#!/usr/bin/env sh . ./variables.sh # # VM shell # openstack --os-cloud d4s-pre server create \ --image Ubuntu-Jammy-22.04 --flavor m2.small --description "SSH Proxy Jump" \ --key-name adellam-ed25519 \ --network d4s-pre-cloud-main --hostname pre-shell \ --user-data $HOME/Projects/infrascience/cloud-vms-data/cloud-init-openstack-ubuntu.sh \ --boot-from-volume 100 \ --security-group default --security-group "Limited SSH access" \ pre-shell # Security group that involves the shell server openstack --os-cloud d4s-pre security group \ rule create --description "HTTPS from the jump proxy" \ --ingress --protocol tcp --dst-port 443 --remote-ip \ default openstack --os-cloud d4s-pre security group \ rule create --description "HTTP from the jump proxy" \ --ingress --protocol tcp --dst-port 80 --remote-ip \ default openstack --os-cloud d4s-pre security group \ rule create --description "Tomcat debugging on port 8100 from the jump proxy" \ --ingress --protocol tcp --dst-port 8100 --remote-ip \ default # VM internal CA openstack --os-cloud d4s-pre server create \ --image Ubuntu-Jammy-22.04 --flavor m1.small --description "Internal CA" \ --key-name adellam-ed25519 --network d4s-pre-cloud-main --hostname internal-ca \ --user-data $HOME/Projects/infrascience/cloud-vms-data/cloud-init-openstack-ubuntu.sh \ --boot-from-volume 15 --security-group default \ internal-ca # VM prometheus prometheus m1.large # Server group anti affinity per HAPROXY # 2 VM haproxy haproxy m1.medium