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package eu.openaire.pdf_aggregation_statistics.services;
import eu.openaire.pdf_aggregation_statistics.components.SchedulingTasks;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Value;
import org.springframework.dao.EmptyResultDataAccessException;
import org.springframework.jdbc.core.JdbcTemplate;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Service;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;
public class StatsServiceImpl implements StatsService {
private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(StatsServiceImpl.class);
private JdbcTemplate jdbcTemplate;
private String databaseName;
// No DB-lock is required for these READ-operations.
public static final ConcurrentHashMap<String, Integer> datasourcesWithNumOfPayloads = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(105_000); // The number of datasources is around 10_000.
public boolean gatherNumberOfPayloadsPerDatasource(int retryCount)
if ( retryCount > 10 ) {
logger.error("Could not find the requested payload-type table in an non-merging state, after " + (retryCount -1) + " retries!");
return false;
final String getNumberOfPayloadsPerDatasourceQuery =
"select d.id, count(p.id) as payload_count from " + databaseName + ".datasource d\n" +
" join " + databaseName + ".publication pu on pu.datasourceid=d.id\n" +
" left join " + databaseName + ".payload p on p.id=pu.id\n" + // We want the datasources with 0 payloads too, so we use "left join"
" group by d.id"; // The group-by is needed.
if ( logger.isTraceEnabled() )
logger.trace("getNumberOfPayloadsPerDatasourceQuery:\n" + getNumberOfPayloadsPerDatasourceQuery);
logger.info("Going to " + (SchedulingTasks.runningFirstTime ? "populate" : "update") + " the \"datasourcesWithNumOfPayloads\" map.");
final int[] countUpdatedDatasources = {0};
final int[] countNewDatasources = {0};
final int[] countAddedPayloads = {0};
try {
jdbcTemplate.query(getNumberOfPayloadsPerDatasourceQuery, rs -> {
try { // For each of the 4 columns returned, do the following. The column-indexing starts from 1
int newValue = rs.getInt(2);
Integer oldValue = datasourcesWithNumOfPayloads.put(rs.getString(1), newValue); // Updates the number for an existing datasourceId or adds a new mapping for a new datasourceId.
if ( !SchedulingTasks.runningFirstTime ) {
if ( oldValue == null ) {
countAddedPayloads[0] += newValue;
} else {
int diff = newValue - oldValue;
if ( diff != 0 ) { // The diff may be positive for added payloads or negative if a deduplication or any other fix was performed and the number was reduced.
countAddedPayloads[0] += diff;
// A negative diff wil result in substituting that number from the total. So we may have 3000 added payloads and 100 removed, so the final "newPayloads" will be 2900.
} catch (SQLException sqle) {
logger.error("No value was able to be retrieved from one of the columns of row_" + rs.getRow(), sqle);
logger.info("The \"datasourcesWithNumOfPayloads\" map was " + (SchedulingTasks.runningFirstTime ? "populated with the payload-numbers for " + datasourcesWithNumOfPayloads.size() + " datasources." : ("updated. " + countNewDatasources[0] + " new datasources were added and " + countUpdatedDatasources[0] + " were updated. The number of added payloads is " + countAddedPayloads[0])));
return true;
} catch (EmptyResultDataAccessException erdae) {
logger.error("The number of payloads per datasource could not be retrieved from the database \"" + databaseName + "\" using the getNumberOfPayloadsPerDatasourceQuery: " + getNumberOfPayloadsPerDatasourceQuery);
return false;
} catch (Exception e) {
String exMsg = e.getMessage();
if ( (exMsg != null) && (exMsg.contains("Could not resolve table reference") || exMsg.contains("Failed to open HDFS file")) ) {
sleep2mins(); // The tables may be under merging at the moment, so sleep a bit and try again.
return gatherNumberOfPayloadsPerDatasource(++retryCount);
} else {
// If such an unknown error appears during initialization, it is fatal but not something that is so remarkable to completely avoid deploying the app to save time..
// We allow for 1 retry, 2 Minutes later. If the error appears again then the app will shutdown.
logger.error("Problem when executing \"getNumberOfPayloadsPerDatasourceQuery\": " + getNumberOfPayloadsPerDatasourceQuery, e);
if ( retryCount == 0 ) {
sleep2mins(); // The DB may have some failure
return gatherNumberOfPayloadsPerDatasource(++retryCount);
} else // Already 1 retry happened and failed for the unknown error.
return false; // If the 1st retry for the unknown error failed, then do not try again.
// When this method returns, the app will either shut down if it is during initialization or it will ignore it and retry in 6 hours.
// To get the human-friendly timestamp format from the BigInt in the database:
// select from_timestamp(CAST(CAST(`date` as decimal(30,0))/1000 AS timestamp), "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSS") from payload
private void sleep2mins() {
try {
Thread.sleep(120_000); // Sleep for 2 mins.
} catch (InterruptedException ie) {
logger.warn("Sleeping was interrupted!");