Fork 0

Merge branch 'beta' into orcid_import

This commit is contained in:
Claudio Atzori 2023-12-01 15:05:35 +01:00
commit 09d061e90b
35 changed files with 908 additions and 276 deletions

View File

@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xmlns="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:schemaLocation="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0 http://maven.apache.org/xsd/maven-4.0.0.xsd">
<!-- https://mvnrepository.com/artifact/org.apache.poi/poi-ooxml -->
<!-- https://mvnrepository.com/artifact/org.apache.commons/commons-compress -->

View File

@ -0,0 +1,162 @@
package eu.dnetlib.dhp.actionmanager.stats_actionsets;
import static eu.dnetlib.dhp.common.SparkSessionSupport.runWithSparkHiveSession;
import java.io.Serializable;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Optional;
import org.apache.commons.io.IOUtils;
import org.apache.hadoop.io.Text;
import org.apache.hadoop.io.compress.GzipCodec;
import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.SequenceFileOutputFormat;
import org.apache.spark.SparkConf;
import org.apache.spark.api.java.JavaPairRDD;
import org.apache.spark.api.java.JavaRDD;
import org.apache.spark.api.java.JavaSparkContext;
import org.apache.spark.api.java.function.MapFunction;
import org.apache.spark.api.java.function.MapGroupsFunction;
import org.apache.spark.sql.*;
import org.apache.spark.sql.Dataset;
import org.apache.spark.sql.Encoders;
import org.apache.spark.sql.SaveMode;
import org.apache.spark.sql.SparkSession;
import org.apache.spark.sql.types.DataTypes;
import org.apache.spark.sql.types.StructField;
import org.apache.spark.sql.types.StructType;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper;
import eu.dnetlib.dhp.application.ArgumentApplicationParser;
import eu.dnetlib.dhp.common.HdfsSupport;
import eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.action.AtomicAction;
import eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.common.ModelConstants;
import eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.oaf.*;
import eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.oaf.utils.OafMapperUtils;
import scala.Tuple2;
* created the Atomic Action for each type of results
public class StatsAtomicActionsJob implements Serializable {
private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(StatsAtomicActionsJob.class);
private static final ObjectMapper OBJECT_MAPPER = new ObjectMapper();
public static <I extends Result> void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
String jsonConfiguration = IOUtils
final ArgumentApplicationParser parser = new ArgumentApplicationParser(jsonConfiguration);
Boolean isSparkSessionManaged = Optional
log.info("isSparkSessionManaged: {}", isSparkSessionManaged);
final String outputPath = parser.get("outputPath");
log.info("outputPath {}: ", outputPath);
SparkConf conf = new SparkConf();
conf.set("hive.metastore.uris", parser.get("hive_metastore_uris"));
conf.set("spark.speculation", "false");
conf.set("spark.hadoop.mapreduce.map.speculative", "false");
conf.set("spark.hadoop.mapreduce.reduce.speculative", "false");
final String dbname = parser.get("statsDB");
final String workingPath = parser.get("workingPath");
spark -> {
removeOutputDir(spark, outputPath);
prepareResultEnhancement(dbname, spark, workingPath + "/resultEnhancements", "id");
writeActionSet(spark, workingPath, outputPath);
private static void prepareResultEnhancement(String dbname, SparkSession spark, String workingPath,
String resultAttributeName) {
"select r.%s as id, is_gold, is_bronze_oa, is_hybrid,green_oa, in_diamond_journal,f.publicly_funded as publicly_funded "
"from %s.publication r " +
"left outer join %s.indi_pub_bronze_oa b on r.id=b.id " +
"left outer join %s.indi_pub_gold_oa g on r.id=g.id " +
"left outer join %s.indi_pub_hybrid h on r.id=h.id " +
"left outer join %s.indi_pub_green_oa gr on r.id=gr.id " +
"left outer join %s.indi_pub_diamond d on b.id=d.id " +
"left outer join %s.indi_pub_publicly_funded f on r.id=f.id ",
resultAttributeName, dbname, dbname, dbname, dbname, dbname, dbname, dbname))
.option("compression", "gzip")
public static void writeActionSet(SparkSession spark, String inputPath, String outputPath) {
getResultEnhancements(spark, inputPath + "/resultEnhancements")
.map(p -> new AtomicAction(p.getClass(), p))
aa -> new Tuple2<>(new Text(aa.getClazz().getCanonicalName()),
new Text(OBJECT_MAPPER.writeValueAsString(aa))))
private static Dataset<Result> getResultEnhancements(SparkSession spark, String inputPath) {
return readPath(spark, inputPath, StatsResultEnhancementModel.class)
.map((MapFunction<StatsResultEnhancementModel, Result>) usm -> {
Result r = new Result();
r.setId("50|" + usm.getId());
if (usm.isIs_gold())
else if (usm.isIs_hybrid())
else if (usm.isIs_bronze_oa())
return r;
}, Encoders.bean(Result.class));
private static void removeOutputDir(SparkSession spark, String path) {
HdfsSupport.remove(path, spark.sparkContext().hadoopConfiguration());
public static <R> Dataset<R> readPath(
SparkSession spark, String inputPath, Class<R> clazz) {
return spark
.map((MapFunction<String, R>) value -> OBJECT_MAPPER.readValue(value, clazz), Encoders.bean(clazz));

View File

@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
package eu.dnetlib.dhp.actionmanager.stats_actionsets;
import java.io.Serializable;
import eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.oaf.*;
* @author dimitris.pierrakos
* @Date 30/10/23
public class StatsResultEnhancementModel implements Serializable {
private String id;
private Boolean is_gold;
private Boolean is_bronze_oa;
private Boolean is_hybrid;
private boolean in_diamond_journal;
private boolean green_oa;
private boolean publicly_funded;
public String getId() {
return id;
public void setId(String id) {
this.id = id;
public Boolean isIs_gold() {
return is_gold;
public void setIs_gold(Boolean is_gold) {
this.is_gold = is_gold;
public Boolean isIs_bronze_oa() {
return is_bronze_oa;
public void setIs_bronze_oa(Boolean is_bronze_oa) {
this.is_bronze_oa = is_bronze_oa;
public Boolean isIs_hybrid() {
return is_hybrid;
public void setIs_hybrid(Boolean is_hybrid) {
this.is_hybrid = is_hybrid;
public boolean isIn_diamond_journal() {
return in_diamond_journal;
public void setIn_diamond_journal(boolean in_diamond_journal) {
this.in_diamond_journal = in_diamond_journal;
public boolean isGreen_oa() {
return green_oa;
public void setGreen_oa(boolean green_oa) {
this.green_oa = green_oa;
public boolean isPublicly_funded() {
return publicly_funded;
public void setPublicly_funded(boolean publicly_funded) {
this.publicly_funded = publicly_funded;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
"paramName": "issm",
"paramLongName": "isSparkSessionManaged",
"paramDescription": "when true will stop SparkSession after job execution",
"paramRequired": false
"paramName": "hmu",
"paramLongName": "hive_metastore_uris",
"paramDescription": "the URI for the hive metastore",
"paramRequired": true
"paramName": "o",
"paramLongName": "outputPath",
"paramDescription": "the path of the new ActionSet",
"paramRequired": true
"paramName": "sdb",
"paramLongName": "statsDB",
"paramDescription": "the name of the stats db to be used",
"paramRequired": true
"paramName": "wp",
"paramLongName": "workingPath",
"paramDescription": "the workingPath where to save the content of the usage_stats table",
"paramRequired": true

View File

@ -0,0 +1,30 @@

View File

@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
<workflow-app name="StatsActionSets" xmlns="uri:oozie:workflow:0.5">
<description>the path where to store the actionset</description>
<description>the name of the stats db to be used</description>
<description>memory for driver process</description>
<description>memory for individual executor</description>
<description>number of cores used by single executor</description>
<description>oozie action sharelib for spark 2.*</description>
<description>spark 2.* extra listeners classname</description>
<description>spark 2.* sql query execution listeners classname</description>
<description>spark 2.* yarn history server address</description>
<description>spark 2.* event log dir location</description>
<start to="atomicactionsStats"/>
<kill name="Kill">
<message>Action failed, error message[${wf:errorMessage(wf:lastErrorNode())}]</message>
<action name="atomicactionsStats">
<spark xmlns="uri:oozie:spark-action:0.2">
<name>Produces the atomic action with the stats green_oa for results</name>
--conf spark.extraListeners=${spark2ExtraListeners}
--conf spark.sql.queryExecutionListeners=${spark2SqlQueryExecutionListeners}
--conf spark.yarn.historyServer.address=${spark2YarnHistoryServerAddress}
--conf spark.eventLog.dir=${nameNode}${spark2EventLogDir}
--conf spark.sql.warehouse.dir=${sparkSqlWarehouseDir}
<ok to="End"/>
<error to="Kill"/>
<end name="End"/>

View File

@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
# Set root logger level to DEBUG and its only appender to A1.
log4j.rootLogger=INFO, A1
# A1 is set to be a ConsoleAppender.
# A1 uses PatternLayout.
log4j.appender.A1.layout.ConversionPattern=%-4r [%t] %-5p %c %x - %m%n

View File

@ -6,7 +6,6 @@ then
ln -sfn ${PYTHON_EGG_CACHE}${link_folder} ${link_folder} ln -sfn ${PYTHON_EGG_CACHE}${link_folder} ${link_folder}
fi fi
#export HADOOP_USER_NAME="dimitris.pierrakos"
export PROD_USAGE_STATS_DB="openaire_prod_usage_stats" export PROD_USAGE_STATS_DB="openaire_prod_usage_stats"
function copydb() { function copydb() {

View File

@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
export PYTHON_EGG_CACHE=/home/$(whoami)/.python-eggs
export link_folder=/tmp/impala-shell-python-egg-cache-$(whoami)
if ! [ -L $link_folder ]
rm -Rf "$link_folder"
ln -sfn ${PYTHON_EGG_CACHE}${link_folder} ${link_folder}
function createPDFsAggregated() {
impala-shell --user $HADOOP_USER_NAME -i impala-cluster-dn1.openaire.eu -d ${db} -q "drop table if exists indi_is_result_accessible";
impala-shell --user $HADOOP_USER_NAME -i impala-cluster-dn1.openaire.eu -d ${db} -q "create table indi_is_result_accessible stored as parquet as
select distinct p.id, coalesce(is_result_accessible, 0) as is_result_accessible from result p
left outer join
(select id, 1 as is_result_accessible from (select pl.* from result r
join pdfaggregation_i.publication p on r.id=p.id
join pdfaggregation_i.payload pl on pl.id=p.id
union all
select pl.* from result r
join pdfaggregation_i.publication p on r.id=p.dedupid
join pdfaggregation_i.payload pl on pl.id=p.id) foo) tmp on p.id=tmp.id";
createPDFsAggregated $STATS_DB
createPDFsAggregated $MONITOR_DB
createPDFsAggregated $MONITOR_DB'_funded'
createPDFsAggregated $MONITOR_DB'_institutions'
createPDFsAggregated $MONITOR_DB'_ris_tail'
contexts="knowmad::other dh-ch::other enermaps::other gotriple::other neanias-atmospheric::other rural-digital-europe::other covid-19::other aurora::other neanias-space::other north-america-studies::other north-american-studies::other eutopia::other"
for i in ${contexts}
tmp=`echo "$i" | sed 's/'-'/'_'/g' | sed 's/'::'/'_'/g'`
createPDFsAggregated ${MONITOR_DB}'_'${tmp}

