Fork 0
This commit is contained in:
Alessia Bardi 2021-10-07 17:30:53 +02:00
commit c48c43fa9e
34 changed files with 2985 additions and 502 deletions

View File

@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
package eu.dnetlib.dhp.actionmanager.datacite
import eu.dnetlib.dhp.application.ArgumentApplicationParser
import eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.oaf.{Oaf, Result}
import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.LocalFileSystem
import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.DistributedFileSystem
import org.apache.spark.SparkConf
import org.apache.spark.sql.{Encoder, Encoders, SparkSession}
import org.apache.spark.sql.functions.max
import org.slf4j.{Logger, LoggerFactory}
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat
import java.util.{Date, Locale}
import scala.io.Source
object SparkDownloadUpdateDatacite {
val log: Logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(getClass)
def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
val conf = new SparkConf
val parser = new ArgumentApplicationParser(Source.fromInputStream(getClass.getResourceAsStream("/eu/dnetlib/dhp/actionmanager/datacite/generate_dataset_params.json")).mkString)
val master = parser.get("master")
val sourcePath = parser.get("sourcePath")
val workingPath = parser.get("workingPath")
val hdfsuri = parser.get("namenode")
log.info(s"namenode is $hdfsuri")
val spark: SparkSession = SparkSession.builder().config(conf)
implicit val oafEncoder: Encoder[Oaf] = Encoders.kryo[Oaf]
implicit val resEncoder: Encoder[Result] = Encoders.kryo[Result]
import spark.implicits._
val maxDate:String = spark.read.load(workingPath).as[Oaf].filter(s => s.isInstanceOf[Result]).map(r => r.asInstanceOf[Result].getDateofcollection).select(max("value")).first().getString(0)
val ISO8601FORMAT = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ssZ", Locale.US)
val string_to_date =ISO8601FORMAT.parse(maxDate)
val ts = string_to_date.getTime

View File

@ -0,0 +1,154 @@
package eu.dnetlib.dhp.oa.dedup;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.Optional;
import org.apache.commons.io.IOUtils;
import org.apache.spark.SparkConf;
import org.apache.spark.api.java.JavaSparkContext;
import org.apache.spark.api.java.function.MapFunction;
import org.apache.spark.api.java.function.PairFunction;
import org.apache.spark.sql.Dataset;
import org.apache.spark.sql.Encoders;
import org.apache.spark.sql.SaveMode;
import org.apache.spark.sql.SparkSession;
import org.dom4j.DocumentException;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import org.xml.sax.SAXException;
import eu.dnetlib.dhp.application.ArgumentApplicationParser;
import eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.oaf.DataInfo;
import eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.oaf.Relation;
import eu.dnetlib.dhp.utils.ISLookupClientFactory;
import eu.dnetlib.enabling.is.lookup.rmi.ISLookUpException;
import eu.dnetlib.enabling.is.lookup.rmi.ISLookUpService;
import eu.dnetlib.pace.config.DedupConfig;
import eu.dnetlib.pace.model.MapDocument;
import eu.dnetlib.pace.util.MapDocumentUtil;
import scala.Tuple2;
public class SparkWhitelistSimRels extends AbstractSparkAction {
private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(SparkCreateSimRels.class);
private static final String WHITELIST_SEPARATOR = "####";
public SparkWhitelistSimRels(ArgumentApplicationParser parser, SparkSession spark) {
super(parser, spark);
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
ArgumentApplicationParser parser = new ArgumentApplicationParser(
SparkConf conf = new SparkConf();
new SparkWhitelistSimRels(parser, getSparkSession(conf))
public void run(ISLookUpService isLookUpService)
throws DocumentException, IOException, ISLookUpException, SAXException {
// read oozie parameters
final String graphBasePath = parser.get("graphBasePath");
final String isLookUpUrl = parser.get("isLookUpUrl");
final String actionSetId = parser.get("actionSetId");
final String workingPath = parser.get("workingPath");
final int numPartitions = Optional
final String whiteListPath = parser.get("whiteListPath");
log.info("numPartitions: '{}'", numPartitions);
log.info("graphBasePath: '{}'", graphBasePath);
log.info("isLookUpUrl: '{}'", isLookUpUrl);
log.info("actionSetId: '{}'", actionSetId);
log.info("workingPath: '{}'", workingPath);
log.info("whiteListPath: '{}'", whiteListPath);
JavaSparkContext sc = JavaSparkContext.fromSparkContext(spark.sparkContext());
// file format: source####target
Dataset<Tuple2<String, String>> whiteListRels = spark
// check if the line is in the correct format: id1####id2
.filter(s -> s.contains(WHITELIST_SEPARATOR) && s.split(WHITELIST_SEPARATOR).length == 2)
.map(s -> new Tuple2<>(s.split(WHITELIST_SEPARATOR)[0], s.split(WHITELIST_SEPARATOR)[1]))
Encoders.tuple(Encoders.STRING(), Encoders.STRING()));
// for each dedup configuration
for (DedupConfig dedupConf : getConfigurations(isLookUpService, actionSetId)) {
final String entity = dedupConf.getWf().getEntityType();
final String subEntity = dedupConf.getWf().getSubEntityValue();
log.info("Adding whitelist simrels for: '{}'", subEntity);
final String outputPath = DedupUtility.createSimRelPath(workingPath, actionSetId, subEntity);
Dataset<Tuple2<String, String>> entities = spark
.textFile(DedupUtility.createEntityPath(graphBasePath, subEntity))
(PairFunction<String, String, String>) s -> {
MapDocument d = MapDocumentUtil.asMapDocumentWithJPath(dedupConf, s);
return new Tuple2<>(d.getIdentifier(), "present");
Encoders.tuple(Encoders.STRING(), Encoders.STRING()));
Dataset<Tuple2<String, String>> whiteListRels1 = whiteListRels
.joinWith(entities, whiteListRels.col("_1").equalTo(entities.col("_1")), "inner")
(MapFunction<Tuple2<Tuple2<String, String>, Tuple2<String, String>>, Tuple2<String, String>>) Tuple2::_1,
Encoders.tuple(Encoders.STRING(), Encoders.STRING()));
Dataset<Tuple2<String, String>> whiteListRels2 = whiteListRels1
.joinWith(entities, whiteListRels1.col("_2").equalTo(entities.col("_1")), "inner")
(MapFunction<Tuple2<Tuple2<String, String>, Tuple2<String, String>>, Tuple2<String, String>>) Tuple2::_1,
Encoders.tuple(Encoders.STRING(), Encoders.STRING()));
Dataset<Relation> whiteListSimRels = whiteListRels2
(MapFunction<Tuple2<String, String>, Relation>) r -> createSimRel(r._1(), r._2(), entity),
saveParquet(whiteListSimRels, outputPath, SaveMode.Append);
private Relation createSimRel(String source, String target, String entity) {
final Relation r = new Relation();
r.setDataInfo(new DataInfo());
switch (entity) {
case "result":
case "organization":
throw new IllegalArgumentException("unmanaged entity type: " + entity);
return r;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,117 @@
package eu.dnetlib.dhp.oa.dedup;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
import org.apache.commons.io.IOUtils;
import org.apache.http.client.methods.CloseableHttpResponse;
import org.apache.http.client.methods.HttpGet;
import org.apache.http.impl.client.CloseableHttpClient;
import org.apache.http.impl.client.HttpClients;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper;
import eu.dnetlib.dhp.application.ArgumentApplicationParser;
public class UpdateOpenorgsJob {
private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(UpdateOpenorgsJob.class);
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
ArgumentApplicationParser parser = new ArgumentApplicationParser(
final String apiUrl = parser.get("apiUrl");
final int delay = Integer.parseInt(parser.get("delay"));
log.info("apiUrl: '{}'", apiUrl);
log.info("delay: '{}'", delay);
APIResponse res = httpCall(apiUrl);
while (res != null && res.getStatus().equals(ImportStatus.RUNNING)) {
res = httpCall(apiUrl + "/status");
if (res == null) {
log.error("Openorgs Update FAILED: No response");
throw new RuntimeException("Openorgs Update FAILED: No response");
if (res.getStatus() == null || !res.getStatus().equals(ImportStatus.SUCCESS)) {
log.error("Openorgs Update FAILED: '{}' - '{}'", res.getStatus(), res.getMessage());
throw new RuntimeException(res.getMessage());
private static APIResponse httpCall(final String url) throws Exception {
final HttpGet req = new HttpGet(url);
try (final CloseableHttpClient client = HttpClients.createDefault()) {
try (final CloseableHttpResponse response = client.execute(req)) {
final String s = IOUtils.toString(response.getEntity().getContent());
return (new ObjectMapper()).readValue(s, APIResponse.class);
class APIResponse {
private String id;
private Long dateStart;
private Long dateEnd;
private ImportStatus status;
private String message;
public String getId() {
return id;
public void setId(String id) {
this.id = id;
public Long getDateStart() {
return dateStart;
public void setDateStart(Long dateStart) {
this.dateStart = dateStart;
public Long getDateEnd() {
return dateEnd;
public void setDateEnd(Long dateEnd) {
this.dateEnd = dateEnd;
public ImportStatus getStatus() {
return status;
public void setStatus(ImportStatus status) {
this.status = status;
public String getMessage() {
return message;
public void setMessage(String message) {
this.message = message;
enum ImportStatus {

View File

@ -28,6 +28,11 @@
<description>password to access the OpenOrgs database</description>
<description>number of connections to the postgres db</description>
<description>path for the working directory</description>
@ -223,7 +228,7 @@
<ok to="PrepareNewOrgs"/>
<error to="Kill"/>
@ -254,19 +259,24 @@
<ok to="update_openorgs"/>
<error to="Kill"/>
<action name="update_openorgs">
<shell xmlns="uri:oozie:shell-action:0.1">
<ok to="End"/>
<error to="Kill"/>

View File

@ -20,6 +20,10 @@
<description>path for the working directory</description>
<description>path for the whitelist of similarity relations</description>
<description>path for the output graph</description>
@ -130,6 +134,34 @@
<ok to="WhitelistSimRels"/>
<error to="Kill"/>
<action name="WhitelistSimRels">
<spark xmlns="uri:oozie:spark-action:0.2">
<name>Add Whitelist Similarity Relations</name>
--conf spark.extraListeners=${spark2ExtraListeners}
--conf spark.sql.queryExecutionListeners=${spark2SqlQueryExecutionListeners}
--conf spark.yarn.historyServer.address=${spark2YarnHistoryServerAddress}
--conf spark.eventLog.dir=${nameNode}${spark2EventLogDir}
--conf spark.sql.shuffle.partitions=3840
<ok to="CreateMergeRel"/>
<error to="Kill"/>

View File

@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
"paramName": "api",
"paramLongName": "apiUrl",
"paramDescription": "the url of the API",
"paramRequired": true
"paramName": "d",
"paramLongName": "delay",
"paramDescription": "delay for the HTTP call in minutes",
"paramRequired": true

View File

@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
"paramName": "la",
"paramLongName": "isLookUpUrl",
"paramDescription": "address for the LookUp",
"paramRequired": true
"paramName": "asi",
"paramLongName": "actionSetId",
"paramDescription": "action set identifier (name of the orchestrator)",
"paramRequired": true
"paramName": "i",
"paramLongName": "graphBasePath",
"paramDescription": "the base path of the raw graph",
"paramRequired": true
"paramName": "w",
"paramLongName": "workingPath",
"paramDescription": "path of the working directory",
"paramRequired": true
"paramName": "np",
"paramLongName": "numPartitions",
"paramDescription": "number of partitions for the similarity relations intermediate phases",
"paramRequired": false
"paramName": "wl",
"paramLongName": "whiteListPath",
"paramDescription": "whitelist file path for the addition of custom simrels",
"paramRequired": true

