variable "orientdb_data" { type = map(string) default = { node_name = "orientdb" node_data_disk_size = 10 node_data_disk_device = "/dev/vdb" } } variable "orientdb_affinity_policy" { default = "soft-anti-affinity" } variable "orientdb_node_flavor" { default = "" } variable "orientdb_nodes_count" { default = "" } variable "orientdb_image_name" { default = "" } variable "orientdb_se_image_name" { default = "" } variable "orientdb_image_uuid" { default = "" } variable "orientdb_se_image_uuid" { default = "" } variable "orientdb_ip" { type = list(string) default = ["", "", ""] } variable "orientdb_cidr" { type = list(string) default = ["", "", ""] } variable "orientdb_se_node_flavor" { default = "" } variable "orientdb_se_ip" { default = "" } variable "orientdb_se_cidr" { default = "" } variable "orientdb_net" { type = map(string) default = { network_name = "orientdb-net" network_description = "Network used by the OrientDB cluster and to access the service" network_cidr = "" allocation_pool_start = "" allocation_pool_end = "" } } variable "orientdb_se_net" { type = map(string) default = { network_name = "orientdb-se-net" network_description = "Network used by the OrientDB for Smart Executor" network_cidr = "" allocation_pool_start = "" allocation_pool_end = "" } } variable "orientdb_se_secgroup" { default = "access_to_orientdb_se" } variable "postgresql_secgroup" { default = "PostgreSQL service" }