View File

@ -49,5 +49,7 @@ select * from openaire_prod_usage_stats.views_stats;
-- Creation date of the database -- Creation date of the database
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS ${stats_db_name}.creation_date purge;
create table ${stats_db_name}.creation_date STORED AS PARQUET as create table ${stats_db_name}.creation_date STORED AS PARQUET as
select date_format(current_date(), 'dd-MM-yyyy') as date; select date_format(current_date(), 'dd-MM-yyyy') as date;

View File

@ -20,6 +20,7 @@ WHERE project_tmp.id IN (SELECT pr.id
${stats_db_name}.result r ${stats_db_name}.result r
WHERE pr.result = r.id WHERE pr.result = r.id
AND r.type = 'publication'); AND r.type = 'publication');
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS ${stats_db_name}.stored purge;
CREATE TABLE ${stats_db_name}.project stored as parquet as CREATE TABLE ${stats_db_name}.project stored as parquet as
SELECT p.id, SELECT p.id,

View File

@ -1,22 +1,32 @@
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Creating parquet tables from the updated temporary tables and removing unnecessary temporary tables -- Creating parquet tables from the updated temporary tables and removing unnecessary temporary tables
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS ${stats_db_name}.datasource purge;
CREATE TABLE ${stats_db_name}.datasource stored AS parquet AS CREATE TABLE ${stats_db_name}.datasource stored AS parquet AS
FROM ${stats_db_name}.datasource_tmp; FROM ${stats_db_name}.datasource_tmp;
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS ${stats_db_name}.publication purge;
CREATE TABLE ${stats_db_name}.publication stored AS parquet AS CREATE TABLE ${stats_db_name}.publication stored AS parquet AS
FROM ${stats_db_name}.publication_tmp; FROM ${stats_db_name}.publication_tmp;
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS ${stats_db_name}.dataset purge;
CREATE TABLE ${stats_db_name}.dataset stored AS parquet AS CREATE TABLE ${stats_db_name}.dataset stored AS parquet AS
FROM ${stats_db_name}.dataset_tmp; FROM ${stats_db_name}.dataset_tmp;
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS ${stats_db_name}.software purge;
CREATE TABLE ${stats_db_name}.software stored AS parquet AS CREATE TABLE ${stats_db_name}.software stored AS parquet AS
FROM ${stats_db_name}.software_tmp; FROM ${stats_db_name}.software_tmp;
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS ${stats_db_name}.otherresearchproduct purge;
CREATE TABLE ${stats_db_name}.otherresearchproduct stored AS parquet AS CREATE TABLE ${stats_db_name}.otherresearchproduct stored AS parquet AS
FROM ${stats_db_name}.otherresearchproduct_tmp; FROM ${stats_db_name}.otherresearchproduct_tmp;

View File

@ -5,6 +5,8 @@
-- Sources related tables/views -- Sources related tables/views
------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------
------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS ${stats_db_name}.publication_sources purge;
CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS ${stats_db_name}.publication_sources STORED AS PARQUET as CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS ${stats_db_name}.publication_sources STORED AS PARQUET as
SELECT p.id, case when d.id is null then 'other' else p.datasource end as datasource SELECT p.id, case when d.id is null then 'other' else p.datasource end as datasource
@ -16,6 +18,8 @@ LEFT OUTER JOIN
from ${openaire_db_name}.datasource d from ${openaire_db_name}.datasource d
WHERE d.datainfo.deletedbyinference=false and d.datainfo.invisible = FALSE) d on p.datasource = d.id; WHERE d.datainfo.deletedbyinference=false and d.datainfo.invisible = FALSE) d on p.datasource = d.id;
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS ${stats_db_name}.dataset_sources purge;
CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS ${stats_db_name}.dataset_sources STORED AS PARQUET as CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS ${stats_db_name}.dataset_sources STORED AS PARQUET as
SELECT p.id, case when d.id is null then 'other' else p.datasource end as datasource SELECT p.id, case when d.id is null then 'other' else p.datasource end as datasource
@ -27,6 +31,8 @@ LEFT OUTER JOIN
from ${openaire_db_name}.datasource d from ${openaire_db_name}.datasource d
WHERE d.datainfo.deletedbyinference=false and d.datainfo.invisible = FALSE) d on p.datasource = d.id; WHERE d.datainfo.deletedbyinference=false and d.datainfo.invisible = FALSE) d on p.datasource = d.id;
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS ${stats_db_name}.software_sources purge;
CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS ${stats_db_name}.software_sources STORED AS PARQUET as CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS ${stats_db_name}.software_sources STORED AS PARQUET as
SELECT p.id, case when d.id is null then 'other' else p.datasource end as datasource SELECT p.id, case when d.id is null then 'other' else p.datasource end as datasource
@ -38,6 +44,8 @@ LEFT OUTER JOIN
from ${openaire_db_name}.datasource d from ${openaire_db_name}.datasource d
WHERE d.datainfo.deletedbyinference=false and d.datainfo.invisible = FALSE) d on p.datasource = d.id; WHERE d.datainfo.deletedbyinference=false and d.datainfo.invisible = FALSE) d on p.datasource = d.id;
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS ${stats_db_name}.otherresearchproduct_sources purge;
CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS ${stats_db_name}.otherresearchproduct_sources STORED AS PARQUET as CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS ${stats_db_name}.otherresearchproduct_sources STORED AS PARQUET as
SELECT p.id, case when d.id is null then 'other' else p.datasource end as datasource SELECT p.id, case when d.id is null then 'other' else p.datasource end as datasource
@ -48,7 +56,7 @@ LEFT OUTER JOIN
SELECT substr(d.id, 4) id SELECT substr(d.id, 4) id
from ${openaire_db_name}.datasource d from ${openaire_db_name}.datasource d
WHERE d.datainfo.deletedbyinference=false and d.datainfo.invisible = FALSE) d on p.datasource = d.id; WHERE d.datainfo.deletedbyinference=false and d.datainfo.invisible = FALSE) d on p.datasource = d.id;
CREATE VIEW IF NOT EXISTS ${stats_db_name}.result_sources AS CREATE VIEW IF NOT EXISTS ${stats_db_name}.result_sources AS
SELECT * FROM ${stats_db_name}.publication_sources SELECT * FROM ${stats_db_name}.publication_sources
@ -58,6 +66,7 @@ SELECT * FROM ${stats_db_name}.software_sources
SELECT * FROM ${stats_db_name}.otherresearchproduct_sources; SELECT * FROM ${stats_db_name}.otherresearchproduct_sources;
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS ${stats_db_name}.result_orcid purge;
CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS ${stats_db_name}.result_orcid STORED AS PARQUET as CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS ${stats_db_name}.result_orcid STORED AS PARQUET as
select distinct res.id, regexp_replace(res.orcid, 'http://orcid.org/' ,'') as orcid select distinct res.id, regexp_replace(res.orcid, 'http://orcid.org/' ,'') as orcid
@ -69,6 +78,8 @@ from (
LATERAL VIEW explode(auth.pid.qualifier.classid) apt as author_pid_type LATERAL VIEW explode(auth.pid.qualifier.classid) apt as author_pid_type
WHERE res.datainfo.deletedbyinference = FALSE and res.datainfo.invisible = FALSE and author_pid_type = 'orcid') as res; WHERE res.datainfo.deletedbyinference = FALSE and res.datainfo.invisible = FALSE and author_pid_type = 'orcid') as res;
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS ${stats_db_name}.result_result purge;
CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS ${stats_db_name}.result_result stored as parquet as CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS ${stats_db_name}.result_result stored as parquet as
select substr(rel.source, 4) as source, substr(rel.target, 4) as target, relclass, subreltype select substr(rel.source, 4) as source, substr(rel.target, 4) as target, relclass, subreltype
from ${openaire_db_name}.relation rel from ${openaire_db_name}.relation rel
@ -82,6 +93,8 @@ where reltype='resultResult'
and r2.resulttype.classname != 'other' and r2.resulttype.classname != 'other'
and rel.datainfo.deletedbyinference=false and rel.datainfo.invisible = FALSE; and rel.datainfo.deletedbyinference=false and rel.datainfo.invisible = FALSE;
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS ${stats_db_name}.result_citations_oc purge;
CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS ${stats_db_name}.result_citations_oc stored as parquet as CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS ${stats_db_name}.result_citations_oc stored as parquet as
select substr(target, 4) as id, count(distinct substr(source, 4)) as citations select substr(target, 4) as id, count(distinct substr(source, 4)) as citations
from ${openaire_db_name}.relation rel from ${openaire_db_name}.relation rel
@ -97,6 +110,8 @@ where relClass='Cites' and rel.datainfo.provenanceaction.classid = 'sysimport:cr
and rel.datainfo.deletedbyinference=false and rel.datainfo.invisible = FALSE and rel.datainfo.deletedbyinference=false and rel.datainfo.invisible = FALSE
group by substr(target, 4); group by substr(target, 4);
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS ${stats_db_name}.result_references_oc purge;
CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS ${stats_db_name}.result_references_oc stored as parquet as CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS ${stats_db_name}.result_references_oc stored as parquet as
select substr(source, 4) as id, count(distinct substr(target, 4)) as references select substr(source, 4) as id, count(distinct substr(target, 4)) as references
from ${openaire_db_name}.relation rel from ${openaire_db_name}.relation rel