View File

@ -5,13 +5,16 @@ import static java.nio.file.Files.createTempDirectory;
import static org.apache.spark.sql.functions.count;
import static org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.assertEquals;
import static org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.assertTrue;
import static org.mockito.Mockito.lenient;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.FileReader;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.Serializable;
import java.net.URISyntaxException;
import java.nio.file.Paths;
import java.util.List;
import org.apache.commons.io.FileUtils;
import org.apache.commons.io.IOUtils;
@ -55,6 +58,10 @@ public class SparkDedupTest implements Serializable {
private static String testOutputBasePath;
private static String testDedupGraphBasePath;
private static final String testActionSetId = "test-orchestrator";
private static String whitelistPath;
private static List<String> whiteList;
private static String WHITELIST_SEPARATOR = "####";
public static void cleanUp() throws IOException, URISyntaxException {
@ -71,6 +78,12 @@ public class SparkDedupTest implements Serializable {
whitelistPath = Paths
whiteList = IOUtils.readLines(new FileReader(whitelistPath));
FileUtils.deleteDirectory(new File(testOutputBasePath));
FileUtils.deleteDirectory(new File(testDedupGraphBasePath));
@ -202,6 +215,84 @@ public class SparkDedupTest implements Serializable {
void whitelistSimRelsTest() throws Exception {
ArgumentApplicationParser parser = new ArgumentApplicationParser(
new String[] {
"-i", testGraphBasePath,
"-asi", testActionSetId,
"-la", "lookupurl",
"-w", testOutputBasePath,
"-np", "50",
"-wl", whitelistPath
new SparkWhitelistSimRels(parser, spark).run(isLookUpService);
long orgs_simrel = spark
.load(DedupUtility.createSimRelPath(testOutputBasePath, testActionSetId, "organization"))
long pubs_simrel = spark
.load(DedupUtility.createSimRelPath(testOutputBasePath, testActionSetId, "publication"))
long ds_simrel = spark
.load(DedupUtility.createSimRelPath(testOutputBasePath, testActionSetId, "dataset"))
long orp_simrel = spark
.load(DedupUtility.createSimRelPath(testOutputBasePath, testActionSetId, "otherresearchproduct"))
// entities simrels supposed to be equal to the number of previous step (no rels in whitelist)
assertEquals(3082, orgs_simrel);
assertEquals(7036, pubs_simrel);
assertEquals(442, ds_simrel);
assertEquals(6750, orp_simrel);
// entities simrels to be different from the number of previous step (new simrels in the whitelist)
Dataset<Row> sw_simrel = spark
.load(DedupUtility.createSimRelPath(testOutputBasePath, testActionSetId, "software"));
// check if the first relation in the whitelist exists
rel -> rel.getSource().equalsIgnoreCase(whiteList.get(0).split(WHITELIST_SEPARATOR)[0])
&& rel.getTarget().equalsIgnoreCase(whiteList.get(0).split(WHITELIST_SEPARATOR)[1]))
.count() > 0);
// check if the second relation in the whitelist exists
rel -> rel.getSource().equalsIgnoreCase(whiteList.get(1).split(WHITELIST_SEPARATOR)[0])
&& rel.getTarget().equalsIgnoreCase(whiteList.get(1).split(WHITELIST_SEPARATOR)[1]))
.count() > 0);
assertEquals(338, sw_simrel.count());
void cutMergeRelsTest() throws Exception {
ArgumentApplicationParser parser = new ArgumentApplicationParser(
@ -297,7 +388,7 @@ public class SparkDedupTest implements Serializable {
void createMergeRelsTest() throws Exception {
ArgumentApplicationParser parser = new ArgumentApplicationParser(
@ -353,7 +444,7 @@ public class SparkDedupTest implements Serializable {
void createDedupRecordTest() throws Exception {
ArgumentApplicationParser parser = new ArgumentApplicationParser(
@ -394,13 +485,13 @@ public class SparkDedupTest implements Serializable {
assertEquals(85, orgs_deduprecord);
assertEquals(65, pubs_deduprecord);
assertEquals(51, sw_deduprecord);
assertEquals(49, sw_deduprecord);
assertEquals(97, ds_deduprecord);
assertEquals(89, orp_deduprecord);
void updateEntityTest() throws Exception {
ArgumentApplicationParser parser = new ArgumentApplicationParser(
@ -479,7 +570,7 @@ public class SparkDedupTest implements Serializable {
assertEquals(838, organizations);
assertEquals(100, projects);
assertEquals(100, datasource);
assertEquals(200, softwares);
assertEquals(198, softwares);
assertEquals(389, dataset);
assertEquals(517, otherresearchproduct);
@ -516,7 +607,7 @@ public class SparkDedupTest implements Serializable {
void propagateRelationTest() throws Exception {
ArgumentApplicationParser parser = new ArgumentApplicationParser(
@ -566,7 +657,7 @@ public class SparkDedupTest implements Serializable {
void testRelations() throws Exception {
testUniqueness("/eu/dnetlib/dhp/dedup/test/relation_1.json", 12, 10);
testUniqueness("/eu/dnetlib/dhp/dedup/test/relation_2.json", 10, 2);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,2 @@

View File

@ -13,10 +13,30 @@ import org.apache.spark.sql.{Dataset, Encoder, Encoders, SaveMode, SparkSession}
import org.slf4j.{Logger, LoggerFactory}
import scala.collection.JavaConverters._
import org.json4s.DefaultFormats
import org.json4s.JsonAST.{JField, JObject, JString,JArray}
import org.json4s.jackson.JsonMethods.parse
object SparkGenerateDoiBoost {
def extractIdGRID(input:String):List[(String,String)] = {
implicit lazy val formats: DefaultFormats.type = org.json4s.DefaultFormats
lazy val json: org.json4s.JValue = parse(input)
val id:String = (json \ "id").extract[String]
val grids:List[String] = for {
JObject(pid) <- json \ "pid"
JField("qualifier", JObject(qualifier)) <- pid
JField("classid", JString(classid)) <-qualifier
JField("value", JString(vl)) <- pid
if classid == "GRID"
} yield vl
grids.map(g => (id, s"unresolved::grid::${g.toLowerCase}"))(collection.breakOut)
def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
@ -36,6 +56,7 @@ object SparkGenerateDoiBoost {
val hostedByMapPath = parser.get("hostedByMapPath")
val workingDirPath = parser.get("workingPath")
val openaireOrganizationPath = parser.get("openaireOrganizationPath")
val crossrefAggregator = new Aggregator[(String, Publication), Publication, Publication] with Serializable {
override def zero: Publication = new Publication
@ -156,7 +177,7 @@ object SparkGenerateDoiBoost {
magPubs.joinWith(a,magPubs("_1").equalTo(a("PaperId"))).flatMap(item => {
val pub:Publication = item._1._2
val affiliation = item._2
val affId:String = if (affiliation.GridId.isDefined) DoiBoostMappingUtil.generateGridAffiliationId(affiliation.GridId.get) else DoiBoostMappingUtil.generateMAGAffiliationId(affiliation.AffiliationId.toString)
val affId:String = if (affiliation.GridId.isDefined) s"unresolved::grid::${affiliation.GridId.get.toLowerCase}" else DoiBoostMappingUtil.generateMAGAffiliationId(affiliation.AffiliationId.toString)
val r:Relation = new Relation
@ -174,9 +195,35 @@ object SparkGenerateDoiBoost {
List(r, r1)
val unresolvedRels:Dataset[(String, Relation)] = spark.read.load(s"$workingDirPath/doiBoostPublicationAffiliation_unresolved").as[Relation].map(r => {
if (r.getSource.startsWith("unresolved"))
(r.getSource, r)
else if (r.getTarget.startsWith("unresolved"))
("resolved", r)
val openaireOrganization:Dataset[(String,String)] = spark.read.text(openaireOrganizationPath).as[String].flatMap(s => extractIdGRID(s)).groupByKey(_._2).reduceGroups((x,y) => if (x != null) x else y ).map(_._2)
.map { x =>
val currentRels = x._1._2
val currentOrgs = x._2
if (currentOrgs!= null)
magPubs.joinWith(a,magPubs("_1").equalTo(a("PaperId"))).map( item => {
val affiliation = item._2
if (affiliation.GridId.isEmpty) {

View File

@ -1,7 +1,8 @@
{"paramName": "m", "paramLongName":"master", "paramDescription": "the master name", "paramRequired": true},
{"paramName": "hb", "paramLongName":"hostedByMapPath", "paramDescription": "the hosted By Map Path", "paramRequired": true},
{"paramName": "oo", "paramLongName":"openaireOrganizationPath", "paramDescription": "the openaire Organization Path", "paramRequired": true},
{"paramName": "ap", "paramLongName":"affiliationPath", "paramDescription": "the Affliation Path", "paramRequired": true},
{"paramName": "pa", "paramLongName":"paperAffiliationPath", "paramDescription": "the paperAffiliation Path", "paramRequired": true},
{"paramName": "w", "paramLongName":"workingPath", "paramDescription": "the Working Path", "paramRequired": true}
{"paramName": "w", "paramLongName":"workingPath", "paramDescription": "the Working Path", "paramRequired": true}

View File

@ -27,6 +27,12 @@
<description>the hostedByMap Path</description>
<description>the OpenAire Organizations Path</description>
<description>the Path of the sequence file action set</description>
@ -214,6 +220,7 @@
--conf spark.eventLog.dir=${nameNode}${spark2EventLogDir}

View File

@ -6,18 +6,130 @@ import eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.oaf.Result
import eu.dnetlib.dhp.sx.graph.bio.pubmed.{PMArticle, PMAuthor, PMJournal, PMParser, PubMedToOaf}
import eu.dnetlib.dhp.utils.ISLookupClientFactory
import org.apache.commons.io.IOUtils
import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.{FSDataOutputStream, FileSystem, Path}
import org.apache.http.client.config.RequestConfig
import org.apache.http.client.methods.HttpGet
import org.apache.http.impl.client.HttpClientBuilder
import org.apache.spark.SparkConf
import org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD
import org.apache.spark.sql.expressions.Aggregator
import org.apache.spark.sql._
import org.slf4j.{Logger, LoggerFactory}
import java.io.InputStream
import scala.io.Source
import scala.xml.pull.XMLEventReader
object SparkCreateBaselineDataFrame {
def requestBaseLineUpdatePage(maxFile:String):List[(String,String)] = {
val data =requestPage("https://ftp.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/updatefiles/")
val result =data.lines.filter(l => l.startsWith("<a href=")).map{l =>
val end = l.lastIndexOf("\">")
val start = l.indexOf("<a href=\"")
if (start>= 0 && end >start)
l.substring(start+9, (end-start))
}.filter(s =>s.endsWith(".gz") ).filter(s => s > maxFile).map(s => (s,s"https://ftp.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/updatefiles/$s")).toList
def downloadBaselinePart(url:String):InputStream = {
val r = new HttpGet(url)
val timeout = 60; // seconds
val config = RequestConfig.custom()
.setConnectTimeout(timeout * 1000)
.setConnectionRequestTimeout(timeout * 1000)
.setSocketTimeout(timeout * 1000).build()
val client = HttpClientBuilder.create().setDefaultRequestConfig(config).build()
val response = client.execute(r)
println(s"get response with status${response.getStatusLine.getStatusCode}")
def requestPage(url:String):String = {
val r = new HttpGet(url)
val timeout = 60; // seconds
val config = RequestConfig.custom()
.setConnectTimeout(timeout * 1000)
.setConnectionRequestTimeout(timeout * 1000)
.setSocketTimeout(timeout * 1000).build()
val client = HttpClientBuilder.create().setDefaultRequestConfig(config).build()
try {
var tries = 4
while (tries > 0) {
println(s"requesting ${r.getURI}")
try {
val response = client.execute(r)
println(s"get response with status${response.getStatusLine.getStatusCode}")
if (response.getStatusLine.getStatusCode > 400) {
tries -= 1
return IOUtils.toString(response.getEntity.getContent)
} catch {
case e: Throwable =>
println(s"Error on requesting ${r.getURI}")
tries -= 1
} finally {
if (client != null)
def downloadBaseLineUpdate(baselinePath:String, hdfsServerUri:String ):Unit = {
val conf = new Configuration
conf.set("fs.defaultFS", hdfsServerUri)
val fs = FileSystem.get(conf)
val p = new Path(baselinePath)
val files = fs.listFiles(p,false)
var max_file = ""
while (files.hasNext) {
val c = files.next()
val data = c.getPath.toString
val fileName = data.substring(data.lastIndexOf("/")+1)
if (fileName> max_file)
max_file = fileName
val files_to_download = requestBaseLineUpdatePage(max_file)
files_to_download.foreach { u =>
val hdfsWritePath: Path = new Path(s"$baselinePath/${u._1}")
val fsDataOutputStream: FSDataOutputStream = fs.create(hdfsWritePath, true)
val i = downloadBaselinePart(u._2)
val buffer = Array.fill[Byte](1024)(0)
while(i.read(buffer)>0) {
println(s"Downloaded ${u._2} into $baselinePath/${u._1}")
val pmArticleAggregator: Aggregator[(String, PMArticle), PMArticle, PMArticle] = new Aggregator[(String, PMArticle), PMArticle, PMArticle] with Serializable {
override def zero: PMArticle = new PMArticle
@ -51,6 +163,10 @@ object SparkCreateBaselineDataFrame {
val targetPath = parser.get("targetPath")
log.info("targetPath: {}", targetPath)
val hdfsServerUri = parser.get("hdfsServerUri")
log.info("hdfsServerUri: {}", targetPath)
val isLookupService = ISLookupClientFactory.getLookUpService(isLookupUrl)
val vocabularies = VocabularyGroup.loadVocsFromIS(isLookupService)
val spark: SparkSession =
@ -61,16 +177,15 @@ object SparkCreateBaselineDataFrame {
import spark.implicits._
val sc = spark.sparkContext
implicit val PMEncoder: Encoder[PMArticle] = Encoders.kryo(classOf[PMArticle])
implicit val PMJEncoder: Encoder[PMJournal] = Encoders.kryo(classOf[PMJournal])
implicit val PMAEncoder: Encoder[PMAuthor] = Encoders.kryo(classOf[PMAuthor])
implicit val resultEncoder: Encoder[Result] = Encoders.kryo(classOf[Result])
downloadBaseLineUpdate(s"$workingPath/baseline", hdfsServerUri)
val k: RDD[(String, String)] = sc.wholeTextFiles(s"$workingPath/baseline",2000)
val ds:Dataset[PMArticle] = spark.createDataset(k.filter(i => i._1.endsWith(".gz")).flatMap(i =>{
val xml = new XMLEventReader(Source.fromBytes(i._2.getBytes()))
@ -87,7 +202,5 @@ object SparkCreateBaselineDataFrame {
.map(a => PubMedToOaf.convert(a, vocabularies)).as[Result]
.filter(p => p!= null)

