import { CommonModule } from '@angular/common'; import { Component, ContentChildren, QueryList, AfterContentInit, ViewChild, ViewContainerRef, ComponentFactoryResolver, ComponentRef, ComponentFactory, } from '@angular/core'; import { DynTabsDirective } from 'app/dyn-tabs.directive'; import { DynTabComponent } from 'app/dyn-tab/dyn-tab.component'; import { MockCtxloaderService } from 'app/services/mock-ctxloader.service'; import { ResourcesLoaderService } from 'app/services/resources-loader.service'; @Component({ standalone: true, imports: [DynTabsDirective, CommonModule], selector: 'jhi-dyn-tabs', templateUrl: './dyn-tabs.component.html', styleUrls: ['./dyn-tabs.component.scss'], providers: [MockCtxloaderService, ResourcesLoaderService], }) export class DynTabsComponent implements AfterContentInit { //inizializzazioni dynamicTabs: DynTabComponent[] = []; @ContentChildren(DynTabComponent) tabs: QueryList; //@ViewChild(DynTabsDirective, {read: ViewContainerRef}) tabscontainer:ViewContainerRef; @ViewChild(DynTabsDirective) tabscontainer: DynTabsDirective; constructor(private _componentFactoryResolver: ComponentFactoryResolver) { this.tabs = {} as QueryList; this.tabscontainer = {} as DynTabsDirective; } ngAfterContentInit(): void { // get all active tabs const activeTabs = this.tabs.filter(tab =>; // if there is no active tab set, activate the first if (activeTabs.length === 0) { this.selectTab(this.tabs.first); } } //OPEN TAB openTab(title: string, template: any, data: any, isCloseable = false): void { // get a component factory for our TabComponent const componentFactory = this._componentFactoryResolver.resolveComponentFactory(DynTabComponent); // fetch the view container reference from our anchor directive const viewContainerRef = this.tabscontainer.viewContainer; //istanza del component const componentRef = viewContainerRef.createComponent(componentFactory); // set the according properties on our component instance const instance: DynTabComponent = componentRef.instance; instance.tabTitle = title; instance.template = template; instance.dataContext = data; instance.isCloseable = isCloseable; // remember the dynamic component for rendering the // tab navigation headers this.dynamicTabs.push(componentRef.instance); // set it active this.selectTab(this.dynamicTabs[this.dynamicTabs.length - 1]); } //TODO: ATTENZIONE-->nella direttiva Angular JHipster vuole questo sotto //selector: '[jhiDynTabs]' //SELECT TAB selectTab(tab: DynTabComponent): void { // deactivate all tabs this.tabs.toArray().forEach(tb => ( = false)); this.dynamicTabs.forEach(tb => ( = false)); // activate the tab the user has clicked on. = true; } // CLOSE TAB closeTab(tab: DynTabComponent): void { for (let i = 0; i < this.dynamicTabs.length; i++) { if (this.dynamicTabs[i] === tab) { // remove the tab from our array this.dynamicTabs.splice(i, 1); // destroy our dynamically created component again const viewContainerRef = this.tabscontainer.viewContainer; viewContainerRef.remove(i); // set tab index to 1st one this.selectTab(this.tabs.first); break; } } } //CLOSE ACTIVE TAB closeActiveTab(): void { const activeTabs = this.dynamicTabs.filter(tab =>; if (activeTabs.length > 0) { // close the 1st active tab (should only be one at a time) this.closeTab(activeTabs[0]); } } }