variable "docker_swarm_data" { type = map(string) default = { mgr_name = "swarm-mgr" mgr1_ip = "" mgr1_cidr = "" mgr2_ip = "" mgr2_cidr = "" mgr3_ip = "" mgr3_cidr = "" mgr_count = 3 mgr_flavor = "m1.large" mgr_data_disk_size = 100 worker_name = "swarm-worker" worker_count = 5 worker_flavor = "m1.xlarge" worker_data_disk_size = 100 nfs_server_name = "swarm-nfs-server" nfs_server_flavor = "m1.medium" nfs_server_data_disk_name = "Swarm NFS server data Disk" nfs_server_data_disk_size = 100 nfs_server_data_disk_device = "/dev/vdb" } } variable "swarm_managers_ip" { type = list(string) default = ["", "", ""] } variable "octavia_swarm_data" { type = map(string) default = { swarm_lb_name = "d4s-production-cloud-swarm-l4" swarm_lb_description = "L4 balancer that serves the D4Science production Docker Swarm cluster" swarm_lb_name = "d4s-production-cloud-swarm-l4" octavia_flavor = "octavia_amphora-mvcpu-ha" octavia_flavor_id = "394988b5-6603-4a1e-a939-8e177c6681c7" swarm_lb_hostname = "swarm-lb" swarm_octavia_main_ip = "" swarm_octavia_main_cidr = "" } } variable "swarm_nfs_private_network" { type = map(string) default = { network_name = "swarm-nfs-net" network_description = "Network used by the swarm nodes and the NFS service" network_cidr = "" allocation_pool_start = "" allocation_pool_end = "" server_ip = "" server_cidr = "" } }