View File

@ -5,17 +5,15 @@ import eu.dnetlib.dhp.sx.graph.bio.BioDBToOAF.EBILinkItem
import eu.dnetlib.dhp.sx.graph.bio.pubmed.{PMArticle, PMAuthor, PMJournal}
import org.apache.commons.io.IOUtils
import org.apache.http.client.config.RequestConfig
import org.apache.http.client.methods.{HttpGet, HttpUriRequest}
import org.apache.http.client.methods.HttpGet
import org.apache.http.impl.client.HttpClientBuilder
import org.apache.spark.SparkConf
import org.apache.spark.sql.expressions.Aggregator
import org.apache.spark.sql.functions.max
import org.apache.spark.sql.{Dataset, Encoder, Encoders, SaveMode, SparkSession}
import org.apache.spark.sql._
import org.slf4j.{Logger, LoggerFactory}
object SparkDownloadEBILinks {
def createEBILinks(pmid:Long):EBILinkItem = {
val res = requestLinks(pmid)
@ -24,39 +22,42 @@ object SparkDownloadEBILinks {
def requestPage(url:String):String = {
val r = new HttpGet(url)
val timeout = 60; // seconds
val config = RequestConfig.custom()
.setConnectTimeout(timeout * 1000)
.setConnectionRequestTimeout(timeout * 1000)
.setSocketTimeout(timeout * 1000).build()
val client = HttpClientBuilder.create().setDefaultRequestConfig(config).build()
try {
var tries = 4
while (tries > 0) {
println(s"requesting ${r.getURI}")
try {
val response = client.execute(r)
println(s"get response with status${response.getStatusLine.getStatusCode}")
if (response.getStatusLine.getStatusCode > 400) {
tries -= 1
return IOUtils.toString(response.getEntity.getContent)
} catch {
case e: Throwable =>
println(s"Error on requesting ${r.getURI}")
tries -= 1
} finally {
if (client != null)
def requestLinks(PMID:Long):String = {
val r = new HttpGet(s"https://www.ebi.ac.uk/europepmc/webservices/rest/MED/$PMID/datalinks?format=json")
val timeout = 60; // seconds
val config = RequestConfig.custom()
.setConnectTimeout(timeout * 1000)
.setConnectionRequestTimeout(timeout * 1000)
.setSocketTimeout(timeout * 1000).build()
val client = HttpClientBuilder.create().setDefaultRequestConfig(config).build()
try {
var tries = 4
while (tries > 0) {
println(s"requesting ${r.getURI}")
try {
val response = client.execute(r)
println(s"get response with status${response.getStatusLine.getStatusCode}")
if (response.getStatusLine.getStatusCode > 400) {
tries -= 1
return IOUtils.toString(response.getEntity.getContent)
} catch {
case e: Throwable =>
println(s"Error on requesting ${r.getURI}")
tries -= 1
} finally {
if (client != null)
def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {

View File

@ -32,14 +32,9 @@ object SparkEBILinksToOaf {
import spark.implicits._
implicit val PMEncoder: Encoder[Oaf] = Encoders.kryo(classOf[Oaf])
val ebi_rdd:Dataset[EBILinkItem] = spark.createDataset(spark.sparkContext.textFile(sourcePath).map(s => BioDBToOAF.extractEBILinksFromDump(s))).as[EBILinkItem]
val ebLinks:Dataset[EBILinkItem] = spark.read.load(s"${sourcePath}_dataset").as[EBILinkItem].filter(l => l.links!= null)
ebLinks.flatMap(j =>BioDBToOAF.parse_ebi_links(j.links))
.filter(p => BioDBToOAF.EBITargetLinksFilter(p))
.flatMap(p => BioDBToOAF.convertEBILinksToOaf(p))

View File

@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
DROP VIEW IF EXISTS ${hiveDbName}.result;
CREATE VIEW IF NOT EXISTS ${hiveDbName}.result as
select id, originalid, dateofcollection, title, publisher, bestaccessright, datainfo, collectedfrom, pid, author, resulttype, language, country, subject, description, dateofacceptance, relevantdate, embargoenddate, resourcetype, context, externalreference, instance from ${hiveDbName}.publication p
select id, originalid, dateofcollection, title, publisher, bestaccessright, datainfo, collectedfrom, pid, author, resulttype, language, country, subject, description, dateofacceptance, relevantdate, embargoenddate, resourcetype, context, externalreference, instance, measures from ${hiveDbName}.publication p
union all
select id, originalid, dateofcollection, title, publisher, bestaccessright, datainfo, collectedfrom, pid, author, resulttype, language, country, subject, description, dateofacceptance, relevantdate, embargoenddate, resourcetype, context, externalreference, instance from ${hiveDbName}.dataset d
select id, originalid, dateofcollection, title, publisher, bestaccessright, datainfo, collectedfrom, pid, author, resulttype, language, country, subject, description, dateofacceptance, relevantdate, embargoenddate, resourcetype, context, externalreference, instance, measures from ${hiveDbName}.dataset d
union all
select id, originalid, dateofcollection, title, publisher, bestaccessright, datainfo, collectedfrom, pid, author, resulttype, language, country, subject, description, dateofacceptance, relevantdate, embargoenddate, resourcetype, context, externalreference, instance from ${hiveDbName}.software s
select id, originalid, dateofcollection, title, publisher, bestaccessright, datainfo, collectedfrom, pid, author, resulttype, language, country, subject, description, dateofacceptance, relevantdate, embargoenddate, resourcetype, context, externalreference, instance, measures from ${hiveDbName}.software s
union all
select id, originalid, dateofcollection, title, publisher, bestaccessright, datainfo, collectedfrom, pid, author, resulttype, language, country, subject, description, dateofacceptance, relevantdate, embargoenddate, resourcetype, context, externalreference, instance from ${hiveDbName}.otherresearchproduct o;
select id, originalid, dateofcollection, title, publisher, bestaccessright, datainfo, collectedfrom, pid, author, resulttype, language, country, subject, description, dateofacceptance, relevantdate, embargoenddate, resourcetype, context, externalreference, instance, measures from ${hiveDbName}.otherresearchproduct o;

View File

@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
{"paramName":"mt", "paramLongName":"master", "paramDescription": "should be local or yarn", "paramRequired": true},
{"paramName":"i", "paramLongName":"isLookupUrl","paramDescription": "isLookupUrl", "paramRequired": true},
{"paramName":"w", "paramLongName":"workingPath","paramDescription": "the path of the sequencial file to read", "paramRequired": true},
{"paramName":"t", "paramLongName":"targetPath","paramDescription": "the oaf path ", "paramRequired": true}
{"paramName":"mt", "paramLongName":"master", "paramDescription": "should be local or yarn", "paramRequired": true},
{"paramName":"i", "paramLongName":"isLookupUrl", "paramDescription": "isLookupUrl", "paramRequired": true},
{"paramName":"w", "paramLongName":"workingPath", "paramDescription": "the path of the sequencial file to read", "paramRequired": true},
{"paramName":"t", "paramLongName":"targetPath", "paramDescription": "the oaf path ", "paramRequired": true},
{"paramName":"h", "paramLongName":"hdfsServerUri", "paramDescription": "the working path ", "paramRequired": true}

View File

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
{"paramName":"mt", "paramLongName":"master", "paramDescription": "should be local or yarn", "paramRequired": true},
{"paramName":"s", "paramLongName":"sourcePath","paramDescription": "the source Path", "paramRequired": true},
{"paramName":"w", "paramLongName":"workingPath","paramDescription": "the working path ", "paramRequired": true}
{"paramName":"mt", "paramLongName":"master", "paramDescription": "should be local or yarn", "paramRequired": true},
{"paramName":"s", "paramLongName":"sourcePath", "paramDescription": "the source Path", "paramRequired": true},
{"paramName":"w", "paramLongName":"workingPath", "paramDescription": "the working path ", "paramRequired": true}

View File

@ -25,7 +25,6 @@
<message>Action failed, error message[${wf:errorMessage(wf:lastErrorNode())}]</message>
<action name="GenerateBaselineDataset">
<spark xmlns="uri:oozie:spark-action:0.2">
@ -43,6 +42,7 @@
<ok to="End"/>
<error to="Kill"/>
@ -74,7 +74,7 @@
<spark xmlns="uri:oozie:spark-action:0.2">
<name>Create Baselnie DataSet</name>
<name>Create Baseline DataSet</name>

View File

@ -1,59 +1,67 @@
<workflow-app name="Create EBI Dataset" xmlns="uri:oozie:workflow:0.5">
<description>the Working Path</description>
<description>the Working Path</description>
<description>memory for driver process</description>
<description>memory for individual executor</description>
<description>number of cores used by single executor</description>
<workflow-app name="Create EBI Dataset" xmlns="uri:oozie:workflow:0.5">
<description>the Working Path</description>
<description>the Working Path</description>
<description>memory for driver process</description>
<description>memory for individual executor</description>
<description>number of cores used by single executor</description>
<start to="DownloadEBILinks"/>
<start to="DownloadEBILinks"/>
<kill name="Kill">
<message>Action failed, error message[${wf:errorMessage(wf:lastErrorNode())}]</message>
<kill name="Kill">
<message>Action failed, error message[${wf:errorMessage(wf:lastErrorNode())}]</message>
<action name="DownloadEBILinks">
<spark xmlns="uri:oozie:spark-action:0.2">
<name>Incremental Download EBI Links</name>
--conf spark.extraListeners=${spark2ExtraListeners}
--conf spark.sql.shuffle.partitions=2000
--conf spark.sql.queryExecutionListeners=${spark2SqlQueryExecutionListeners}
--conf spark.yarn.historyServer.address=${spark2YarnHistoryServerAddress}
--conf spark.eventLog.dir=${nameNode}${spark2EventLogDir}
<ok to="End"/>
<error to="Kill"/>
<end name="End"/>
<action name="DownloadEBILinks">
<spark xmlns="uri:oozie:spark-action:0.2">
<name>Incremental Download EBI Links</name>
--conf spark.extraListeners=${spark2ExtraListeners}
--conf spark.sql.shuffle.partitions=2000
--conf spark.sql.queryExecutionListeners=${spark2SqlQueryExecutionListeners}
--conf spark.yarn.historyServer.address=${spark2YarnHistoryServerAddress}
--conf spark.eventLog.dir=${nameNode}${spark2EventLogDir}
<ok to="OverrideFolders"/>
<error to="Kill"/>
<action name="OverrideFolders">
<delete path="${sourcePath}/ebi_links_dataset_old"/>
<move source="${sourcePath}/ebi_links_dataset" target="${sourcePath}/ebi_links_dataset_old"/>
<move source="${workingPath}/links_final" target="${sourcePath}/ebi_links_dataset"/>
<ok to="End"/>
<error to="Kill"/>
<end name="End"/>

View File

@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ import eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.oaf.{Oaf, Relation, Result}
import eu.dnetlib.dhp.sx.graph.bio.BioDBToOAF.ScholixResolved
import eu.dnetlib.dhp.sx.graph.bio.BioDBToOAF
import eu.dnetlib.dhp.sx.graph.bio.pubmed.PubMedToOaf.dataInfo
import eu.dnetlib.dhp.sx.graph.ebi.SparkDownloadEBILinks
import org.json4s.DefaultFormats
import org.json4s.JsonAST.{JField, JObject, JString}
import org.json4s.jackson.JsonMethods.parse
@ -50,6 +51,8 @@ class BioScholixTest extends AbstractVocabularyTest{
def testEBIData() = {
val inputXML = Source.fromInputStream(getClass.getResourceAsStream("pubmed.xml")).mkString

