory Interchange Format http://www.dcc.ac.uk/resources/metadata-standards/dif-directory-interchange-format Darwin Core http://www.dcc.ac.uk/resources/metadata-standards/darwin-core Dublin Core http://www.dcc.ac.uk/resources/metadata-standards/dublin-core ISO 19115 http://www.dcc.ac.uk/resources/metadata-standards/iso-19115 https://www.pangaea.de/tools/latest-datasets.rss PANGAEA is covered by WoS/Clarivate, Elsevier and Dimensions.AI data citation index. Data of the World Data Center for Marine Environmental Sciences (WDC-MARE) are available via the data library PANGAEA which is operated as a regular member of the World Data System - WDS. To interact with the PANGAEA database, R and Python 3 packages are provided. An Bathymetry OGC Web Map Service can be used for visualisation. All information about PANGAEAs toolbox can be found at: https://www.pangaea.de/tools/ 2012-07-16 2022-09-19