View File

@ -5,21 +5,29 @@
-- Licences related tables/views -- Licences related tables/views
------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------
------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS ${stats_db_name}.publication_licenses purge;
CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS ${stats_db_name}.publication_licenses STORED AS PARQUET AS CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS ${stats_db_name}.publication_licenses STORED AS PARQUET AS
SELECT substr(p.id, 4) as id, licenses.value as type SELECT substr(p.id, 4) as id, licenses.value as type
from ${openaire_db_name}.publication p LATERAL VIEW explode(p.instance.license) instances as licenses from ${openaire_db_name}.publication p LATERAL VIEW explode(p.instance.license) instances as licenses
where licenses.value is not null and licenses.value != '' and p.datainfo.deletedbyinference=false and p.datainfo.invisible = FALSE; where licenses.value is not null and licenses.value != '' and p.datainfo.deletedbyinference=false and p.datainfo.invisible = FALSE;
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS ${stats_db_name}.dataset_licenses purge;
CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS ${stats_db_name}.dataset_licenses STORED AS PARQUET AS CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS ${stats_db_name}.dataset_licenses STORED AS PARQUET AS
SELECT substr(p.id, 4) as id, licenses.value as type SELECT substr(p.id, 4) as id, licenses.value as type
from ${openaire_db_name}.dataset p LATERAL VIEW explode(p.instance.license) instances as licenses from ${openaire_db_name}.dataset p LATERAL VIEW explode(p.instance.license) instances as licenses
where licenses.value is not null and licenses.value != '' and p.datainfo.deletedbyinference=false and p.datainfo.invisible = FALSE; where licenses.value is not null and licenses.value != '' and p.datainfo.deletedbyinference=false and p.datainfo.invisible = FALSE;
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS ${stats_db_name}.software_licenses purge;
CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS ${stats_db_name}.software_licenses STORED AS PARQUET AS CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS ${stats_db_name}.software_licenses STORED AS PARQUET AS
SELECT substr(p.id, 4) as id, licenses.value as type SELECT substr(p.id, 4) as id, licenses.value as type
from ${openaire_db_name}.software p LATERAL VIEW explode(p.instance.license) instances as licenses from ${openaire_db_name}.software p LATERAL VIEW explode(p.instance.license) instances as licenses
where licenses.value is not null and licenses.value != '' and p.datainfo.deletedbyinference=false and p.datainfo.invisible = FALSE; where licenses.value is not null and licenses.value != '' and p.datainfo.deletedbyinference=false and p.datainfo.invisible = FALSE;
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS ${stats_db_name}.otherresearchproduct_licenses purge;
CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS ${stats_db_name}.otherresearchproduct_licenses STORED AS PARQUET AS CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS ${stats_db_name}.otherresearchproduct_licenses STORED AS PARQUET AS
SELECT substr(p.id, 4) as id, licenses.value as type SELECT substr(p.id, 4) as id, licenses.value as type
from ${openaire_db_name}.otherresearchproduct p LATERAL VIEW explode(p.instance.license) instances as licenses from ${openaire_db_name}.otherresearchproduct p LATERAL VIEW explode(p.instance.license) instances as licenses
@ -34,10 +42,14 @@ SELECT * FROM ${stats_db_name}.software_licenses
SELECT * FROM ${stats_db_name}.otherresearchproduct_licenses; SELECT * FROM ${stats_db_name}.otherresearchproduct_licenses;
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS ${stats_db_name}.organization_pids purge;
CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS ${stats_db_name}.organization_pids STORED AS PARQUET AS CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS ${stats_db_name}.organization_pids STORED AS PARQUET AS
select substr(o.id, 4) as id, ppid.qualifier.classname as type, ppid.value as pid select substr(o.id, 4) as id, ppid.qualifier.classname as type, ppid.value as pid
from ${openaire_db_name}.organization o lateral view explode(o.pid) pids as ppid; from ${openaire_db_name}.organization o lateral view explode(o.pid) pids as ppid;
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS ${stats_db_name}.organization_sources purge;
CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS ${stats_db_name}.organization_sources STORED AS PARQUET as CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS ${stats_db_name}.organization_sources STORED AS PARQUET as
SELECT o.id, case when d.id is null then 'other' else o.datasource end as datasource SELECT o.id, case when d.id is null then 'other' else o.datasource end as datasource
@ -48,6 +60,8 @@ FROM (
from ${openaire_db_name}.datasource d from ${openaire_db_name}.datasource d
WHERE d.datainfo.deletedbyinference=false and d.datainfo.invisible = FALSE) d on o.datasource = d.id; WHERE d.datainfo.deletedbyinference=false and d.datainfo.invisible = FALSE) d on o.datasource = d.id;
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS ${stats_db_name}.result_accessroute purge;
CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS ${stats_db_name}.result_accessroute STORED AS PARQUET as CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS ${stats_db_name}.result_accessroute STORED AS PARQUET as
select distinct substr(id,4) as id, accessroute from ${openaire_db_name}.result select distinct substr(id,4) as id, accessroute from ${openaire_db_name}.result
lateral view explode (instance.accessright.openaccessroute) openaccessroute as accessroute; lateral view explode (instance.accessright.openaccessroute) openaccessroute as accessroute;

View File

@ -6,21 +6,29 @@
------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------
------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS ${stats_db_name}.publication_refereed purge;
CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS ${stats_db_name}.publication_refereed STORED AS PARQUET as CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS ${stats_db_name}.publication_refereed STORED AS PARQUET as
select substr(r.id, 4) as id, inst.refereed.classname as refereed select substr(r.id, 4) as id, inst.refereed.classname as refereed
from ${openaire_db_name}.publication r lateral view explode(r.instance) instances as inst from ${openaire_db_name}.publication r lateral view explode(r.instance) instances as inst
where r.datainfo.deletedbyinference=false and r.datainfo.invisible = FALSE; where r.datainfo.deletedbyinference=false and r.datainfo.invisible = FALSE;
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS ${stats_db_name}.dataset_refereed purge;
CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS ${stats_db_name}.dataset_refereed STORED AS PARQUET as CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS ${stats_db_name}.dataset_refereed STORED AS PARQUET as
select substr(r.id, 4) as id, inst.refereed.classname as refereed select substr(r.id, 4) as id, inst.refereed.classname as refereed
from ${openaire_db_name}.dataset r lateral view explode(r.instance) instances as inst from ${openaire_db_name}.dataset r lateral view explode(r.instance) instances as inst
where r.datainfo.deletedbyinference=false and r.datainfo.invisible = FALSE; where r.datainfo.deletedbyinference=false and r.datainfo.invisible = FALSE;
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS ${stats_db_name}.software_refereed purge;
CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS ${stats_db_name}.software_refereed STORED AS PARQUET as CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS ${stats_db_name}.software_refereed STORED AS PARQUET as
select substr(r.id, 4) as id, inst.refereed.classname as refereed select substr(r.id, 4) as id, inst.refereed.classname as refereed
from ${openaire_db_name}.software r lateral view explode(r.instance) instances as inst from ${openaire_db_name}.software r lateral view explode(r.instance) instances as inst
where r.datainfo.deletedbyinference=false and r.datainfo.invisible = FALSE; where r.datainfo.deletedbyinference=false and r.datainfo.invisible = FALSE;
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS ${stats_db_name}.otherresearchproduct_refereed purge;
CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS ${stats_db_name}.otherresearchproduct_refereed STORED AS PARQUET as CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS ${stats_db_name}.otherresearchproduct_refereed STORED AS PARQUET as
select substr(r.id, 4) as id, inst.refereed.classname as refereed select substr(r.id, 4) as id, inst.refereed.classname as refereed
from ${openaire_db_name}.otherresearchproduct r lateral view explode(r.instance) instances as inst from ${openaire_db_name}.otherresearchproduct r lateral view explode(r.instance) instances as inst
@ -35,12 +43,16 @@ select * from ${stats_db_name}.software_refereed
union all union all
select * from ${stats_db_name}.otherresearchproduct_refereed; select * from ${stats_db_name}.otherresearchproduct_refereed;
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS ${stats_db_name}.indi_impact_measures purge;
create table if not exists ${stats_db_name}.indi_impact_measures STORED AS PARQUET as create table if not exists ${stats_db_name}.indi_impact_measures STORED AS PARQUET as
select substr(id, 4) as id, measures_ids.id impactmetric, cast(measures_ids.unit.value[0] as double) score, select substr(id, 4) as id, measures_ids.id impactmetric, cast(measures_ids.unit.value[0] as double) score,
cast(measures_ids.unit.value[0] as decimal(6,3)) score_dec, measures_ids.unit.value[1] impact_class cast(measures_ids.unit.value[0] as decimal(6,3)) score_dec, measures_ids.unit.value[1] impact_class
from ${openaire_db_name}.result lateral view explode(measures) measures as measures_ids from ${openaire_db_name}.result lateral view explode(measures) measures as measures_ids
where measures_ids.id!='views' and measures_ids.id!='downloads'; where measures_ids.id!='views' and measures_ids.id!='downloads';
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS ${stats_db_name}.result_apc_affiliations purge;
create table if not exists ${stats_db_name}.result_apc_affiliations STORED AS PARQUET as create table if not exists ${stats_db_name}.result_apc_affiliations STORED AS PARQUET as
select distinct substr(rel.target,4) id, substr(rel.source,4) organization, o.legalname.value name, select distinct substr(rel.target,4) id, substr(rel.source,4) organization, o.legalname.value name,
cast(rel.properties[0].value as double) apc_amount, cast(rel.properties[0].value as double) apc_amount,

View File

@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------
--- Extra tables, mostly used by indicators --- Extra tables, mostly used by indicators
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS ${stats_db_name}.result_projectcount purge;
create table if not exists ${stats_db_name}.result_projectcount STORED AS PARQUET as create table if not exists ${stats_db_name}.result_projectcount STORED AS PARQUET as
select r.id, count(distinct p.id) as count select r.id, count(distinct p.id) as count
from ${stats_db_name}.result r from ${stats_db_name}.result r
@ -8,6 +10,8 @@ left outer join ${stats_db_name}.result_projects rp on rp.id=r.id
left outer join ${stats_db_name}.project p on p.id=rp.project left outer join ${stats_db_name}.project p on p.id=rp.project
group by r.id; group by r.id;
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS ${stats_db_name}.result_fundercount purge;
create table if not exists ${stats_db_name}.result_fundercount STORED AS PARQUET as create table if not exists ${stats_db_name}.result_fundercount STORED AS PARQUET as
select r.id, count(distinct p.funder) as count select r.id, count(distinct p.funder) as count
from ${stats_db_name}.result r from ${stats_db_name}.result r
@ -15,6 +19,8 @@ left outer join ${stats_db_name}.result_projects rp on rp.id=r.id
left outer join ${stats_db_name}.project p on p.id=rp.project left outer join ${stats_db_name}.project p on p.id=rp.project
group by r.id; group by r.id;
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS ${stats_db_name}.project_resultcount purge;
create table if not exists ${stats_db_name}.project_resultcount STORED AS PARQUET as create table if not exists ${stats_db_name}.project_resultcount STORED AS PARQUET as
with rcount as ( with rcount as (
select p.id as pid, count(distinct r.id) as `count`, r.type as type select p.id as pid, count(distinct r.id) as `count`, r.type as type
@ -37,6 +43,8 @@ create or replace view ${stats_db_name}.totalresearchersft as select * from stat
create or replace view ${stats_db_name}.hrrst as select * from stats_ext.hrrst; create or replace view ${stats_db_name}.hrrst as select * from stats_ext.hrrst;
create or replace view ${stats_db_name}.graduatedoctorates as select * from stats_ext.graduatedoctorates; create or replace view ${stats_db_name}.graduatedoctorates as select * from stats_ext.graduatedoctorates;
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS ${stats_db_name}.result_instance purge;
create table if not exists ${stats_db_name}.result_instance stored as parquet as create table if not exists ${stats_db_name}.result_instance stored as parquet as
select distinct r.* select distinct r.*
from ( from (
@ -45,6 +53,8 @@ from (
from ${openaire_db_name}.result r lateral view explode(r.instance) instances as inst lateral view explode(inst.pid) pids as p) r from ${openaire_db_name}.result r lateral view explode(r.instance) instances as inst lateral view explode(inst.pid) pids as p) r
join ${stats_db_name}.result res on res.id=r.id; join ${stats_db_name}.result res on res.id=r.id;
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS ${stats_db_name}.result_apc purge;
create table if not exists ${stats_db_name}.result_apc STORED AS PARQUET as create table if not exists ${stats_db_name}.result_apc STORED AS PARQUET as
select r.id, r.amount, r.currency select r.id, r.amount, r.currency
from ( from (