View File

@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ curl -L ${CONTEXT_API}/contexts/?type=ri,community -H "accept: application/json"
cat contexts.csv | cut -d , -f1 | xargs -I {} curl -L ${CONTEXT_API}/context/{}/?all=true | /usr/local/sbin/jq -r '.[]|"\(.id|split(":")[0]),\(.id),\(.label)"' > categories.csv
cat categories.csv | cut -d , -f2 | sed 's/:/%3A/g'| xargs -I {} curl -L ${CONTEXT_API}/context/category/{}/?all=true | /usr/local/sbin/jq -r '.[]|"\(.id|split("::")[0])::\(.id|split("::")[1]),\(.id),\(.label)"' > concepts.csv
cat contexts.csv | sed 's/^\(.*\),\(.*\)/\1,\1::other,\2/' >> categories.csv
cat categories.csv | grep -v ::other | sed 's/^.*,\(.*\),\(.*\)/\1,\1::other,\2/' >> concepts.csv
cat categories.csv | sed 's/^.*,\(.*\),\(.*\)/\1,\1::other,\2/' >> concepts.csv
echo "uploading context data to hdfs"
hdfs dfs -mkdir ${TMP}

View File

@ -15,5 +15,5 @@ hdfs dfs -copyToLocal $SCRIPT_PATH
echo "Creating indicators"
impala-shell -q "invalidate metadata"
impala-shell -d ${TARGET} -q "show tables" --delimited | sed "s/^\(.*\)/compute stats ${TARGET}.\1;/" | impala-shell -c -f -
cat step16_7-createIndicatorsTables.sql | impala-shell -d $TARGET -f -
cat step16-createIndicatorsTables.sql | impala-shell -d $TARGET -f -
echo "Indicators created"

View File

@ -9,16 +9,9 @@ fi
export SOURCE=$1
export TARGET=$2
export SHADOW=$3
export SCRIPT_PATH=$4
echo "Getting file from " $4
hdfs dfs -copyToLocal $4
echo "Creating observatory database"
impala-shell -q "drop database if exists ${TARGET} cascade"
impala-shell -q "create database if not exists ${TARGET}"
impala-shell -d ${SOURCE} -q "show tables" --delimited | sed "s/\(.*\)/create view ${TARGET}.\1 as select * from ${SOURCE}.\1;/" | impala-shell -f -
cat step21-createObservatoryDB.sql | sed s/SOURCE/$1/g | sed s/TARGET/$2/g1 | impala-shell -f -
impala-shell -q "invalidate metadata;"
impala-shell -d ${TARGET} -q "show tables" --delimited | sed "s/\(.*\)/compute stats ${TARGET}.\1;/" | impala-shell -f -
echo "Impala shell finished"
echo "Updating shadow observatory database"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
export PYTHON_EGG_CACHE=/home/$(whoami)/.python-eggs
export link_folder=/tmp/impala-shell-python-egg-cache-$(whoami)
if ! [ -L $link_folder ]
rm -Rf "$link_folder"
ln -sfn ${PYTHON_EGG_CACHE}${link_folder} ${link_folder}
export SOURCE=$1
export TARGET=$2
export SHADOW=$3
echo "Creating observatory database"
impala-shell -q "drop database if exists ${TARGET} cascade"
impala-shell -q "create database if not exists ${TARGET}"
impala-shell -d ${SOURCE} -q "show tables" --delimited | grep -iv roar | sed "s/\(.*\)/create view ${TARGET}.\1 as select * from ${SOURCE}.\1;/" | impala-shell -f -

View File

@ -23,6 +23,11 @@ CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW ${stats_db_name}.rndexpediture AS
FROM ${external_stats_db_name}.rndexpediture;
CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW ${stats_db_name}.licenses_normalized AS
FROM ${external_stats_db_name}.licenses_normalized;
-- Creation date of the database

View File

@ -234,3 +234,49 @@ on p.id= tmp.id;
create table indi_pub_has_abstract stored as parquet as
select distinct publication.id, coalesce(abstract, 1) has_abstract
from publication;
create table indi_with_orcid stored as parquet as
select distinct r.id, coalesce(has_orcid, 0) as has_orcid
from result r
left outer join (select id, 1 as has_orcid from result_orcid) tmp
on r.id= tmp.id
create table indi_funded_result_with_fundref stored as parquet as
select distinct r.id, coalesce(fundref, 0) as fundref
from project_results r
left outer join (select distinct id, 1 as fundref from project_results
where provenance='Harvested') tmp
on r.id= tmp.id
create table indi_result_org_country_collab stored as parquet as
with tmp as
(select o.id as id, o.country , ro.id as result,r.type from organization o
join result_organization ro on o.id=ro.organization
join result r on r.id=ro.id where o.country <> 'UNKNOWN')
select o1.id org1,o2.country country2, o1.type, count(distinct o1.result) as collaborations
from tmp as o1
join tmp as o2 on o1.result=o2.result
where o1.id<>o2.id and o1.country<>o2.country
group by o1.id, o1.type,o2.country
create table indi_result_org_collab stored as parquet as
with tmp as
(select o.id, ro.id as result,r.type from organization o
join result_organization ro on o.id=ro.organization
join result r on r.id=ro.id)
select o1.id org1,o2.id org2, o1.type, count(distinct o1.result) as collaborations
from tmp as o1
join tmp as o2 on o1.result=o2.result
where o1.id<>o2.id
group by o1.id, o2.id, o1.type
create table indi_result_org_country_collab stored as parquet as
with tmp as
(select o.id as id, o.country , ro.id as result,r.type from organization o
join result_organization ro on o.id=ro.organization
join result r on r.id=ro.id where o.country <> 'UNKNOWN')
select o1.id org1,o2.country country2, o1.type, count(distinct o1.result) as collaborations
from tmp as o1
join tmp as o2 on o1.result=o2.result
where o1.id<>o2.id and o1.country<>o2.country
group by o1.id, o1.type,o2.country

View File

@ -1,62 +0,0 @@
-- Shortcuts for various definitions in stats db ---
-- Peer reviewed:
-- Results that have been collected from Crossref
create table ${stats_db_name}.result_peerreviewed as
with peer_reviewed as (
select distinct r.id as id
from ${stats_db_name}.result r
join ${stats_db_name}.result_sources rs on rs.id=r.id
join ${stats_db_name}.datasource d on d.id=rs.datasource
where d.name='Crossref')
select distinct peer_reviewed.id as id, true as peer_reviewed
from peer_reviewed
union all
select distinct r.id as id, false as peer_reviewed
from ${stats_db_name}.result r
left outer join peer_reviewed pr on pr.id=r.id
where pr.id is null;
-- Green OA:
-- OA results that are hosted by an Institutional repository and have NOT been harvested from a DOAJ journal.
create table ${stats_db_name}.result_greenoa as
with result_green as (
select distinct r.id as id
from ${stats_db_name}.result r
join ${stats_db_name}.result_datasources rd on rd.id=r.id
join ${stats_db_name}.datasource d on d.id=rd.datasource
left outer join (
select rd.id from ${stats_db_name}.result_datasources rd
join ${stats_db_name}.datasource d on rd.datasource=d.id
join ${stats_db_name}.datasource_sources sds on sds.id=d.id
join ${stats_db_name}.datasource sd on sd.id=sds.datasource
where sd.name='DOAJ-ARTICLES'
) as doaj on doaj.id=r.id
where r.bestlicence in ('Open Access', 'Open Source') and d.type='Institutional Repository' and doaj.id is null)
select distinct result_green.id, true as green
from result_green
union all
select distinct r.id as id, false as green
from ${stats_db_name}.result r
left outer join result_green rg on rg.id=r.id
where rg.id is null;
-- OA results that have been harvested from a DOAJ journal.
create table ${stats_db_name}.result_gold as
with result_gold as (
select distinct r.id as id
from ${stats_db_name}.result r
join ${stats_db_name}.result_datasources rd on rd.id=r.id
join ${stats_db_name}.datasource d on d.id=rd.datasource
join ${stats_db_name}.datasource_sources sds on sds.id=d.id
join ${stats_db_name}.datasource sd on sd.id=sds.datasource
where r.type='publication' and r.bestlicence='Open Access' and sd.name='DOAJ-Articles')
select distinct result_gold.id, true as gold
from result_gold
union all
select distinct r.id, false as gold
from ${stats_db_name}.result r
where r.id not in (select id from result_gold);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
-- Shortcuts for various definitions in stats db ---
-- Peer reviewed:
create table ${stats_db_name}.result_peerreviewed as
select r.id as id, case when doi.doi_from_crossref=1 and grey.grey_lit=0 then true else false end as peer_reviewed
from ${stats_db_name}.result r
left outer join ${stats_db_name}.indi_pub_doi_from_crossref doi on doi.id=r.id
left outer join ${stats_db_name}.indi_pub_grey_lit grey on grey.id=r.id;
-- Green OA:
create table ${stats_db_name}.result_greenoa as
select r.id, case when green.green_oa=1 then true else false end as green
from ${stats_db_name}.result r
left outer join ${stats_db_name}.indi_pub_green_oa green on green.id=r.id;
create table ${stats_db_name}.result_gold as
select r.id, case when gold.gold_oa=1 then true else false end as gold
from ${stats_db_name}.result r
left outer join ${stats_db_name}.indi_pub_gold_oa gold on gold.id=r.id;

View File

@ -104,25 +104,42 @@ create table TARGET.project_results as select id as result, project as id from T
compute stats TARGET.project_results;
-- indicators
create table TARGET.indi_pub_green_oa as select * from SOURCE.indi_pub_green_oa orig where exists (select 1 from TARGET.result r where r.id=orig.id);
compute stats TARGET.indi_pub_green_oa;
create table TARGET.indi_pub_grey_lit as select * from SOURCE.indi_pub_grey_lit orig where exists (select 1 from TARGET.result r where r.id=orig.id);
compute stats TARGET.indi_pub_grey_lit;
create table TARGET.indi_pub_doi_from_crossref as select * from SOURCE.indi_pub_doi_from_crossref orig where exists (select 1 from TARGET.result r where r.id=orig.id);
compute stats TARGET.indi_pub_doi_from_crossref;
create table TARGET.indi_pub_gold_oa as select * from SOURCE.indi_pub_gold_oa orig where exists (select 1 from TARGET.result r where r.id=orig.id);
compute stats TARGET.indi_pub_gold_oa;
create view TARGET.indi_dataset_avg_year_content_oa as select * from SOURCE.indi_dataset_avg_year_content_oa orig;
create view TARGET.indi_dataset_avg_year_context_oa as select * from SOURCE.indi_dataset_avg_year_context_oa orig;
create view TARGET.indi_dataset_avg_year_country_oa as select * from SOURCE.indi_dataset_avg_year_country_oa orig;
create view TARGET.indi_other_avg_year_content_oa as select * from SOURCE.indi_other_avg_year_content_oa orig;
create view TARGET.indi_other_avg_year_context_oa as select * from SOURCE.indi_other_avg_year_context_oa orig;
create view TARGET.indi_other_avg_year_country_oa as select * from SOURCE.indi_other_avg_year_country_oa orig;
create view TARGET.indi_project_datasets_count as select * from SOURCE.indi_project_datasets_count orig;
create view TARGET.indi_project_otherresearch_count as select * from SOURCE.indi_project_otherresearch_count orig;
create view TARGET.indi_project_pubs_count as select * from SOURCE.indi_project_pubs_count orig;
create view TARGET.indi_project_software_count as select * from SOURCE.indi_project_software_count orig;
create view TARGET.indi_pub_avg_year_content_oa as select * from SOURCE.indi_pub_avg_year_content_oa orig;
create view TARGET.indi_pub_avg_year_context_oa as select * from SOURCE.indi_pub_avg_year_context_oa orig;
create view TARGET.indi_pub_avg_year_country_oa as select * from SOURCE.indi_pub_avg_year_country_oa orig;
create table TARGET.indi_pub_green_oa as select * from SOURCE.indi_pub_green_oa orig where exists (select 1 from TARGET.result r where r.id=orig.id);
compute stats TARGET.indi_pub_green_oa;
create table TARGET.indi_pub_grey_lit as select * from SOURCE.indi_pub_grey_lit orig where exists (select 1 from TARGET.result r where r.id=orig.id);
compute stats TARGET.indi_pub_grey_lit;
create table TARGET.indi_pub_doi_from_crossref as select * from SOURCE.indi_pub_doi_from_crossref orig where exists (select 1 from TARGET.result r where r.id=orig.id);
compute stats TARGET.indi_pub_doi_from_crossref;
create table TARGET.indi_pub_gold_oa as select * from SOURCE.indi_pub_gold_oa orig where exists (select 1 from TARGET.result r where r.id=orig.id);
compute stats TARGET.indi_pub_gold_oa;
create table TARGET.indi_pub_has_abstract as select * from SOURCE.indi_pub_has_abstract orig where exists (select 1 from TARGET.result r where r.id=orig.id);
compute stats TARGET.indi_pub_has_abstract;
create table TARGET.indi_pub_has_cc_licence as select * from SOURCE.indi_pub_has_cc_licence orig where exists (select 1 from TARGET.result r where r.id=orig.id);
compute stats TARGET.indi_pub_has_cc_licence;
create table TARGET.indi_pub_has_cc_licence_url as select * from SOURCE.indi_pub_has_cc_licence_url orig where exists (select 1 from TARGET.result r where r.id=orig.id);
compute stats TARGET.indi_pub_has_cc_licence_url;
create view TARGET.indi_software_avg_year_content_oa as select * from SOURCE.indi_software_avg_year_content_oa orig;
create view TARGET.indi_software_avg_year_context_oa as select * from SOURCE.indi_software_avg_year_context_oa orig;
create view TARGET.indi_software_avg_year_country_oa as select * from SOURCE.indi_software_avg_year_country_oa orig;
alter table TARGET.result rename to TARGET.res_tmp;

