get Species (Marco's v...

132 lines
4.5 KiB

"title": "OBIS get Species (Marco's version)",
"description": "Map distro for given species (Marco's version)",
"version": "1.0.5",
"jobControlOptions": "async-execute",
"metadata": [
"role": "category",
"title": "Species distro"
"title": "Marco Lettere",
"role": "author",
"href": ""
"inputs": {
"ccpimage": {
"id": "ccpimage",
"title": "Runtime",
"description": "The image of the runtime to use for method execution. This depends on the infrastructure specific protocol for interacting with registries.",
"minOccurs": 1,
"maxOccurs": 1,
"schema": {
"type": "string",
"format": "url",
"contentMediaType": "text/plain",
"default": "massante/simpleobiscc",
"readOnly": true
"sname": {
"id": "sname",
"title": "Species Scientific Name",
"description": "Enter the species scientific name please",
"minOccurs": 1,
"maxOccurs": 1,
"schema": {
"type": "string",
"format": "none",
"contentMediaType": "text/plain",
"default": "Sarda sarda"
"usedPolygon": {
"id": "usedPolygon",
"title": "Polygon data",
"description": "Enter a Polygon in WKT format",
"minOccurs": 1,
"maxOccurs": 1,
"schema": {
"type": "string",
"format": "geo",
"contentMediaType": "text/plain",
"default": "POLYGON((-5.337982177734383 45.97024259702346,-5.337982177734383 29.40610505570929,33.33389282226562 28.945668833650515,33.33389282226562 45.90912212390728,-5.337982177734383 45.97024259702346))"
"outputs": {
"result": {
"id": "result",
"title": "result",
"description": "The result",
"minOccurs": 1,
"maxOccurs": 1,
"metadata": [
"role": "file",
"title": "/ccp_data/occplot.png",
"href": "/ccp_data/occplot.png"
"schema": {
"type": "string",
"contentMediaType": "image/x-png"
"additionalParameters": {
"parameters": [
"name": "deploy-script",
"value": []
"name": "execute-script",
"value": [
"Rscript --vanilla simpleobisCCP.R '{{sname}}' '{{usedPolygon}}'"
"name": "undeploy-script",
"value": []
"name": "lifecycle",
"value": [
"time": "2024-06-03T14:33:35.374Z",
"type": "created",
"user": "",
"context": "%2Fgcube%2Fdevsec%2FCCP"
"time": "2024-06-03T19:39:15.15Z",
"type": "shared",
"user": "",
"context": "%2Fgcube%2Fdevsec%2FCCP"
"time": "2024-06-03T19:41:51.809Z",
"type": "updated",
"user": "",
"context": "%2Fgcube%2Fdevsec%2FCCP"
"links": [
"rel": "compatibleWith",
"title": "D4Science development Infrastructure",
"href": "infrastructures/d4science-dev-swarm"
"keywords": [
"id": "8a90c112-eec5-4dd7-87d6-66df5c4803f8"