View File

@ -1,6 +1,18 @@
-- Sprint 1 ---- -- Sprint 1 ----
drop table if exists ${stats_db_name}.indi_pub_green_oa purge; drop table if exists ${stats_db_name}.indi_pub_green_oa purge;
--create table if not exists ${stats_db_name}.indi_pub_green_oa stored as parquet as
--select distinct p.id, coalesce(green_oa, 0) as green_oa
--from ${stats_db_name}.publication p
-- left outer join (
-- select p.id, 1 as green_oa
-- from ${stats_db_name}.publication p
-- join ${stats_db_name}.result_instance ri on ri.id = p.id
-- join ${stats_db_name}.datasource on datasource.id = ri.hostedby
-- where datasource.type like '%Repository%'
-- and (ri.accessright = 'Open Access'
-- or ri.accessright = 'Embargo' or ri.accessright = 'Open Source')) tmp
-- on p.id= tmp.id;
create table if not exists ${stats_db_name}.indi_pub_green_oa stored as parquet as create table if not exists ${stats_db_name}.indi_pub_green_oa stored as parquet as
select distinct p.id, coalesce(green_oa, 0) as green_oa select distinct p.id, coalesce(green_oa, 0) as green_oa
from ${stats_db_name}.publication p from ${stats_db_name}.publication p
@ -11,7 +23,7 @@ from ${stats_db_name}.publication p
join ${stats_db_name}.datasource on datasource.id = ri.hostedby join ${stats_db_name}.datasource on datasource.id = ri.hostedby
where datasource.type like '%Repository%' where datasource.type like '%Repository%'
and (ri.accessright = 'Open Access' and (ri.accessright = 'Open Access'
or ri.accessright = 'Embargo' or ri.accessright = 'Open Source')) tmp or ri.accessright = 'Embargo' or ri.accessright = 'Open Source') and datasource.name!='Other') tmp
on p.id= tmp.id; on p.id= tmp.id;
drop table if exists ${stats_db_name}.indi_pub_grey_lit purge; drop table if exists ${stats_db_name}.indi_pub_grey_lit purge;
@ -104,7 +116,7 @@ from ${stats_db_name}.tmp as o1
join ${stats_db_name}.tmp as o2 where o1.id=o2.id and o1.organization!=o2.organization and o1.name!=o2.name join ${stats_db_name}.tmp as o2 where o1.id=o2.id and o1.organization!=o2.organization and o1.name!=o2.name
group by o1.organization, o2.organization, o1.name, o2.name; group by o1.organization, o2.organization, o1.name, o2.name;
drop table ${stats_db_name}.tmp purge; drop table if exists ${stats_db_name}.tmp purge;
create TEMPORARY TABLE ${stats_db_name}.tmp AS create TEMPORARY TABLE ${stats_db_name}.tmp AS
select distinct ro.organization organization, ro.id, o.name, o.country from ${stats_db_name}.result_organization ro select distinct ro.organization organization, ro.id, o.name, o.country from ${stats_db_name}.result_organization ro
@ -118,7 +130,7 @@ from ${stats_db_name}.tmp as o1 join ${stats_db_name}.tmp as o2 on o1.id=o2.id
where o1.id=o2.id and o1.country!=o2.country where o1.id=o2.id and o1.country!=o2.country
group by o1.organization, o1.id, o1.name, o2.country; group by o1.organization, o1.id, o1.name, o2.country;
drop table ${stats_db_name}.tmp purge; drop table if exists ${stats_db_name}.tmp purge;
create TEMPORARY TABLE ${stats_db_name}.tmp AS create TEMPORARY TABLE ${stats_db_name}.tmp AS
select o.id organization, o.name, ro.project as project from ${stats_db_name}.organization o select o.id organization, o.name, ro.project as project from ${stats_db_name}.organization o
@ -133,7 +145,7 @@ from ${stats_db_name}.tmp as o1
where o1.organization<>o2.organization and o1.name<>o2.name where o1.organization<>o2.organization and o1.name<>o2.name
group by o1.name,o2.name, o1.organization, o2.organization; group by o1.name,o2.name, o1.organization, o2.organization;
drop table ${stats_db_name}.tmp purge; drop table if exists ${stats_db_name}.tmp purge;
create TEMPORARY TABLE ${stats_db_name}.tmp AS create TEMPORARY TABLE ${stats_db_name}.tmp AS
select o.id organization, o.name, o.country , ro.project as project from ${stats_db_name}.organization o select o.id organization, o.name, o.country , ro.project as project from ${stats_db_name}.organization o
@ -149,7 +161,7 @@ from ${stats_db_name}.tmp as o1
where o1.organization<>o2.organization and o1.country<>o2.country where o1.organization<>o2.organization and o1.country<>o2.country
group by o1.organization, o2.country, o1.name; group by o1.organization, o2.country, o1.name;
drop table ${stats_db_name}.tmp purge; drop table if exists ${stats_db_name}.tmp purge;
drop table if exists ${stats_db_name}.indi_funder_country_collab purge; drop table if exists ${stats_db_name}.indi_funder_country_collab purge;
@ -178,20 +190,29 @@ from ${stats_db_name}.tmp as o1
where o1.country<>o2.country where o1.country<>o2.country
group by o1.country, o2.country; group by o1.country, o2.country;
drop table ${stats_db_name}.tmp purge; drop table if exists ${stats_db_name}.tmp purge;
---- Sprint 4 ---- ---- Sprint 4 ----
drop table if exists ${stats_db_name}.indi_pub_diamond purge; drop table if exists ${stats_db_name}.indi_pub_diamond purge;
--create table if not exists ${stats_db_name}.indi_pub_diamond stored as parquet as
--select distinct pd.id, coalesce(in_diamond_journal, 0) as in_diamond_journal
--from ${stats_db_name}.publication_datasources pd
-- left outer join (
-- select pd.id, 1 as in_diamond_journal from ${stats_db_name}.publication_datasources pd
-- join ${stats_db_name}.datasource d on d.id=pd.datasource
-- join STATS_EXT.plan_s_jn ps where (ps.issn_print=d.issn_printed and ps.issn_online=d.issn_online)
-- and (ps.journal_is_in_doaj=true or ps.journal_is_oa=true) and ps.has_apc=false) tmp
-- on pd.id=tmp.id;
create table if not exists ${stats_db_name}.indi_pub_diamond stored as parquet as create table if not exists ${stats_db_name}.indi_pub_diamond stored as parquet as
select distinct pd.id, coalesce(in_diamond_journal, 0) as in_diamond_journal select distinct pd.id, coalesce(in_diamond_journal, 0) as in_diamond_journal
from ${stats_db_name}.publication_datasources pd from ${stats_db_name}.publication_datasources pd
left outer join ( left outer join (select pd.id, 1 as in_diamond_journal from ${stats_db_name}.publication_datasources pd
select pd.id, 1 as in_diamond_journal from ${stats_db_name}.publication_datasources pd join ${stats_db_name}.datasource d on d.id=pd.datasource
join ${stats_db_name}.datasource d on d.id=pd.datasource join STATS_EXT.plan_s_jn ps where (ps.issn_print=d.issn_printed and ps.issn_online=d.issn_online)
join STATS_EXT.plan_s_jn ps where (ps.issn_print=d.issn_printed and ps.issn_online=d.issn_online) and (ps.journal_is_in_doaj=true or ps.journal_is_oa=true) and ps.has_apc=false) tmp
and (ps.journal_is_in_doaj=true or ps.journal_is_oa=true) and ps.has_apc=false) tmp on pd.id=tmp.id;
on pd.id=tmp.id;
drop table if exists ${stats_db_name}.indi_pub_in_transformative purge; drop table if exists ${stats_db_name}.indi_pub_in_transformative purge;
@ -312,28 +333,55 @@ drop table if exists ${stats_db_name}.indi_pub_gold_oa purge;
-- JOIN gold_oa on issn.issn = gold_oa.issn) tmp -- JOIN gold_oa on issn.issn = gold_oa.issn) tmp
-- on pd.id=tmp.id; -- on pd.id=tmp.id;
--create table if not exists ${stats_db_name}.indi_pub_gold_oa stored as parquet as
--with gold_oa as (
--SELECT issn,issn_l from stats_ext.issn_gold_oa_dataset_v5),
--issn AS (SELECT * FROM
--(SELECT id,issn_printed as issn FROM ${stats_db_name}.datasource
--WHERE issn_printed IS NOT NULL
--SELECT id, issn_online as issn FROM ${stats_db_name}.datasource
--WHERE issn_online IS NOT NULL or id like '%doajarticles%') as issn
--WHERE LENGTH(issn) > 7),
--alljournals AS(select issn, issn_l from stats_ext.alljournals
--where journal_is_in_doaj=true or journal_is_oa=true)
--SELECT DISTINCT pd.id, coalesce(is_gold, 0) as is_gold
--FROM ${stats_db_name}.publication_datasources pd
--left outer join (
--select pd.id, 1 as is_gold FROM ${stats_db_name}.publication_datasources pd
--JOIN issn on issn.id=pd.datasource
--JOIN gold_oa on issn.issn = gold_oa.issn
--join alljournals on issn.issn=alljournals.issn
--left outer join ${stats_db_name}.result_instance ri on ri.id=pd.id
--and ri.accessright!='Closed Access' and ri.accessright_uw='gold') tmp
--on pd.id=tmp.id;
create table if not exists ${stats_db_name}.indi_pub_gold_oa stored as parquet as create table if not exists ${stats_db_name}.indi_pub_gold_oa stored as parquet as
with gold_oa as ( with gold_oa as (
SELECT issn,issn_l from stats_ext.issn_gold_oa_dataset_v5), select distinct issn from (
issn AS (SELECT * FROM SELECT issn_l as issn from stats_ext.issn_gold_oa_dataset_v5
(SELECT id,issn_printed as issn FROM ${stats_db_name}.datasource UNION ALL
WHERE issn_printed IS NOT NULL SELECT issn as issn from stats_ext.issn_gold_oa_dataset_v5
SELECT id, issn_online as issn FROM ${stats_db_name}.datasource select issn from stats_ext.alljournals where journal_is_in_doaj=true or journal_is_oa=true
WHERE issn_online IS NOT NULL or id like '%doajarticles%') as issn UNION ALL
WHERE LENGTH(issn) > 7), select issn_l as issn from stats_ext.alljournals where journal_is_in_doaj=true or journal_is_oa=true) foo),
alljournals AS(select issn, issn_l from stats_ext.alljournals dd as (
where journal_is_in_doaj=true or journal_is_oa=true) select distinct * from (
select id, issn_printed as issn from ${stats_db_name}.datasource d where d.id like '%doajarticles%'
select id, issn_online as issn from ${stats_db_name}.datasource d where d.id like '%doajarticles%'
select id, issn_printed as issn from ${stats_db_name}.datasource d join gold_oa on gold_oa.issn=d.issn_printed
select id, issn_online as issn from ${stats_db_name}.datasource d join gold_oa on gold_oa.issn=d.issn_online) foo
SELECT DISTINCT pd.id, coalesce(is_gold, 0) as is_gold SELECT DISTINCT pd.id, coalesce(is_gold, 0) as is_gold
FROM ${stats_db_name}.publication_datasources pd FROM ${stats_db_name}.publication_datasources pd
left outer join ( left outer join (
select pd.id, 1 as is_gold FROM ${stats_db_name}.publication_datasources pd select pd.id, 1 as is_gold
JOIN issn on issn.id=pd.datasource FROM ${stats_db_name}.publication_datasources pd
JOIN gold_oa on issn.issn = gold_oa.issn join dd on dd.id=pd.datasource
join alljournals on issn.issn=alljournals.issn left outer join ${stats_db_name}.result_accessroute ra on ra.id = pd.id where ra.accessroute = 'gold') tmp on tmp.id=pd.id;
left outer join ${stats_db_name}.result_instance ri on ri.id=pd.id
and ri.accessright!='Closed Access' and ri.accessright_uw='gold') tmp
on pd.id=tmp.id;
drop table if exists ${stats_db_name}.indi_pub_hybrid_oa_with_cc purge; drop table if exists ${stats_db_name}.indi_pub_hybrid_oa_with_cc purge;
@ -421,15 +469,26 @@ drop table if exists ${stats_db_name}.indi_pub_hybrid purge;
-- where (gold_oa.journal_is_in_doaj=false or gold_oa.journal_is_oa=false))tmp -- where (gold_oa.journal_is_in_doaj=false or gold_oa.journal_is_oa=false))tmp
-- on pd.id=tmp.id; -- on pd.id=tmp.id;
--create table if not exists ${stats_db_name}.indi_pub_hybrid stored as parquet as
--select distinct pd.id,coalesce(is_hybrid,0) is_hybrid from ${stats_db_name}.publication_datasources pd
--left outer join (select pd.id, 1 as is_hybrid from ${stats_db_name}.publication_datasources pd
--join ${stats_db_name}.datasource d on pd.datasource=d.id
--join ${stats_db_name}.result_instance ri on ri.id=pd.id
--join ${stats_db_name}.indi_pub_gold_oa indi_gold on indi_gold.id=pd.id
--join ${stats_db_name}.result_accessroute ra on ra.id=pd.id
--where d.type like '%Journal%' and ri.accessright!='Closed Access' and (ri.accessright_uw!='gold'
--or indi_gold.is_gold=0) and (ra.accessroute='hybrid' or ri.license is not null)) tmp
--on pd.id=tmp.id;
create table if not exists ${stats_db_name}.indi_pub_hybrid stored as parquet as create table if not exists ${stats_db_name}.indi_pub_hybrid stored as parquet as
select pd.id,coalesce(is_hybrid,0) is_hybrid from ${stats_db_name}.publication_datasources pd select distinct pd.id,coalesce(is_hybrid,0) is_hybrid from ${stats_db_name}.publication pd
left outer join (select pd.id, 1 as is_hybrid from ${stats_db_name}.publication_datasources pd left outer join (select pd.id, 1 as is_hybrid from ${stats_db_name}.publication pd
join ${stats_db_name}.datasource d on pd.datasource=d.id
join ${stats_db_name}.result_instance ri on ri.id=pd.id join ${stats_db_name}.result_instance ri on ri.id=pd.id
join ${stats_db_name}.indi_pub_gold_oa indi_gold on indi_gold.id=pd.id join ${stats_db_name}.indi_pub_gold_oa indi_gold on indi_gold.id=pd.id
join ${stats_db_name}.result_accessroute ra on ra.id=pd.id join ${stats_db_name}.result_accessroute ra on ra.id=pd.id
where d.type like '%Journal%' and ri.accessright!='Closed Access' and (ri.accessright_uw!='gold' join ${stats_db_name}.datasource d on d.id=ri.hostedby
or indi_gold.is_gold=0) and (ra.accessroute='hybrid' or ri.license is not null)) tmp where indi_gold.is_gold=0 and ((d.type like '%Journal%' and ri.accessright!='Closed Access' and ri.accessright!='Restricted' and ri.license is not null) or
on pd.id=tmp.id; on pd.id=tmp.id;
drop table if exists ${stats_db_name}.indi_org_fairness purge; drop table if exists ${stats_db_name}.indi_org_fairness purge;
@ -492,7 +551,7 @@ CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE ${stats_db_name}.allresults as select year, ro.organizati
drop table if exists ${stats_db_name}.indi_org_fairness_pub_year purge; drop table if exists ${stats_db_name}.indi_org_fairness_pub_year purge;
create table if not exists ${stats_db_name}.indi_org_fairness_pub_year stored as parquet as create table if not exists ${stats_db_name}.indi_org_fairness_pub_year stored as parquet as
select allresults.year, allresults.organization, result_fair.no_result_fair/allresults.no_allresults org_fairness select cast(allresults.year as int) year, allresults.organization, result_fair.no_result_fair/allresults.no_allresults org_fairness
from ${stats_db_name}.allresults from ${stats_db_name}.allresults
join ${stats_db_name}.result_fair on result_fair.organization=allresults.organization and result_fair.year=allresults.year; join ${stats_db_name}.result_fair on result_fair.organization=allresults.organization and result_fair.year=allresults.year;
@ -813,15 +872,17 @@ drop table if exists ${stats_db_name}.indi_pub_bronze_oa purge;
--and (d.type='Journal' or d.type='Journal Aggregator/Publisher') --and (d.type='Journal' or d.type='Journal Aggregator/Publisher')
--and ri.accessright='Open Access') tmp on tmp.id=p.id; --and ri.accessright='Open Access') tmp on tmp.id=p.id;
create table ${stats_db_name}.indi_pub_bronze stored as parquet as create table ${stats_db_name}.indi_pub_bronze_oa stored as parquet as
select pd.id,coalesce(is_bronze_oa,0) is_bronze_oa from ${stats_db_name}.publication_datasources pd select distinct pd.id,coalesce(is_bronze_oa,0) is_bronze_oa from ${stats_db_name}.publication pd
left outer join (select pd.id, 1 as is_bronze_oa from ${stats_db_name}.publication_datasources pd left outer join (select pd.id, 1 as is_bronze_oa from ${stats_db_name}.publication pd
join ${stats_db_name}.datasource d on pd.datasource=d.id
join ${stats_db_name}.result_instance ri on ri.id=pd.id join ${stats_db_name}.result_instance ri on ri.id=pd.id
join ${stats_db_name}.indi_pub_gold_oa indi_gold on indi_gold.id=pd.id join ${stats_db_name}.indi_pub_gold_oa indi_gold on indi_gold.id=pd.id
join ${stats_db_name}.indi_pub_hybrid indi_hybrid on indi_hybrid.id=pd.id
join ${stats_db_name}.result_accessroute ra on ra.id=pd.id join ${stats_db_name}.result_accessroute ra on ra.id=pd.id
where d.type like '%Journal%' and ri.accessright!='Closed Access' and (ri.accessright_uw!='gold' join ${stats_db_name}.datasource d on d.id=ri.hostedby
or indi_gold.is_gold=0) and (ra.accessroute='bronze' or ri.license is null)) tmp where indi_gold.is_gold=0 and indi_hybrid.is_hybrid=0
and ((d.type like '%Journal%' and ri.accessright!='Closed Access'
and ri.accessright!='Restricted' and ri.license is null) or ra.accessroute='bronze')) tmp
on pd.id=tmp.id; on pd.id=tmp.id;
CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE ${stats_db_name}.project_year_result_year as CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE ${stats_db_name}.project_year_result_year as
@ -1116,3 +1177,24 @@ select allresults.ri_initiative, result_findable.no_result_findable/allresults.n
from allresults from allresults
join result_findable on result_findable.ri_initiative=allresults.ri_initiative; join result_findable on result_findable.ri_initiative=allresults.ri_initiative;
create table if not exists ${stats_db_name}.indi_pub_publicly_funded stored as parquet as
with org_names_pids as
(select org.id,name, pid from ${stats_db_name}.organization org
join ${stats_db_name}.organization_pids op on org.id=op.id),
publicly_funded_orgs as
(select distinct name from
(select pf.name from stats_ext.insitutions_for_publicly_funded pf
join ${stats_db_name}.fundref f on f.name=pf.name where f.type='government'
union all
select pf.name from stats_ext.insitutions_for_publicly_funded pf
join ${stats_db_name}.project p on p.funder=pf.name
union all
select pf.name from stats_ext.insitutions_for_publicly_funded pf
join org_names_pids op on (op.name=pf.name or op.pid=pf.ror)
and pf.publicly_funded='yes') foo)
select distinct p.id, coalesce(publicly_funded, 0) as publicly_funded
from ${stats_db_name}.publication p
left outer join (
select distinct ro.id, 1 as publicly_funded from result_organization ro
join ${stats_db_name}.organization o on o.id=ro.organization
join publicly_funded_orgs pfo on o.name=pfo.name) tmp on p.id=tmp.id;