View File

@ -1,259 +1,561 @@
create table TARGET.result_affiliated_country stored as parquet as
select count(distinct r.id) as total, r.green, r.gold, case when rl.type is not null then true else false end as licence,
case when pids.pid is not null then true else false end as pid, case when r.access_mode in ('Open Access', 'Open Source') then true else false end as oa,
r.peer_reviewed, r.type, c.code as ccode, c.name as cname
from SOURCE.result r
join SOURCE.result_organization ro on ro.id=r.id
join SOURCE.organization o on o.id=ro.organization
join SOURCE.country c on c.code=o.country and c.continent_name='Europe'
left outer join SOURCE.result_licenses rl on rl.id=r.id
left outer join SOURCE.result_pids pids on pids.id=r.id
group by r.green, r.gold, licence, pid, oa, r.peer_reviewed, r.type, c.code, c.name;
create table ${observatory_db_name}.result_cc_licence stored as parquet as
select r.id, coalesce(rln.count, 0) > 0 as cc_licence
from ${stats_db_name}.result r
left outer join (
select rl.id, sum(case when lower(rln.normalized) like 'cc-%' then 1 else 0 end) as count
from ${stats_db_name}.result_licenses rl
left outer join ${stats_db_name}.licenses_normalized rln on rl.type=rln.license
group by rl.id
) rln on rln.id=r.id;
create table TARGET.result_affiliated_year stored as parquet as
select count(distinct r.id) as total, r.green, r.gold, case when rl.type is not null then true else false end as licence,
case when pids.pid is not null then true else false end as pid, case when r.access_mode in ('Open Access', 'Open Source') then true else false end as oa, r.peer_reviewed, r.type, r.year
from SOURCE.result r
join SOURCE.result_organization ro on ro.id=r.id
join SOURCE.organization o on o.id=ro.organization
join SOURCE.country c on c.code=o.country and c.continent_name='Europe'
left outer join SOURCE.result_licenses rl on rl.id=r.id
left outer join SOURCE.result_pids pids on pids.id=r.id
group by r.green, r.gold, licence, pid, oa, r.peer_reviewed, r.type, r.year;
create table ${observatory_db_name}.result_affiliated_country stored as parquet as
count(distinct r.id) as total,
case when rl.type is not null then true else false end as licence,
case when pids.pid is not null then true else false end as pid,
case when r.access_mode in ('Open Access', 'Open Source') then true else false end as oa,
r.abstract as abstract,
r.authors > 1 as multiple_authors,
rpc.count > 1 as multiple_projects,
rfc.count > 1 as multiple_funders,
c.code as ccode, c.name as cname
from ${stats_db_name}.result r
join ${stats_db_name}.result_organization ro on ro.id=r.id
join ${stats_db_name}.organization o on o.id=ro.organization
join ${stats_db_name}.country c on c.code=o.country and c.continent_name='Europe'
left outer join ${stats_db_name}.result_licenses rl on rl.id=r.id
left outer join ${stats_db_name}.result_pids pids on pids.id=r.id
left outer join ${observatory_db_name}.result_cc_licence rln on rln.id=r.id
left outer join ${stats_db_name}.result_projectcount rpc on rpc.id=r.id
left outer join ${stats_db_name}.result_fundercount rfc on rfc.id=r.id
group by r.green, r.gold, case when rl.type is not null then true else false end, case when pids.pid is not null then true else false end,
case when r.access_mode in ('Open Access', 'Open Source') then true else false end, r.peer_reviewed, r.type, abstract,
cc_licence, r.authors > 1, rpc.count > 1, rfc.count > 1, c.code, c.name;
create table TARGET.result_affiliated_year_country stored as parquet as
select count(distinct r.id) as total, r.green, r.gold, case when rl.type is not null then true else false end as licence,
case when pids.pid is not null then true else false end as pid, case when r.access_mode in ('Open Access', 'Open Source') then true else false end as oa,
r.peer_reviewed, r.type, r.year, c.code as ccode, c.name as cname
from SOURCE.result r
join SOURCE.result_organization ro on ro.id=r.id
join SOURCE.organization o on o.id=ro.organization
join SOURCE.country c on c.code=o.country and c.continent_name='Europe'
left outer join SOURCE.result_licenses rl on rl.id=r.id
left outer join SOURCE.result_pids pids on pids.id=r.id
group by r.green, r.gold, licence, pid, oa, r.peer_reviewed, r.type, r.year, c.code, c.name;
create table ${observatory_db_name}.result_affiliated_year stored as parquet as
count(distinct r.id) as total,
case when rl.type is not null then true else false end as licence,
case when pids.pid is not null then true else false end as pid,
case when r.access_mode in ('Open Access', 'Open Source') then true else false end as oa,
r.abstract as abstract,
r.authors > 1 as multiple_authors,
rpc.count > 1 as multiple_projects,
rfc.count > 1 as multiple_funders,
from ${stats_db_name}.result r
join ${stats_db_name}.result_organization ro on ro.id=r.id
join ${stats_db_name}.organization o on o.id=ro.organization
join ${stats_db_name}.country c on c.code=o.country and c.continent_name='Europe'
left outer join ${stats_db_name}.result_licenses rl on rl.id=r.id
left outer join ${stats_db_name}.result_pids pids on pids.id=r.id
left outer join ${observatory_db_name}.result_cc_licence rln on rln.id=r.id
left outer join ${stats_db_name}.result_projectcount rpc on rpc.id=r.id
left outer join ${stats_db_name}.result_fundercount rfc on rfc.id=r.id
group by r.green, r.gold, case when rl.type is not null then true else false end, case when pids.pid is not null then true else false end,
case when r.access_mode in ('Open Access', 'Open Source') then true else false end, r.peer_reviewed, r.type, abstract,
cc_licence, r.authors > 1, rpc.count > 1, rfc.count > 1, r.year;
create table TARGET.result_affiliated_datasource stored as parquet as
select count(distinct r.id) as total, r.green, r.gold, case when rl.type is not null then true else false end as licence,
case when pids.pid is not null then true else false end as pid, case when r.access_mode in ('Open Access', 'Open Source') then true else false end as oa, r.peer_reviewed, r.type, d.name as dname
from SOURCE.result r
join SOURCE.result_organization ro on ro.id=r.id
join SOURCE.organization o on o.id=ro.organization
join SOURCE.country c on c.code=o.country and c.continent_name='Europe'
left outer join SOURCE.result_datasources rd on rd.id=r.id
left outer join SOURCE.datasource d on d.id=rd.datasource
left outer join SOURCE.result_licenses rl on rl.id=r.id
left outer join SOURCE.result_pids pids on pids.id=r.id
group by r.green, r.gold, licence, pid, oa, r.peer_reviewed, r.type, d.name;
create table ${observatory_db_name}.result_affiliated_year_country stored as parquet as
count(distinct r.id) as total,
case when rl.type is not null then true else false end as licence,
case when pids.pid is not null then true else false end as pid,
case when r.access_mode in ('Open Access', 'Open Source') then true else false end as oa,
r.abstract as abstract,
r.authors > 1 as multiple_authors,
rpc.count > 1 as multiple_projects,
rfc.count > 1 as multiple_funders,
r.year, c.code as ccode, c.name as cname
from ${stats_db_name}.result r
join ${stats_db_name}.result_organization ro on ro.id=r.id
join ${stats_db_name}.organization o on o.id=ro.organization
join ${stats_db_name}.country c on c.code=o.country and c.continent_name='Europe'
left outer join ${stats_db_name}.result_licenses rl on rl.id=r.id
left outer join ${stats_db_name}.result_pids pids on pids.id=r.id
left outer join ${observatory_db_name}.result_cc_licence rln on rln.id=r.id
left outer join ${stats_db_name}.result_projectcount rpc on rpc.id=r.id
left outer join ${stats_db_name}.result_fundercount rfc on rfc.id=r.id
group by r.green, r.gold, case when rl.type is not null then true else false end, case when pids.pid is not null then true else false end,
case when r.access_mode in ('Open Access', 'Open Source') then true else false end, r.peer_reviewed, r.type, abstract,
cc_licence, r.authors > 1, rpc.count > 1, rfc.count > 1, r.year, c.code, c.name;
create table TARGET.result_affiliated_datasource_country stored as parquet as
select count(distinct r.id) as total, r.green, r.gold, case when rl.type is not null then true else false end as licence,
case when pids.pid is not null then true else false end as pid, case when r.access_mode in ('Open Access', 'Open Source') then true else false end as oa,
r.peer_reviewed, r.type, d.name as dname, c.code as ccode, c.name as cname
from SOURCE.result r
join SOURCE.result_organization ro on ro.id=r.id
join SOURCE.organization o on o.id=ro.organization
join SOURCE.country c on c.code=o.country and c.continent_name='Europe'
left outer join SOURCE.result_datasources rd on rd.id=r.id
left outer join SOURCE.datasource d on d.id=rd.datasource
left outer join SOURCE.result_licenses rl on rl.id=r.id
left outer join SOURCE.result_pids pids on pids.id=r.id
group by r.green, r.gold, licence, pid, oa, r.peer_reviewed, r.type, d.name, c.code, c.name;
create table ${observatory_db_name}.result_affiliated_datasource stored as parquet as
count(distinct r.id) as total,
case when rl.type is not null then true else false end as licence,
case when pids.pid is not null then true else false end as pid,
case when r.access_mode in ('Open Access', 'Open Source') then true else false end as oa,
r.abstract as abstract,
r.authors > 1 as multiple_authors,
rpc.count > 1 as multiple_projects,
rfc.count > 1 as multiple_funders,
d.name as dname
from ${stats_db_name}.result r
join ${stats_db_name}.result_organization ro on ro.id=r.id
join ${stats_db_name}.organization o on o.id=ro.organization
join ${stats_db_name}.country c on c.code=o.country and c.continent_name='Europe'
left outer join ${stats_db_name}.result_datasources rd on rd.id=r.id
left outer join ${stats_db_name}.datasource d on d.id=rd.datasource
left outer join ${stats_db_name}.result_licenses rl on rl.id=r.id
left outer join ${stats_db_name}.result_pids pids on pids.id=r.id
left outer join ${observatory_db_name}.result_cc_licence rln on rln.id=r.id
left outer join ${stats_db_name}.result_projectcount rpc on rpc.id=r.id
left outer join ${stats_db_name}.result_fundercount rfc on rfc.id=r.id
group by r.green, r.gold, case when rl.type is not null then true else false end, case when pids.pid is not null then true else false end,
case when r.access_mode in ('Open Access', 'Open Source') then true else false end, r.peer_reviewed, r.type, abstract,
cc_licence, r.authors > 1, rpc.count > 1, rfc.count > 1, d.name;
create table TARGET.result_affiliated_organization stored as parquet as
select count(distinct r.id) as total, r.green, r.gold, case when rl.type is not null then true else false end as licence,
case when pids.pid is not null then true else false end as pid, case when r.access_mode in ('Open Access', 'Open Source') then true else false end as oa,
r.peer_reviewed, r.type, o.name as oname
from SOURCE.result r
join SOURCE.result_organization ro on ro.id=r.id
join SOURCE.organization o on o.id=ro.organization
join SOURCE.country c on c.code=o.country and c.continent_name='Europe'
left outer join SOURCE.result_licenses rl on rl.id=r.id
left outer join SOURCE.result_pids pids on pids.id=r.id
group by r.green, r.gold, licence, pid, oa, r.peer_reviewed, r.type, o.name;
create table ${observatory_db_name}.result_affiliated_datasource_country stored as parquet as
count(distinct r.id) as total,
case when rl.type is not null then true else false end as licence,
case when pids.pid is not null then true else false end as pid,
case when r.access_mode in ('Open Access', 'Open Source') then true else false end as oa,
r.abstract as abstract,
r.authors > 1 as multiple_authors,
rpc.count > 1 as multiple_projects,
rfc.count > 1 as multiple_funders,
d.name as dname, c.code as ccode, c.name as cname
from ${stats_db_name}.result r
join ${stats_db_name}.result_organization ro on ro.id=r.id
join ${stats_db_name}.organization o on o.id=ro.organization
join ${stats_db_name}.country c on c.code=o.country and c.continent_name='Europe'
left outer join ${stats_db_name}.result_datasources rd on rd.id=r.id
left outer join ${stats_db_name}.datasource d on d.id=rd.datasource
left outer join ${stats_db_name}.result_licenses rl on rl.id=r.id
left outer join ${stats_db_name}.result_pids pids on pids.id=r.id
left outer join ${observatory_db_name}.result_cc_licence rln on rln.id=r.id
left outer join ${stats_db_name}.result_projectcount rpc on rpc.id=r.id
left outer join ${stats_db_name}.result_fundercount rfc on rfc.id=r.id
group by r.green, r.gold, case when rl.type is not null then true else false end, case when pids.pid is not null then true else false end,
case when r.access_mode in ('Open Access', 'Open Source') then true else false end, r.peer_reviewed, r.type, abstract,
cc_licence, r.authors > 1, rpc.count > 1, rfc.count > 1, d.name, c.code, c.name;
create table TARGET.result_affiliated_organization_country stored as parquet as
select count(distinct r.id) as total, r.green, r.gold, case when rl.type is not null then true else false end as licence,
case when pids.pid is not null then true else false end as pid, case when r.access_mode in ('Open Access', 'Open Source') then true else false end as oa,
r.peer_reviewed, r.type, o.name as oname, c.code as ccode, c.name as cname
from SOURCE.result r
join SOURCE.result_organization ro on ro.id=r.id
join SOURCE.organization o on o.id=ro.organization
join SOURCE.country c on c.code=o.country and c.continent_name='Europe'
left outer join SOURCE.result_licenses rl on rl.id=r.id
left outer join SOURCE.result_pids pids on pids.id=r.id
group by r.green, r.gold, licence, pid, oa, r.peer_reviewed, r.type, o.name, c.code, c.name;
create table ${observatory_db_name}.result_affiliated_organization stored as parquet as
count(distinct r.id) as total,
case when rl.type is not null then true else false end as licence,
case when pids.pid is not null then true else false end as pid,
case when r.access_mode in ('Open Access', 'Open Source') then true else false end as oa,
r.abstract as abstract,
r.authors > 1 as multiple_authors,
rpc.count > 1 as multiple_projects,
rfc.count > 1 as multiple_funders,
o.name as oname
from ${stats_db_name}.result r
join ${stats_db_name}.result_organization ro on ro.id=r.id
join ${stats_db_name}.organization o on o.id=ro.organization
join ${stats_db_name}.country c on c.code=o.country and c.continent_name='Europe'
left outer join ${stats_db_name}.result_licenses rl on rl.id=r.id
left outer join ${stats_db_name}.result_pids pids on pids.id=r.id
left outer join ${observatory_db_name}.result_cc_licence rln on rln.id=r.id
left outer join ${stats_db_name}.result_projectcount rpc on rpc.id=r.id
left outer join ${stats_db_name}.result_fundercount rfc on rfc.id=r.id
group by r.green, r.gold, case when rl.type is not null then true else false end, case when pids.pid is not null then true else false end,
case when r.access_mode in ('Open Access', 'Open Source') then true else false end, r.peer_reviewed, r.type, abstract,
cc_licence, r.authors > 1, rpc.count > 1, rfc.count > 1, o.name;
create table TARGET.result_affiliated_funder stored as parquet as
select count(distinct r.id) as total, r.green, r.gold, case when rl.type is not null then true else false end as licence,
case when pids.pid is not null then true else false end as pid, case when r.access_mode in ('Open Access', 'Open Source') then true else false end as oa, r.peer_reviewed, r.type, p.funder as pfunder
from SOURCE.result r
join SOURCE.result_organization ro on ro.id=r.id
