Michał Politowski michal.politowski
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michal.politowski commented on issue D-Net/Gitea-auto-release#1

Absolute paths in the zip file

@schatz could you test making a new release using this fixed version of the script?

1 year ago

michal.politowski created pull request D-Net/Gitea-auto-release#2

Make paths in the archive relative to the attachment_path directory

1 year ago

michal.politowski commented on issue D-Net/Gitea-auto-release#1

Absolute paths in the zip file

I would consider this a blocker. The release packages for the documentation should definitely not depend on the build location - the paths inside should be relative to the `build` directory as…

1 year ago

michal.politowski opened issue katerina.iatropoulou/dnet-explore-metrics#1

Make the cron expression parameterizable

2 years ago