View File

@ -3,6 +3,8 @@
---------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------
-- Peer reviewed: -- Peer reviewed:
drop table if exists ${stats_db_name}.result_peerreviewed purge;
create table IF NOT EXISTS ${stats_db_name}.result_peerreviewed STORED AS PARQUET as create table IF NOT EXISTS ${stats_db_name}.result_peerreviewed STORED AS PARQUET as
select r.id as id, case when doi.doi_from_crossref=1 and grey.grey_lit=0 then true else false end as peer_reviewed select r.id as id, case when doi.doi_from_crossref=1 and grey.grey_lit=0 then true else false end as peer_reviewed
from ${stats_db_name}.result r from ${stats_db_name}.result r
@ -10,12 +12,16 @@ left outer join ${stats_db_name}.indi_pub_doi_from_crossref doi on doi.id=r.id
left outer join ${stats_db_name}.indi_pub_grey_lit grey on grey.id=r.id; left outer join ${stats_db_name}.indi_pub_grey_lit grey on grey.id=r.id;
-- Green OA: -- Green OA:
drop table if exists ${stats_db_name}.result_greenoa purge;
create table IF NOT EXISTS ${stats_db_name}.result_greenoa STORED AS PARQUET as create table IF NOT EXISTS ${stats_db_name}.result_greenoa STORED AS PARQUET as
select r.id, case when green.green_oa=1 then true else false end as green select r.id, case when green.green_oa=1 then true else false end as green
from ${stats_db_name}.result r from ${stats_db_name}.result r
left outer join ${stats_db_name}.indi_pub_green_oa green on green.id=r.id; left outer join ${stats_db_name}.indi_pub_green_oa green on green.id=r.id;
drop table if exists ${stats_db_name}.result_gold purge;
create table IF NOT EXISTS ${stats_db_name}.result_gold STORED AS PARQUET as create table IF NOT EXISTS ${stats_db_name}.result_gold STORED AS PARQUET as
select r.id, case when gold.is_gold=1 then true else false end as gold select r.id, case when gold.is_gold=1 then true else false end as gold
from ${stats_db_name}.result r from ${stats_db_name}.result r