join SOURCE.organization o on o.id=ro.organization
join SOURCE.country c on c.code=o.country and c.continent_name='Europe'
join SOURCE.result_projects rp on rp.id=r.id
join SOURCE.project p on p.id=rp.project
left outer join SOURCE.result_licenses rl on rl.id=r.id
left outer join SOURCE.result_pids pids on pids.id=r.id
group by r.green, r.gold, licence, pid, oa, r.peer_reviewed, r.type, p.funder;
create table ${observatory_db_name}.result_affiliated_organization_country stored as parquet as
count(distinct r.id) as total,
case when rl.type is not null then true else false end as licence,
case when pids.pid is not null then true else false end as pid,
case when r.access_mode in ('Open Access', 'Open Source') then true else false end as oa,
r.abstract as abstract,
r.authors > 1 as multiple_authors,
rpc.count > 1 as multiple_projects,
rfc.count > 1 as multiple_funders,
o.name as oname, c.code as ccode, c.name as cname
from ${stats_db_name}.result r
join ${stats_db_name}.result_organization ro on ro.id=r.id
join ${stats_db_name}.organization o on o.id=ro.organization
join ${stats_db_name}.country c on c.code=o.country and c.continent_name='Europe'
left outer join ${stats_db_name}.result_licenses rl on rl.id=r.id
left outer join ${stats_db_name}.result_pids pids on pids.id=r.id
left outer join ${observatory_db_name}.result_cc_licence rln on rln.id=r.id
left outer join ${stats_db_name}.result_projectcount rpc on rpc.id=r.id
left outer join ${stats_db_name}.result_fundercount rfc on rfc.id=r.id
group by r.green, r.gold, case when rl.type is not null then true else false end, case when pids.pid is not null then true else false end,
case when r.access_mode in ('Open Access', 'Open Source') then true else false end, r.peer_reviewed, r.type, abstract,
cc_licence, r.authors > 1, rpc.count > 1, rfc.count > 1, o.name, c.code, c.name;
create table TARGET.result_affiliated_funder_country stored as parquet as
select count(distinct r.id) as total, r.green, r.gold, case when rl.type is not null then true else false end as licence,
case when pids.pid is not null then true else false end as pid, case when r.access_mode in ('Open Access', 'Open Source') then true else false end as oa,
r.peer_reviewed, r.type, p.funder as pfunder, c.code as ccode, c.name as cname
from SOURCE.result r
join SOURCE.result_organization ro on ro.id=r.id
join SOURCE.organization o on o.id=ro.organization
join SOURCE.country c on c.code=o.country and c.continent_name='Europe'
join SOURCE.result_projects rp on rp.id=r.id
join SOURCE.project p on p.id=rp.project
left outer join SOURCE.result_licenses rl on rl.id=r.id
left outer join SOURCE.result_pids pids on pids.id=r.id
group by r.green, r.gold, licence, pid, oa, r.peer_reviewed, r.type, p.funder, c.code, c.name;
create table ${observatory_db_name}.result_affiliated_funder stored as parquet as
count(distinct r.id) as total,
case when rl.type is not null then true else false end as licence,
case when pids.pid is not null then true else false end as pid,
case when r.access_mode in ('Open Access', 'Open Source') then true else false end as oa,
r.abstract as abstract,
r.authors > 1 as multiple_authors,
rpc.count > 1 as multiple_projects,
rfc.count > 1 as multiple_funders,
p.funder as pfunder
from ${stats_db_name}.result r
join ${stats_db_name}.result_organization ro on ro.id=r.id
join ${stats_db_name}.organization o on o.id=ro.organization
join ${stats_db_name}.country c on c.code=o.country and c.continent_name='Europe'
join ${stats_db_name}.result_projects rp on rp.id=r.id
join ${stats_db_name}.project p on p.id=rp.project
left outer join ${stats_db_name}.result_licenses rl on rl.id=r.id
left outer join ${stats_db_name}.result_pids pids on pids.id=r.id
left outer join ${observatory_db_name}.result_cc_licence rln on rln.id=r.id
left outer join ${stats_db_name}.result_projectcount rpc on rpc.id=r.id
left outer join ${stats_db_name}.result_fundercount rfc on rfc.id=r.id
group by r.green, r.gold, case when rl.type is not null then true else false end, case when pids.pid is not null then true else false end,
case when r.access_mode in ('Open Access', 'Open Source') then true else false end, r.peer_reviewed, r.type, abstract,
cc_licence, r.authors > 1, rpc.count > 1, rfc.count > 1, p.funder;
create table TARGET.result_deposited_country stored as parquet as
select count(distinct r.id) as total, r.green, r.gold, case when rl.type is not null then true else false end as licence,
case when pids.pid is not null then true else false end as pid, case when r.access_mode in ('Open Access', 'Open Source') then true else false end as oa,
r.peer_reviewed, r.type, c.code as ccode, c.name as cname
from SOURCE.result r
join SOURCE.result_datasources rd on rd.id=r.id
join SOURCE.datasource d on d.id=rd.datasource and d.type in ('Institutional Repository','Data Repository', 'Repository', 'Publication Repository')
join SOURCE.datasource_organizations dor on dor.id=d.id
join SOURCE.organization o on o.id=dor.organization
join SOURCE.country c on c.code=o.country and c.continent_name='Europe'
left outer join SOURCE.result_licenses rl on rl.id=r.id
left outer join SOURCE.result_pids pids on pids.id=r.id
group by r.green, r.gold, licence, pid, oa, r.peer_reviewed, r.type, c.code, c.name;
create table ${observatory_db_name}.result_affiliated_funder_country stored as parquet as
count(distinct r.id) as total,
case when rl.type is not null then true else false end as licence,
case when pids.pid is not null then true else false end as pid,
case when r.access_mode in ('Open Access', 'Open Source') then true else false end as oa,
r.abstract as abstract,
r.authors > 1 as multiple_authors,
rpc.count > 1 as multiple_projects,
rfc.count > 1 as multiple_funders,
p.funder as pfunder, c.code as ccode, c.name as cname
from ${stats_db_name}.result r
join ${stats_db_name}.result_organization ro on ro.id=r.id
join ${stats_db_name}.organization o on o.id=ro.organization
join ${stats_db_name}.country c on c.code=o.country and c.continent_name='Europe'
join ${stats_db_name}.result_projects rp on rp.id=r.id
join ${stats_db_name}.project p on p.id=rp.project
left outer join ${stats_db_name}.result_licenses rl on rl.id=r.id
left outer join ${stats_db_name}.result_pids pids on pids.id=r.id
left outer join ${observatory_db_name}.result_cc_licence rln on rln.id=r.id
left outer join ${stats_db_name}.result_projectcount rpc on rpc.id=r.id
left outer join ${stats_db_name}.result_fundercount rfc on rfc.id=r.id
group by r.green, r.gold, case when rl.type is not null then true else false end, case when pids.pid is not null then true else false end,
case when r.access_mode in ('Open Access', 'Open Source') then true else false end, r.peer_reviewed, r.type, abstract,
cc_licence, r.authors > 1, rpc.count > 1, rfc.count > 1, p.funder, c.code, c.name;
create table TARGET.result_deposited_year stored as parquet as
select count(distinct r.id) as total, r.green, r.gold, case when rl.type is not null then true else false end as licence,
case when pids.pid is not null then true else false end as pid, case when r.access_mode in ('Open Access', 'Open Source') then true else false end as oa, r.peer_reviewed, r.type, r.year
from SOURCE.result r
join SOURCE.result_datasources rd on rd.id=r.id
join SOURCE.datasource d on d.id=rd.datasource and d.type in ('Institutional Repository','Data Repository', 'Repository', 'Publication Repository')
join SOURCE.datasource_organizations dor on dor.id=d.id
join SOURCE.organization o on o.id=dor.organization
join SOURCE.country c on c.code=o.country and c.continent_name='Europe'
left outer join SOURCE.result_licenses rl on rl.id=r.id
left outer join SOURCE.result_pids pids on pids.id=r.id
group by r.green, r.gold, licence, pid, oa, r.peer_reviewed, r.type, r.year;
create table ${observatory_db_name}.result_deposited_country stored as parquet as
count(distinct r.id) as total,
case when rl.type is not null then true else false end as licence,
case when pids.pid is not null then true else false end as pid,
case when r.access_mode in ('Open Access', 'Open Source') then true else false end as oa,
r.abstract as abstract,
r.authors > 1 as multiple_authors,
rpc.count > 1 as multiple_projects,
rfc.count > 1 as multiple_funders,
c.code as ccode, c.name as cname
from ${stats_db_name}.result r
join ${stats_db_name}.result_datasources rd on rd.id=r.id
join ${stats_db_name}.datasource d on d.id=rd.datasource and d.type in ('Institutional Repository','Data Repository', 'Repository', 'Publication Repository')
join ${stats_db_name}.datasource_organizations dor on dor.id=d.id
join ${stats_db_name}.organization o on o.id=dor.organization
join ${stats_db_name}.country c on c.code=o.country and c.continent_name='Europe'
left outer join ${stats_db_name}.result_licenses rl on rl.id=r.id
left outer join ${stats_db_name}.result_pids pids on pids.id=r.id
left outer join ${observatory_db_name}.result_cc_licence rln on rln.id=r.id
left outer join ${stats_db_name}.result_projectcount rpc on rpc.id=r.id
left outer join ${stats_db_name}.result_fundercount rfc on rfc.id=r.id
group by r.green, r.gold, case when rl.type is not null then true else false end, case when pids.pid is not null then true else false end,
case when r.access_mode in ('Open Access', 'Open Source') then true else false end, r.peer_reviewed, r.type, abstract,
cc_licence, r.authors > 1, rpc.count > 1, rfc.count > 1, c.code, c.name;
create table TARGET.result_deposited_year_country stored as parquet as
select count(distinct r.id) as total, r.green, r.gold, case when rl.type is not null then true else false end as licence,
case when pids.pid is not null then true else false end as pid, case when r.access_mode in ('Open Access', 'Open Source') then true else false end as oa,
r.peer_reviewed, r.type, r.year, c.code as ccode, c.name as cname
from SOURCE.result r
join SOURCE.result_datasources rd on rd.id=r.id
join SOURCE.datasource d on d.id=rd.datasource and d.type in ('Institutional Repository','Data Repository', 'Repository', 'Publication Repository')
join SOURCE.datasource_organizations dor on dor.id=d.id
join SOURCE.organization o on o.id=dor.organization
join SOURCE.country c on c.code=o.country and c.continent_name='Europe'
left outer join SOURCE.result_licenses rl on rl.id=r.id
left outer join SOURCE.result_pids pids on pids.id=r.id
group by r.green, r.gold, licence, pid, oa, r.peer_reviewed, r.type, r.year, c.code, c.name;
create table ${observatory_db_name}.result_deposited_year stored as parquet as
count(distinct r.id) as total,
case when rl.type is not null then true else false end as licence,
case when pids.pid is not null then true else false end as pid,
case when r.access_mode in ('Open Access', 'Open Source') then true else false end as oa,
r.abstract as abstract,
r.authors > 1 as multiple_authors,
rpc.count > 1 as multiple_projects,
rfc.count > 1 as multiple_funders,
from ${stats_db_name}.result r
join ${stats_db_name}.result_datasources rd on rd.id=r.id
join ${stats_db_name}.datasource d on d.id=rd.datasource and d.type in ('Institutional Repository','Data Repository', 'Repository', 'Publication Repository')
join ${stats_db_name}.datasource_organizations dor on dor.id=d.id
join ${stats_db_name}.organization o on o.id=dor.organization
join ${stats_db_name}.country c on c.code=o.country and c.continent_name='Europe'
left outer join ${stats_db_name}.result_licenses rl on rl.id=r.id
left outer join ${stats_db_name}.result_pids pids on pids.id=r.id
left outer join ${observatory_db_name}.result_cc_licence rln on rln.id=r.id
left outer join ${stats_db_name}.result_projectcount rpc on rpc.id=r.id
left outer join ${stats_db_name}.result_fundercount rfc on rfc.id=r.id
group by r.green, r.gold, case when rl.type is not null then true else false end, case when pids.pid is not null then true else false end,
case when r.access_mode in ('Open Access', 'Open Source') then true else false end, r.peer_reviewed, r.type, abstract,
cc_licence, r.authors > 1, rpc.count > 1, rfc.count > 1, r.year;
create table TARGET.result_deposited_datasource stored as parquet as
select count(distinct r.id) as total, r.green, r.gold, case when rl.type is not null then true else false end as licence,
case when pids.pid is not null then true else false end as pid, case when r.access_mode in ('Open Access', 'Open Source') then true else false end as oa,
r.peer_reviewed, r.type, d.name as dname
from SOURCE.result r
join SOURCE.result_datasources rd on rd.id=r.id
join SOURCE.datasource d on d.id=rd.datasource and d.type in ('Institutional Repository','Data Repository', 'Repository', 'Publication Repository')
join SOURCE.datasource_organizations dor on dor.id=d.id
join SOURCE.organization o on o.id=dor.organization
join SOURCE.country c on c.code=o.country and c.continent_name='Europe'
left outer join SOURCE.result_licenses rl on rl.id=r.id
left outer join SOURCE.result_pids pids on pids.id=r.id
group by r.green, r.gold, licence, pid, oa, r.peer_reviewed, r.type, d.name;
create table ${observatory_db_name}.result_deposited_year_country stored as parquet as
count(distinct r.id) as total,
case when rl.type is not null then true else false end as licence,
case when pids.pid is not null then true else false end as pid,
case when r.access_mode in ('Open Access', 'Open Source') then true else false end as oa,
r.abstract as abstract,
r.authors > 1 as multiple_authors,
rpc.count > 1 as multiple_projects,
rfc.count > 1 as multiple_funders,
r.year, c.code as ccode, c.name as cname
from ${stats_db_name}.result r
join ${stats_db_name}.result_datasources rd on rd.id=r.id
join ${stats_db_name}.datasource d on d.id=rd.datasource and d.type in ('Institutional Repository','Data Repository', 'Repository', 'Publication Repository')
join ${stats_db_name}.datasource_organizations dor on dor.id=d.id
join ${stats_db_name}.organization o on o.id=dor.organization
join ${stats_db_name}.country c on c.code=o.country and c.continent_name='Europe'
left outer join ${stats_db_name}.result_licenses rl on rl.id=r.id
left outer join ${stats_db_name}.result_pids pids on pids.id=r.id
left outer join ${observatory_db_name}.result_cc_licence rln on rln.id=r.id
left outer join ${stats_db_name}.result_projectcount rpc on rpc.id=r.id
left outer join ${stats_db_name}.result_fundercount rfc on rfc.id=r.id
group by r.green, r.gold, case when rl.type is not null then true else false end, case when pids.pid is not null then true else false end,
case when r.access_mode in ('Open Access', 'Open Source') then true else false end, r.peer_reviewed, r.type, abstract,
cc_licence, r.authors > 1, rpc.count > 1, rfc.count > 1, r.year, c.code, c.name;
create table TARGET.result_deposited_datasource_country stored as parquet as
select count(distinct r.id) as total, r.green, r.gold, case when rl.type is not null then true else false end as licence,
case when pids.pid is not null then true else false end as pid, case when r.access_mode in ('Open Access', 'Open Source') then true else false end as oa,
r.peer_reviewed, r.type, d.name as dname, c.code as ccode, c.name as cname
from SOURCE.result r
join SOURCE.result_datasources rd on rd.id=r.id
join SOURCE.datasource d on d.id=rd.datasource and d.type in ('Institutional Repository','Data Repository', 'Repository', 'Publication Repository')
join SOURCE.datasource_organizations dor on dor.id=d.id
join SOURCE.organization o on o.id=dor.organization
join SOURCE.country c on c.code=o.country and c.continent_name='Europe'
