Spring Boot Application that collects metadata from a generic OAI publisher and stores them in a FTP server
You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
Michele Artini b4d9e7315e OAI error message 6 months ago
.settings eclipse files 6 months ago
src OAI error message 6 months ago
.DS_Store oai + refatoring 11 months ago
.classpath eclipse files 6 months ago
.gitignore setup 11 months ago
.project new functionalities (zip, limits, emails, exposed urls) 7 months ago
LICENSE Initial commit 11 months ago
README.md Initial commit 11 months ago
README.txt readme 6 months ago
pom.xml executable pom 7 months ago



Spring Boot Application that collects metadata from a generic OAI publisher and stores them in a FTP server