View File

@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
-- replace the creation of the result view to include the boolean fields from the previous tables (green, gold, -- replace the creation of the result view to include the boolean fields from the previous tables (green, gold,
-- peer reviewed) -- peer reviewed)
drop table if exists ${stats_db_name}.result_tmp; drop table if exists ${stats_db_name}.result_tmp;
CREATE TABLE ${stats_db_name}.result_tmp ( CREATE TABLE ${stats_db_name}.result_tmp (
title STRING, title STRING,

View File

@ -5,6 +5,7 @@
-------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------
-- Publication temporary table -- Publication temporary table
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS ${stats_db_name}.publication_tmp purge;
CREATE TABLE ${stats_db_name}.publication_tmp CREATE TABLE ${stats_db_name}.publication_tmp
( (
@ -40,12 +41,16 @@ SELECT substr(p.id, 4) as id,
from ${openaire_db_name}.publication p from ${openaire_db_name}.publication p
where p.datainfo.deletedbyinference = false and p.datainfo.invisible=false; where p.datainfo.deletedbyinference = false and p.datainfo.invisible=false;
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS ${stats_db_name}.publication_classifications purge;
CREATE TABLE ${stats_db_name}.publication_classifications STORED AS PARQUET AS CREATE TABLE ${stats_db_name}.publication_classifications STORED AS PARQUET AS
SELECT substr(p.id, 4) as id, instancetype.classname as type SELECT substr(p.id, 4) as id, instancetype.classname as type
from ${openaire_db_name}.publication p from ${openaire_db_name}.publication p
LATERAL VIEW explode(p.instance.instancetype) instances as instancetype LATERAL VIEW explode(p.instance.instancetype) instances as instancetype
where p.datainfo.deletedbyinference = false and p.datainfo.invisible=false; where p.datainfo.deletedbyinference = false and p.datainfo.invisible=false;
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS ${stats_db_name}.publication_concepts purge;
CREATE TABLE ${stats_db_name}.publication_concepts STORED AS PARQUET AS CREATE TABLE ${stats_db_name}.publication_concepts STORED AS PARQUET AS
SELECT substr(p.id, 4) as id, case SELECT substr(p.id, 4) as id, case
when contexts.context.id RLIKE '^[^::]+::[^::]+::.+$' then contexts.context.id when contexts.context.id RLIKE '^[^::]+::[^::]+::.+$' then contexts.context.id
@ -55,6 +60,8 @@ from ${openaire_db_name}.publication p
LATERAL VIEW explode(p.context) contexts as context LATERAL VIEW explode(p.context) contexts as context
where p.datainfo.deletedbyinference = false and p.datainfo.invisible=false; where p.datainfo.deletedbyinference = false and p.datainfo.invisible=false;
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS ${stats_db_name}.publication_datasources purge;
CREATE TABLE ${stats_db_name}.publication_datasources STORED AS PARQUET as CREATE TABLE ${stats_db_name}.publication_datasources STORED AS PARQUET as
SELECT p.id, case when d.id is null then 'other' else p.datasource end as datasource SELECT p.id, case when d.id is null then 'other' else p.datasource end as datasource
@ -66,29 +73,39 @@ FROM (
from ${openaire_db_name}.datasource d from ${openaire_db_name}.datasource d
WHERE d.datainfo.deletedbyinference = false and d.datainfo.invisible=false) d on p.datasource = d.id; WHERE d.datainfo.deletedbyinference = false and d.datainfo.invisible=false) d on p.datasource = d.id;
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS ${stats_db_name}.publication_languages purge;
CREATE TABLE ${stats_db_name}.publication_languages STORED AS PARQUET AS CREATE TABLE ${stats_db_name}.publication_languages STORED AS PARQUET AS
select substr(p.id, 4) as id, p.language.classname as language select substr(p.id, 4) as id, p.language.classname as language
FROM ${openaire_db_name}.publication p FROM ${openaire_db_name}.publication p
where p.datainfo.deletedbyinference = false and p.datainfo.invisible=false; where p.datainfo.deletedbyinference = false and p.datainfo.invisible=false;
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS ${stats_db_name}.publication_oids purge;
CREATE TABLE ${stats_db_name}.publication_oids STORED AS PARQUET AS CREATE TABLE ${stats_db_name}.publication_oids STORED AS PARQUET AS
SELECT substr(p.id, 4) AS id, oids.ids AS oid SELECT substr(p.id, 4) AS id, oids.ids AS oid
FROM ${openaire_db_name}.publication p FROM ${openaire_db_name}.publication p
LATERAL VIEW explode(p.originalid) oids AS ids LATERAL VIEW explode(p.originalid) oids AS ids
where p.datainfo.deletedbyinference = false and p.datainfo.invisible=false; where p.datainfo.deletedbyinference = false and p.datainfo.invisible=false;
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS ${stats_db_name}.publication_pids purge;
CREATE TABLE ${stats_db_name}.publication_pids STORED AS PARQUET AS CREATE TABLE ${stats_db_name}.publication_pids STORED AS PARQUET AS
SELECT substr(p.id, 4) AS id, ppid.qualifier.classname AS type, ppid.value as pid SELECT substr(p.id, 4) AS id, ppid.qualifier.classname AS type, ppid.value as pid
FROM ${openaire_db_name}.publication p FROM ${openaire_db_name}.publication p
LATERAL VIEW explode(p.pid) pids AS ppid LATERAL VIEW explode(p.pid) pids AS ppid
where p.datainfo.deletedbyinference = false and p.datainfo.invisible=false; where p.datainfo.deletedbyinference = false and p.datainfo.invisible=false;
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS ${stats_db_name}.publication_topics purge;
CREATE TABLE ${stats_db_name}.publication_topics STORED AS PARQUET as CREATE TABLE ${stats_db_name}.publication_topics STORED AS PARQUET as
select substr(p.id, 4) AS id, subjects.subject.qualifier.classname AS TYPE, subjects.subject.value AS topic select substr(p.id, 4) AS id, subjects.subject.qualifier.classname AS TYPE, subjects.subject.value AS topic
FROM ${openaire_db_name}.publication p FROM ${openaire_db_name}.publication p
LATERAL VIEW explode(p.subject) subjects AS subject LATERAL VIEW explode(p.subject) subjects AS subject
where p.datainfo.deletedbyinference = false and p.datainfo.invisible=false; where p.datainfo.deletedbyinference = false and p.datainfo.invisible=false;
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS ${stats_db_name}.publication_citations purge;
CREATE TABLE ${stats_db_name}.publication_citations STORED AS PARQUET AS CREATE TABLE ${stats_db_name}.publication_citations STORED AS PARQUET AS
SELECT substr(p.id, 4) AS id, xpath_string(citation.value, "//citation/id[@type='openaire']/@value") AS cites SELECT substr(p.id, 4) AS id, xpath_string(citation.value, "//citation/id[@type='openaire']/@value") AS cites
FROM ${openaire_db_name}.publication p FROM ${openaire_db_name}.publication p