left outer join SOURCE.result_licenses rl on rl.id=r.id
left outer join SOURCE.result_pids pids on pids.id=r.id
group by r.green, r.gold, licence, pid, oa, r.peer_reviewed, r.type, d.name, c.code, c.name;
create table ${observatory_db_name}.result_deposited_datasource stored as parquet as
count(distinct r.id) as total,
case when rl.type is not null then true else false end as licence,
case when pids.pid is not null then true else false end as pid,
case when r.access_mode in ('Open Access', 'Open Source') then true else false end as oa,
r.abstract as abstract,
r.authors > 1 as multiple_authors,
rpc.count > 1 as multiple_projects,
rfc.count > 1 as multiple_funders,
d.name as dname
from ${stats_db_name}.result r
join ${stats_db_name}.result_datasources rd on rd.id=r.id
join ${stats_db_name}.datasource d on d.id=rd.datasource and d.type in ('Institutional Repository','Data Repository', 'Repository', 'Publication Repository')
join ${stats_db_name}.datasource_organizations dor on dor.id=d.id
join ${stats_db_name}.organization o on o.id=dor.organization
join ${stats_db_name}.country c on c.code=o.country and c.continent_name='Europe'
left outer join ${stats_db_name}.result_licenses rl on rl.id=r.id
left outer join ${stats_db_name}.result_pids pids on pids.id=r.id
left outer join ${observatory_db_name}.result_cc_licence rln on rln.id=r.id
left outer join ${stats_db_name}.result_projectcount rpc on rpc.id=r.id
left outer join ${stats_db_name}.result_fundercount rfc on rfc.id=r.id
group by r.green, r.gold, case when rl.type is not null then true else false end, case when pids.pid is not null then true else false end,
case when r.access_mode in ('Open Access', 'Open Source') then true else false end, r.peer_reviewed, r.type, abstract,
cc_licence, r.authors > 1, rpc.count > 1, rfc.count > 1, d.name;
create table TARGET.result_deposited_organization stored as parquet as
select count(distinct r.id) as total, r.green, r.gold, case when rl.type is not null then true else false end as licence,
case when pids.pid is not null then true else false end as pid, case when r.access_mode in ('Open Access', 'Open Source') then true else false end as oa, r.peer_reviewed, r.type, o.name as oname
from SOURCE.result r
join SOURCE.result_datasources rd on rd.id=r.id
join SOURCE.datasource d on d.id=rd.datasource and d.type in ('Institutional Repository','Data Repository', 'Repository', 'Publication Repository')
join SOURCE.datasource_organizations dor on dor.id=d.id
join SOURCE.organization o on o.id=dor.organization
join SOURCE.country c on c.code=o.country and c.continent_name='Europe'
left outer join SOURCE.result_licenses rl on rl.id=r.id
left outer join SOURCE.result_pids pids on pids.id=r.id
group by r.green, r.gold, licence, pid, oa, r.peer_reviewed, r.type, o.name;
create table ${observatory_db_name}.result_deposited_datasource_country stored as parquet as
count(distinct r.id) as total,
case when rl.type is not null then true else false end as licence,
case when pids.pid is not null then true else false end as pid,
case when r.access_mode in ('Open Access', 'Open Source') then true else false end as oa,
r.abstract as abstract,
r.authors > 1 as multiple_authors,
rpc.count > 1 as multiple_projects,
rfc.count > 1 as multiple_funders,
d.name as dname, c.code as ccode, c.name as cname
from ${stats_db_name}.result r
join ${stats_db_name}.result_datasources rd on rd.id=r.id
join ${stats_db_name}.datasource d on d.id=rd.datasource and d.type in ('Institutional Repository','Data Repository', 'Repository', 'Publication Repository')
join ${stats_db_name}.datasource_organizations dor on dor.id=d.id
join ${stats_db_name}.organization o on o.id=dor.organization
join ${stats_db_name}.country c on c.code=o.country and c.continent_name='Europe'
left outer join ${stats_db_name}.result_licenses rl on rl.id=r.id
left outer join ${stats_db_name}.result_pids pids on pids.id=r.id
left outer join ${observatory_db_name}.result_cc_licence rln on rln.id=r.id
left outer join ${stats_db_name}.result_projectcount rpc on rpc.id=r.id
left outer join ${stats_db_name}.result_fundercount rfc on rfc.id=r.id
group by r.green, r.gold, case when rl.type is not null then true else false end, case when pids.pid is not null then true else false end,
case when r.access_mode in ('Open Access', 'Open Source') then true else false end, r.peer_reviewed, r.type, abstract,
cc_licence, r.authors > 1, rpc.count > 1, rfc.count > 1, d.name, c.code, c.name;
create table TARGET.result_deposited_organization_country stored as parquet as
select count(distinct r.id) as total, r.green, r.gold, case when rl.type is not null then true else false end as licence,
case when pids.pid is not null then true else false end as pid, case when r.access_mode in ('Open Access', 'Open Source') then true else false end as oa,
r.peer_reviewed, r.type, o.name as oname, c.code as ccode, c.name as cname
from SOURCE.result r
join SOURCE.result_datasources rd on rd.id=r.id
join SOURCE.datasource d on d.id=rd.datasource and d.type in ('Institutional Repository','Data Repository', 'Repository', 'Publication Repository')
join SOURCE.datasource_organizations dor on dor.id=d.id
join SOURCE.organization o on o.id=dor.organization
join SOURCE.country c on c.code=o.country and c.continent_name='Europe'
left outer join SOURCE.result_licenses rl on rl.id=r.id
left outer join SOURCE.result_pids pids on pids.id=r.id
group by r.green, r.gold, licence, pid, oa, r.peer_reviewed, r.type, o.name, c.code, c.name;
create table ${observatory_db_name}.result_deposited_organization stored as parquet as
count(distinct r.id) as total,
case when rl.type is not null then true else false end as licence,
case when pids.pid is not null then true else false end as pid,
case when r.access_mode in ('Open Access', 'Open Source') then true else false end as oa,
r.abstract as abstract,
r.authors > 1 as multiple_authors,
rpc.count > 1 as multiple_projects,
rfc.count > 1 as multiple_funders,
o.name as oname
from ${stats_db_name}.result r
join ${stats_db_name}.result_datasources rd on rd.id=r.id
join ${stats_db_name}.datasource d on d.id=rd.datasource and d.type in ('Institutional Repository','Data Repository', 'Repository', 'Publication Repository')
join ${stats_db_name}.datasource_organizations dor on dor.id=d.id
join ${stats_db_name}.organization o on o.id=dor.organization
join ${stats_db_name}.country c on c.code=o.country and c.continent_name='Europe'
left outer join ${stats_db_name}.result_licenses rl on rl.id=r.id
left outer join ${stats_db_name}.result_pids pids on pids.id=r.id
left outer join ${observatory_db_name}.result_cc_licence rln on rln.id=r.id
left outer join ${stats_db_name}.result_projectcount rpc on rpc.id=r.id
left outer join ${stats_db_name}.result_fundercount rfc on rfc.id=r.id
group by r.green, r.gold, case when rl.type is not null then true else false end, case when pids.pid is not null then true else false end,
case when r.access_mode in ('Open Access', 'Open Source') then true else false end, r.peer_reviewed, r.type, abstract,
cc_licence, r.authors > 1, rpc.count > 1, rfc.count > 1, o.name;
create table TARGET.result_deposited_funder stored as parquet as
select count(distinct r.id) as total, r.green, r.gold, case when rl.type is not null then true else false end as licence,
case when pids.pid is not null then true else false end as pid, case when r.access_mode in ('Open Access', 'Open Source') then true else false end as oa,
r.peer_reviewed, r.type, p.funder as pfunder
from SOURCE.result r
join SOURCE.result_datasources rd on rd.id=r.id
join SOURCE.datasource d on d.id=rd.datasource and d.type in ('Institutional Repository','Data Repository', 'Repository', 'Publication Repository')
join SOURCE.datasource_organizations dor on dor.id=d.id
join SOURCE.organization o on o.id=dor.organization
join SOURCE.country c on c.code=o.country and c.continent_name='Europe'
join SOURCE.result_projects rp on rp.id=r.id
join SOURCE.project p on p.id=rp.project
left outer join SOURCE.result_licenses rl on rl.id=r.id
left outer join SOURCE.result_pids pids on pids.id=r.id
group by r.green, r.gold, licence, pid, oa, r.peer_reviewed, r.type, p.funder;
create table ${observatory_db_name}.result_deposited_organization_country stored as parquet as
count(distinct r.id) as total,
case when rl.type is not null then true else false end as licence,
case when pids.pid is not null then true else false end as pid,
case when r.access_mode in ('Open Access', 'Open Source') then true else false end as oa,
r.abstract as abstract,
r.authors > 1 as multiple_authors,
rpc.count > 1 as multiple_projects,
rfc.count > 1 as multiple_funders,
o.name as oname, c.code as ccode, c.name as cname
from ${stats_db_name}.result r
join ${stats_db_name}.result_datasources rd on rd.id=r.id
join ${stats_db_name}.datasource d on d.id=rd.datasource and d.type in ('Institutional Repository','Data Repository', 'Repository', 'Publication Repository')
join ${stats_db_name}.datasource_organizations dor on dor.id=d.id
join ${stats_db_name}.organization o on o.id=dor.organization
join ${stats_db_name}.country c on c.code=o.country and c.continent_name='Europe'
left outer join ${stats_db_name}.result_licenses rl on rl.id=r.id
left outer join ${stats_db_name}.result_pids pids on pids.id=r.id
left outer join ${observatory_db_name}.result_cc_licence rln on rln.id=r.id
left outer join ${stats_db_name}.result_projectcount rpc on rpc.id=r.id
left outer join ${stats_db_name}.result_fundercount rfc on rfc.id=r.id
group by r.green, r.gold, case when rl.type is not null then true else false end, case when pids.pid is not null then true else false end,
case when r.access_mode in ('Open Access', 'Open Source') then true else false end, r.peer_reviewed, r.type, abstract,
cc_licence, r.authors > 1, rpc.count > 1, rfc.count > 1, o.name, c.code, c.name;
create table TARGET.result_deposited_funder_country stored as parquet as
select count(distinct r.id) as total, r.green, r.gold, case when rl.type is not null then true else false end as licence,
case when pids.pid is not null then true else false end as pid, case when r.access_mode in ('Open Access', 'Open Source') then true else false end as oa,
r.peer_reviewed, r.type, p.funder as pfunder, c.code as ccode, c.name as cname
from SOURCE.result r
join SOURCE.result_datasources rd on rd.id=r.id
join SOURCE.datasource d on d.id=rd.datasource and d.type in ('Institutional Repository','Data Repository', 'Repository', 'Publication Repository')
join SOURCE.datasource_organizations dor on dor.id=d.id
join SOURCE.organization o on o.id=dor.organization
join SOURCE.country c on c.code=o.country and c.continent_name='Europe'
join SOURCE.result_projects rp on rp.id=r.id
join SOURCE.project p on p.id=rp.project
left outer join SOURCE.result_licenses rl on rl.id=r.id
left outer join SOURCE.result_pids pids on pids.id=r.id
group by r.green, r.gold, licence, pid, oa, r.peer_reviewed, r.type, p.funder, c.code, c.name;
create table ${observatory_db_name}.result_deposited_funder stored as parquet as
count(distinct r.id) as total,
case when rl.type is not null then true else false end as licence,
case when pids.pid is not null then true else false end as pid,
case when r.access_mode in ('Open Access', 'Open Source') then true else false end as oa,
r.abstract as abstract,
r.authors > 1 as multiple_authors,
rpc.count > 1 as multiple_projects,
rfc.count > 1 as multiple_funders,
p.funder as pfunder
from ${stats_db_name}.result r
join ${stats_db_name}.result_datasources rd on rd.id=r.id
join ${stats_db_name}.datasource d on d.id=rd.datasource and d.type in ('Institutional Repository','Data Repository', 'Repository', 'Publication Repository')
join ${stats_db_name}.datasource_organizations dor on dor.id=d.id
join ${stats_db_name}.organization o on o.id=dor.organization
join ${stats_db_name}.country c on c.code=o.country and c.continent_name='Europe'
join ${stats_db_name}.result_projects rp on rp.id=r.id
join ${stats_db_name}.project p on p.id=rp.project
left outer join ${stats_db_name}.result_licenses rl on rl.id=r.id
left outer join ${stats_db_name}.result_pids pids on pids.id=r.id
left outer join ${observatory_db_name}.result_cc_licence rln on rln.id=r.id
left outer join ${stats_db_name}.result_projectcount rpc on rpc.id=r.id
left outer join ${stats_db_name}.result_fundercount rfc on rfc.id=r.id
group by r.green, r.gold, case when rl.type is not null then true else false end, case when pids.pid is not null then true else false end,
case when r.access_mode in ('Open Access', 'Open Source') then true else false end, r.peer_reviewed, r.type, abstract,
cc_licence, r.authors > 1, rpc.count > 1, rfc.count > 1, p.funder;
compute stats TARGET.result_affiliated_country;
compute stats TARGET.result_affiliated_year;
compute stats TARGET.result_affiliated_year_country;
compute stats TARGET.result_affiliated_datasource;
compute stats TARGET.result_affiliated_datasource_country;
compute stats TARGET.result_affiliated_organization;
compute stats TARGET.result_affiliated_organization_country;
compute stats TARGET.result_affiliated_funder;
compute stats TARGET.result_affiliated_funder_country;
compute stats TARGET.result_deposited_country;
compute stats TARGET.result_deposited_year;
compute stats TARGET.result_deposited_year_country;
compute stats TARGET.result_deposited_datasource;
compute stats TARGET.result_deposited_datasource_country;
compute stats TARGET.result_deposited_organization;
compute stats TARGET.result_deposited_organization_country;
compute stats TARGET.result_deposited_funder;
compute stats TARGET.result_deposited_funder_country;
create table ${observatory_db_name}.result_deposited_funder_country stored as parquet as
count(distinct r.id) as total,
case when rl.type is not null then true else false end as licence,
case when pids.pid is not null then true else false end as pid,
case when r.access_mode in ('Open Access', 'Open Source') then true else false end as oa,
r.abstract as abstract,
r.authors > 1 as multiple_authors,
rpc.count > 1 as multiple_projects,
rfc.count > 1 as multiple_funders,
p.funder as pfunder, c.code as ccode, c.name as cname
from ${stats_db_name}.result r
join ${stats_db_name}.result_datasources rd on rd.id=r.id
join ${stats_db_name}.datasource d on d.id=rd.datasource and d.type in ('Institutional Repository','Data Repository', 'Repository', 'Publication Repository')
join ${stats_db_name}.datasource_organizations dor on dor.id=d.id
join ${stats_db_name}.organization o on o.id=dor.organization
join ${stats_db_name}.country c on c.code=o.country and c.continent_name='Europe'
join ${stats_db_name}.result_projects rp on rp.id=r.id
join ${stats_db_name}.project p on p.id=rp.project
left outer join ${stats_db_name}.result_licenses rl on rl.id=r.id
left outer join ${stats_db_name}.result_pids pids on pids.id=r.id
left outer join ${observatory_db_name}.result_cc_licence rln on rln.id=r.id
left outer join ${stats_db_name}.result_projectcount rpc on rpc.id=r.id
left outer join ${stats_db_name}.result_fundercount rfc on rfc.id=r.id
group by r.green, r.gold, case when rl.type is not null then true else false end, case when pids.pid is not null then true else false end,
case when r.access_mode in ('Open Access', 'Open Source') then true else false end, r.peer_reviewed, r.type, abstract,
cc_licence, r.authors > 1, rpc.count > 1, rfc.count > 1, p.funder, c.code, c.name;

View File

@ -239,14 +239,51 @@
<ok to="Step16"/>
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<ok to="Step16-createIndicatorsTables"/>
<error to="Kill"/>
<action name="Step16-createIndicatorsTables">
<shell xmlns="uri:oozie:shell-action:0.1">
<ok to="Step16_1-definitions"/>
<error to="Kill"/>
<action name="Step16_1-definitions">
<hive2 xmlns="uri:oozie:hive2-action:0.1">
@ -261,48 +298,11 @@
<ok to="Step16_6"/>
<ok to="Step19-finalize"/>
<error to="Kill"/>
<action name="Step16_6">
<hive2 xmlns="uri:oozie:hive2-action:0.1">
<ok to="Step16_7-createIndicatorsTables"/>
<error to="Kill"/>
<action name="Step16_7-createIndicatorsTables">
<shell xmlns="uri:oozie:shell-action:0.1">
<ok to="Step17"/>
<error to="Kill"/>
<action name="Step17">
<shell xmlns="uri:oozie:shell-action:0.1">
<ok to="Step19"/>
<error to="Kill"/>
<action name="Step19">
<action name="Step19-finalize">
<shell xmlns="uri:oozie:shell-action:0.1">
@ -326,20 +326,44 @@
<ok to="step21-createObservatoryDB-pre"/>
<error to="Kill"/>
<action name="step21-createObservatoryDB-pre">
<shell xmlns="uri:oozie:shell-action:0.1">
<ok to="step21-createObservatoryDB"/>
<error to="Kill"/>
<action name="step21-createObservatoryDB">
<hive2 xmlns="uri:oozie:hive2-action:0.1">
<ok to="step21-createObservatoryDB-post"/>
<error to="Kill"/>
<action name="step21-createObservatoryDB-post">
<shell xmlns="uri:oozie:shell-action:0.1">
<ok to="Step22"/>
<error to="Kill"/>