View File

@ -1,79 +1,3 @@
--drop database if exists TARGET cascade;
--create database if not exists TARGET;
--create view if not exists TARGET.category as select * from SOURCE.category;
--create view if not exists TARGET.concept as select * from SOURCE.concept;
--create view if not exists TARGET.context as select * from SOURCE.context;
--create view if not exists TARGET.country as select * from SOURCE.country;
--create view if not exists TARGET.countrygdp as select * from SOURCE.countrygdp;
--create view if not exists TARGET.creation_date as select * from SOURCE.creation_date;
--create view if not exists TARGET.funder as select * from SOURCE.funder;
--create view if not exists TARGET.fundref as select * from SOURCE.fundref;
--create view if not exists TARGET.rndexpenditure as select * from SOURCE.rndexpediture;
--create view if not exists TARGET.rndgdpexpenditure as select * from SOURCE.rndgdpexpenditure;
--create view if not exists TARGET.doctoratestudents as select * from SOURCE.doctoratestudents;
--create view if not exists TARGET.totalresearchers as select * from SOURCE.totalresearchers;
--create view if not exists TARGET.totalresearchersft as select * from SOURCE.totalresearchersft;
--create view if not exists TARGET.hrrst as select * from SOURCE.hrrst;
--create table TARGET.result stored as parquet as
-- select distinct * from (
-- select * from SOURCE.result r where exists (select 1 from SOURCE.result_projects rp join SOURCE.project p on rp.project=p.id where rp.id=r.id)
-- union all
-- select * from SOURCE.result r where exists (select 1 from SOURCE.result_concepts rc where rc.id=r.id)
-- union all
-- select * from SOURCE.result r where exists (select 1 from SOURCE.result_organization ro where ro.id=r.id and ro.organization in (
-- 'openorgs____::b84450f9864182c67b8611b5593f4250', --"Athena Research and Innovation Center In Information Communication & Knowledge Technologies', --ARC"
-- 'openorgs____::d41cf6bd4ab1b1362a44397e0b95c975', --National Research Council
-- 'openorgs____::d2a09b9d5eabb10c95f9470e172d05d2', --??? Not exists ??
-- 'openorgs____::d169c7407dd417152596908d48c11460', --Masaryk University
-- 'openorgs____::1ec924b1759bb16d0a02f2dad8689b21', --University of Belgrade
-- 'openorgs____::0ae431b820e4c33db8967fbb2b919150', --University of Helsinki
-- 'openorgs____::759d59f05d77188faee99b7493b46805', --University of Minho
-- 'openorgs____::cad284878801b9465fa51a95b1d779db', --Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
-- 'openorgs____::eadc8da90a546e98c03f896661a2e4d4', --University of Göttingen
-- 'openorgs____::c0286313e36479eff8676dba9b724b40', --National and Kapodistrian University of Athens
-- -- 'openorgs____::c80a8243a5e5c620d7931c88d93bf17a', --Université Paris Diderot
-- 'openorgs____::c08634f0a6b0081c3dc6e6c93a4314f3', --Bielefeld University
-- 'openorgs____::6fc85e4a8f7ecaf4b0c738d010e967ea', --University of Southern Denmark
-- 'openorgs____::3d6122f87f9a97a99d8f6e3d73313720', --Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
-- 'openorgs____::16720ada63d0fa8ca41601feae7d1aa5', --TU Darmstadt
-- 'openorgs____::ccc0a066b56d2cfaf90c2ae369df16f5', --KU Leuven
-- 'openorgs____::4c6f119632adf789746f0a057ed73e90', --University of the Western Cape
-- 'openorgs____::ec3665affa01aeafa28b7852c4176dbd', --Rudjer Boskovic Institute
-- 'openorgs____::5f31346d444a7f06a28c880fb170b0f6', --Ghent University
-- 'openorgs____::2dbe47117fd5409f9c61620813456632', --University of Luxembourg
-- 'openorgs____::6445d7758d3a40c4d997953b6632a368', --National Institute of Informatics (NII)
-- 'openorgs____::b77c01aa15de3675da34277d48de2ec1', -- Valencia Catholic University Saint Vincent Martyr
-- 'openorgs____::7fe2f66cdc43983c6b24816bfe9cf6a0', -- Unviersity of Warsaw
-- 'openorgs____::15e7921fc50d9aa1229a82a84429419e', -- University Of Thessaly
-- 'openorgs____::11f7919dadc8f8a7251af54bba60c956', -- Technical University of Crete
-- 'openorgs____::84f0c5f5dbb6daf42748485924efde4b', -- University of Piraeus
-- 'openorgs____::4ac562f0376fce3539504567649cb373', -- University of Patras
-- 'openorgs____::3e8d1f8c3f6cd7f418b09f1f58b4873b', -- Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
-- 'openorgs____::3fcef6e1c469c10f2a84b281372c9814', -- World Bank
-- 'openorgs____::1698a2eb1885ef8adb5a4a969e745ad3', -- École des Ponts ParisTech
-- 'openorgs____::e15adb13c4dadd49de4d35c39b5da93a', -- Nanyang Technological University
-- 'openorgs____::4b34103bde246228fcd837f5f1bf4212', -- Autonomous University of Barcelona
-- 'openorgs____::72ec75fcfc4e0df1a76dc4c49007fceb', -- McMaster University
-- 'openorgs____::51c7fc556e46381734a25a6fbc3fd398', -- University of Modena and Reggio Emilia
-- 'openorgs____::235d7f9ad18ecd7e6dc62ea4990cb9db', -- Bilkent University
-- 'openorgs____::31f2fa9e05b49d4cf40a19c3fed8eb06', -- Saints Cyril and Methodius University of Skopje
-- 'openorgs____::db7686f30f22cbe73a4fde872ce812a6', -- University of Milan
-- 'openorgs____::b8b8ca674452579f3f593d9f5e557483', -- University College Cork
-- 'openorgs____::38d7097854736583dde879d12dacafca' -- Brown University
-- 'openorgs____::57784c9e047e826fefdb1ef816120d92', --Arts et Métiers ParisTech
-- 'openorgs____::2530baca8a15936ba2e3297f2bce2e7e', -- University of Cape Town
-- 'openorgs____::d11f981828c485cd23d93f7f24f24db1', -- Technological University Dublin
-- 'openorgs____::5e6bf8962665cdd040341171e5c631d8', -- Delft University of Technology
-- 'openorgs____::846cb428d3f52a445f7275561a7beb5d', -- University of Manitoba
-- 'openorgs____::eb391317ed0dc684aa81ac16265de041', -- Universitat Rovira i Virgili
-- 'openorgs____::66aa9fc2fceb271423dfabcc38752dc0', -- Lund University
-- 'openorgs____::3cff625a4370d51e08624cc586138b2f' -- IMT Atlantique
-- ) )) foo;
create view if not exists TARGET.category as select * from SOURCE.category; create view if not exists TARGET.category as select * from SOURCE.category;
create view if not exists TARGET.concept as select * from SOURCE.concept; create view if not exists TARGET.concept as select * from SOURCE.concept;
create view if not exists TARGET.context as select * from SOURCE.context; create view if not exists TARGET.context as select * from SOURCE.context;
@ -91,85 +15,63 @@ create view if not exists TARGET.hrrst as select * from SOURCE.hrrst;
create view if not exists TARGET.graduatedoctorates as select * from SOURCE.graduatedoctorates; create view if not exists TARGET.graduatedoctorates as select * from SOURCE.graduatedoctorates;
create table TARGET.result_citations stored as parquet as select * from SOURCE.result_citations orig where exists (select 1 from TARGET.result r where r.id=orig.id); create table TARGET.result_citations stored as parquet as select * from SOURCE.result_citations orig where exists (select 1 from TARGET.result r where r.id=orig.id);
create table TARGET.result_references_oc stored as parquet as select * from SOURCE.result_references_oc orig where exists (select 1 from TARGET.result r where r.id=orig.id); create table TARGET.result_references_oc stored as parquet as select * from SOURCE.result_references_oc orig where exists (select 1 from TARGET.result r where r.id=orig.id);
create table TARGET.result_citations_oc stored as parquet as select * from SOURCE.result_citations_oc orig where exists (select 1 from TARGET.result r where r.id=orig.id); create table TARGET.result_citations_oc stored as parquet as select * from SOURCE.result_citations_oc orig where exists (select 1 from TARGET.result r where r.id=orig.id);
create table TARGET.result_classifications stored as parquet as select * from SOURCE.result_classifications orig where exists (select 1 from TARGET.result r where r.id=orig.id); create table TARGET.result_classifications stored as parquet as select * from SOURCE.result_classifications orig where exists (select 1 from TARGET.result r where r.id=orig.id);
create table TARGET.result_apc stored as parquet as select * from SOURCE.result_apc orig where exists (select 1 from TARGET.result r where r.id=orig.id); create table TARGET.result_apc stored as parquet as select * from SOURCE.result_apc orig where exists (select 1 from TARGET.result r where r.id=orig.id);
create table TARGET.result_concepts stored as parquet as select * from SOURCE.result_concepts orig where exists (select 1 from TARGET.result r where r.id=orig.id); create table TARGET.result_concepts stored as parquet as select * from SOURCE.result_concepts orig where exists (select 1 from TARGET.result r where r.id=orig.id);
create table TARGET.result_datasources stored as parquet as select * from SOURCE.result_datasources orig where exists (select 1 from TARGET.result r where r.id=orig.id); create table TARGET.result_datasources stored as parquet as select * from SOURCE.result_datasources orig where exists (select 1 from TARGET.result r where r.id=orig.id);
create table TARGET.result_fundercount stored as parquet as select * from SOURCE.result_fundercount orig where exists (select 1 from TARGET.result r where r.id=orig.id); create table TARGET.result_fundercount stored as parquet as select * from SOURCE.result_fundercount orig where exists (select 1 from TARGET.result r where r.id=orig.id);
create table TARGET.result_gold stored as parquet as select * from SOURCE.result_gold orig where exists (select 1 from TARGET.result r where r.id=orig.id); create table TARGET.result_gold stored as parquet as select * from SOURCE.result_gold orig where exists (select 1 from TARGET.result r where r.id=orig.id);
create table TARGET.result_greenoa stored as parquet as select * from SOURCE.result_greenoa orig where exists (select 1 from TARGET.result r where r.id=orig.id); create table TARGET.result_greenoa stored as parquet as select * from SOURCE.result_greenoa orig where exists (select 1 from TARGET.result r where r.id=orig.id);
create table TARGET.result_languages stored as parquet as select * from SOURCE.result_languages orig where exists (select 1 from TARGET.result r where r.id=orig.id); create table TARGET.result_languages stored as parquet as select * from SOURCE.result_languages orig where exists (select 1 from TARGET.result r where r.id=orig.id);
create table TARGET.result_licenses stored as parquet as select * from SOURCE.result_licenses orig where exists (select 1 from TARGET.result r where r.id=orig.id); create table TARGET.result_licenses stored as parquet as select * from SOURCE.result_licenses orig where exists (select 1 from TARGET.result r where r.id=orig.id);
create table TARGET.licenses_normalized STORED AS PARQUET as select * from SOURCE.licenses_normalized; create table TARGET.licenses_normalized STORED AS PARQUET as select * from SOURCE.licenses_normalized;
create table TARGET.result_oids stored as parquet as select * from SOURCE.result_oids orig where exists (select 1 from TARGET.result r where r.id=orig.id); create table TARGET.result_oids stored as parquet as select * from SOURCE.result_oids orig where exists (select 1 from TARGET.result r where r.id=orig.id);
create table TARGET.result_organization stored as parquet as select * from SOURCE.result_organization orig where exists (select 1 from TARGET.result r where r.id=orig.id); create table TARGET.result_organization stored as parquet as select * from SOURCE.result_organization orig where exists (select 1 from TARGET.result r where r.id=orig.id);
create table TARGET.result_peerreviewed stored as parquet as select * from SOURCE.result_peerreviewed orig where exists (select 1 from TARGET.result r where r.id=orig.id); create table TARGET.result_peerreviewed stored as parquet as select * from SOURCE.result_peerreviewed orig where exists (select 1 from TARGET.result r where r.id=orig.id);
create table TARGET.result_pids stored as parquet as select * from SOURCE.result_pids orig where exists (select 1 from TARGET.result r where r.id=orig.id); create table TARGET.result_pids stored as parquet as select * from SOURCE.result_pids orig where exists (select 1 from TARGET.result r where r.id=orig.id);
create table TARGET.result_projectcount stored as parquet as select * from SOURCE.result_projectcount orig where exists (select 1 from TARGET.result r where r.id=orig.id); create table TARGET.result_projectcount stored as parquet as select * from SOURCE.result_projectcount orig where exists (select 1 from TARGET.result r where r.id=orig.id);
create table TARGET.result_projects stored as parquet as select * from SOURCE.result_projects orig where exists (select 1 from TARGET.result r where r.id=orig.id); create table TARGET.result_projects stored as parquet as select * from SOURCE.result_projects orig where exists (select 1 from TARGET.result r where r.id=orig.id);
create table TARGET.result_refereed stored as parquet as select * from SOURCE.result_refereed orig where exists (select 1 from TARGET.result r where r.id=orig.id); create table TARGET.result_refereed stored as parquet as select * from SOURCE.result_refereed orig where exists (select 1 from TARGET.result r where r.id=orig.id);
create table TARGET.result_sources stored as parquet as select * from SOURCE.result_sources orig where exists (select 1 from TARGET.result r where r.id=orig.id); create table TARGET.result_sources stored as parquet as select * from SOURCE.result_sources orig where exists (select 1 from TARGET.result r where r.id=orig.id);
create table TARGET.result_topics stored as parquet as select * from SOURCE.result_topics orig where exists (select 1 from TARGET.result r where r.id=orig.id); create table TARGET.result_topics stored as parquet as select * from SOURCE.result_topics orig where exists (select 1 from TARGET.result r where r.id=orig.id);
create table TARGET.result_fos stored as parquet as select * from SOURCE.result_fos orig where exists (select 1 from TARGET.result r where r.id=orig.id); create table TARGET.result_fos stored as parquet as select * from SOURCE.result_fos orig where exists (select 1 from TARGET.result r where r.id=orig.id);
create table TARGET.result_accessroute stored as parquet as select * from SOURCE.result_accessroute orig where exists (select 1 from TARGET.result r where r.id=orig.id); create table TARGET.result_accessroute stored as parquet as select * from SOURCE.result_accessroute orig where exists (select 1 from TARGET.result r where r.id=orig.id);
create table TARGET.result_orcid stored as parquet as select * from SOURCE.result_orcid orig where exists (select 1 from TARGET.result r where r.id=orig.id); create table TARGET.result_orcid stored as parquet as select * from SOURCE.result_orcid orig where exists (select 1 from TARGET.result r where r.id=orig.id);
create table TARGET.indi_pub_publicly_funded stored as parquet as select * from SOURCE.indi_pub_publicly_funded orig where exists (select 1 from TARGET.result r where r.id=orig.id);
create table TARGET.result_instance stored as parquet as select * from SOURCE.result_instance orig where exists (select 1 from TARGET.result r where r.id=orig.id);
create view TARGET.foo1 as select * from SOURCE.result_result rr where rr.source in (select id from TARGET.result); create view TARGET.foo1 as select * from SOURCE.result_result rr where rr.source in (select id from TARGET.result);
create view TARGET.foo2 as select * from SOURCE.result_result rr where rr.target in (select id from TARGET.result); create view TARGET.foo2 as select * from SOURCE.result_result rr where rr.target in (select id from TARGET.result);
create table TARGET.result_result STORED AS PARQUET as select distinct * from (select * from TARGET.foo1 union all select * from TARGET.foo2) foufou; create table TARGET.result_result STORED AS PARQUET as select distinct * from (select * from TARGET.foo1 union all select * from TARGET.foo2) foufou;
drop view TARGET.foo1; drop view TARGET.foo1;
drop view TARGET.foo2; drop view TARGET.foo2;
-- datasources -- datasources
create view if not exists TARGET.datasource as select * from SOURCE.datasource; create view if not exists TARGET.datasource as select * from SOURCE.datasource;
@ -178,7 +80,6 @@ create view if not exists TARGET.datasource_organizations as select * from SOURC
create view if not exists TARGET.datasource_sources as select * from SOURCE.datasource_sources; create view if not exists TARGET.datasource_sources as select * from SOURCE.datasource_sources;
create table TARGET.datasource_results stored as parquet as select id as result, datasource as id from TARGET.result_datasources; create table TARGET.datasource_results stored as parquet as select id as result, datasource as id from TARGET.result_datasources;
-- organizations -- organizations
create view if not exists TARGET.organization as select * from SOURCE.organization; create view if not exists TARGET.organization as select * from SOURCE.organization;
@ -196,28 +97,27 @@ create view if not exists TARGET.project_classification as select * from SOURCE.
create view if not exists TARGET.project_organization_contribution as select * from SOURCE.project_organization_contribution; create view if not exists TARGET.project_organization_contribution as select * from SOURCE.project_organization_contribution;
create table TARGET.project_results stored as parquet as select id as result, project as id from TARGET.result_projects; create table TARGET.project_results stored as parquet as select id as result, project as id from TARGET.result_projects;
-- indicators -- indicators
-- Sprint 1 ---- -- Sprint 1 ----
create table TARGET.indi_pub_green_oa stored as parquet as select * from SOURCE.indi_pub_green_oa orig where exists (select 1 from TARGET.result r where r.id=orig.id); create table TARGET.indi_pub_green_oa stored as parquet as select * from SOURCE.indi_pub_green_oa orig where exists (select 1 from TARGET.result r where r.id=orig.id);
create table TARGET.indi_pub_grey_lit stored as parquet as select * from SOURCE.indi_pub_grey_lit orig where exists (select 1 from TARGET.result r where r.id=orig.id); create table TARGET.indi_pub_grey_lit stored as parquet as select * from SOURCE.indi_pub_grey_lit orig where exists (select 1 from TARGET.result r where r.id=orig.id);
create table TARGET.indi_pub_doi_from_crossref stored as parquet as select * from SOURCE.indi_pub_doi_from_crossref orig where exists (select 1 from TARGET.result r where r.id=orig.id); create table TARGET.indi_pub_doi_from_crossref stored as parquet as select * from SOURCE.indi_pub_doi_from_crossref orig where exists (select 1 from TARGET.result r where r.id=orig.id);
-- Sprint 2 ---- -- Sprint 2 ----
create table TARGET.indi_result_has_cc_licence stored as parquet as select * from SOURCE.indi_result_has_cc_licence orig where exists (select 1 from TARGET.result r where r.id=orig.id); create table TARGET.indi_result_has_cc_licence stored as parquet as select * from SOURCE.indi_result_has_cc_licence orig where exists (select 1 from TARGET.result r where r.id=orig.id);
create table TARGET.indi_result_has_cc_licence_url stored as parquet as select * from SOURCE.indi_result_has_cc_licence_url orig where exists (select 1 from TARGET.result r where r.id=orig.id); create table TARGET.indi_result_has_cc_licence_url stored as parquet as select * from SOURCE.indi_result_has_cc_licence_url orig where exists (select 1 from TARGET.result r where r.id=orig.id);
--ANALYZE TABLE TARGET.indi_result_has_cc_licence_url COMPUTE STATISTICS;
create table TARGET.indi_pub_has_abstract stored as parquet as select * from SOURCE.indi_pub_has_abstract orig where exists (select 1 from TARGET.result r where r.id=orig.id); create table TARGET.indi_pub_has_abstract stored as parquet as select * from SOURCE.indi_pub_has_abstract orig where exists (select 1 from TARGET.result r where r.id=orig.id);
create table TARGET.indi_result_with_orcid stored as parquet as select * from SOURCE.indi_result_with_orcid orig where exists (select 1 from TARGET.result r where r.id=orig.id); create table TARGET.indi_result_with_orcid stored as parquet as select * from SOURCE.indi_result_with_orcid orig where exists (select 1 from TARGET.result r where r.id=orig.id);
---- Sprint 3 ---- ---- Sprint 3 ----
create table TARGET.indi_funded_result_with_fundref stored as parquet as select * from SOURCE.indi_funded_result_with_fundref orig where exists (select 1 from TARGET.result r where r.id=orig.id); create table TARGET.indi_funded_result_with_fundref stored as parquet as select * from SOURCE.indi_funded_result_with_fundref orig where exists (select 1 from TARGET.result r where r.id=orig.id);
--ANALYZE TABLE TARGET.indi_funded_result_with_fundref COMPUTE STATISTICS;
create view TARGET.indi_result_org_collab as select * from SOURCE.indi_result_org_collab; create view TARGET.indi_result_org_collab as select * from SOURCE.indi_result_org_collab;
create view TARGET.indi_result_org_country_collab as select * from SOURCE.indi_result_org_country_collab; create view TARGET.indi_result_org_country_collab as select * from SOURCE.indi_result_org_country_collab;
create view TARGET.indi_project_collab_org as select * from SOURCE.indi_project_collab_org; create view TARGET.indi_project_collab_org as select * from SOURCE.indi_project_collab_org;
@ -226,32 +126,32 @@ create view TARGET.indi_funder_country_collab as select * from SOURCE.indi_funde
create view TARGET.indi_result_country_collab as select * from SOURCE.indi_result_country_collab; create view TARGET.indi_result_country_collab as select * from SOURCE.indi_result_country_collab;
---- Sprint 4 ---- ---- Sprint 4 ----
create table TARGET.indi_pub_diamond stored as parquet as select * from SOURCE.indi_pub_diamond orig where exists (select 1 from TARGET.result r where r.id=orig.id); create table TARGET.indi_pub_diamond stored as parquet as select * from SOURCE.indi_pub_diamond orig where exists (select 1 from TARGET.result r where r.id=orig.id);
create table TARGET.indi_pub_in_transformative stored as parquet as select * from SOURCE.indi_pub_in_transformative orig where exists (select 1 from TARGET.result r where r.id=orig.id); create table TARGET.indi_pub_in_transformative stored as parquet as select * from SOURCE.indi_pub_in_transformative orig where exists (select 1 from TARGET.result r where r.id=orig.id);
create table TARGET.indi_pub_closed_other_open stored as parquet as select * from SOURCE.indi_pub_closed_other_open orig where exists (select 1 from TARGET.result r where r.id=orig.id); create table TARGET.indi_pub_closed_other_open stored as parquet as select * from SOURCE.indi_pub_closed_other_open orig where exists (select 1 from TARGET.result r where r.id=orig.id);
---- Sprint 5 ---- ---- Sprint 5 ----
create table TARGET.indi_result_no_of_copies stored as parquet as select * from SOURCE.indi_result_no_of_copies orig where exists (select 1 from TARGET.result r where r.id=orig.id); create table TARGET.indi_result_no_of_copies stored as parquet as select * from SOURCE.indi_result_no_of_copies orig where exists (select 1 from TARGET.result r where r.id=orig.id);
---- Sprint 6 ---- ---- Sprint 6 ----
create table TARGET.indi_pub_hybrid_oa_with_cc stored as parquet as select * from SOURCE.indi_pub_hybrid_oa_with_cc orig where exists (select 1 from TARGET.result r where r.id=orig.id); create table TARGET.indi_pub_hybrid_oa_with_cc stored as parquet as select * from SOURCE.indi_pub_hybrid_oa_with_cc orig where exists (select 1 from TARGET.result r where r.id=orig.id);
create table TARGET.indi_pub_bronze_oa stored as parquet as select * from SOURCE.indi_pub_bronze_oa orig where exists (select 1 from TARGET.result r where r.id=orig.id); create table TARGET.indi_pub_bronze_oa stored as parquet as select * from SOURCE.indi_pub_bronze_oa orig where exists (select 1 from TARGET.result r where r.id=orig.id);
create table TARGET.indi_pub_downloads stored as parquet as select * from SOURCE.indi_pub_downloads orig where exists (select 1 from TARGET.result r where r.id=orig.result_id); create table TARGET.indi_pub_downloads stored as parquet as select * from SOURCE.indi_pub_downloads orig where exists (select 1 from TARGET.result r where r.id=orig.result_id);
create table TARGET.indi_pub_downloads_datasource stored as parquet as select * from SOURCE.indi_pub_downloads_datasource orig where exists (select 1 from TARGET.result r where r.id=orig.result_id); create table TARGET.indi_pub_downloads_datasource stored as parquet as select * from SOURCE.indi_pub_downloads_datasource orig where exists (select 1 from TARGET.result r where r.id=orig.result_id);
--ANALYZE TABLE TARGET.indi_pub_downloads_datasource COMPUTE STATISTICS;
create table TARGET.indi_pub_downloads_year stored as parquet as select * from SOURCE.indi_pub_downloads_year orig where exists (select 1 from TARGET.result r where r.id=orig.result_id); create table TARGET.indi_pub_downloads_year stored as parquet as select * from SOURCE.indi_pub_downloads_year orig where exists (select 1 from TARGET.result r where r.id=orig.result_id);
create table TARGET.indi_pub_downloads_datasource_year stored as parquet as select * from SOURCE.indi_pub_downloads_datasource_year orig where exists (select 1 from TARGET.result r where r.id=orig.result_id); create table TARGET.indi_pub_downloads_datasource_year stored as parquet as select * from SOURCE.indi_pub_downloads_datasource_year orig where exists (select 1 from TARGET.result r where r.id=orig.result_id);
--ANALYZE TABLE TARGET.indi_pub_downloads_datasource_year COMPUTE STATISTICS;
---- Sprint 7 ---- ---- Sprint 7 ----
create table TARGET.indi_pub_gold_oa stored as parquet as select * from SOURCE.indi_pub_gold_oa orig where exists (select 1 from TARGET.result r where r.id=orig.id); create table TARGET.indi_pub_gold_oa stored as parquet as select * from SOURCE.indi_pub_gold_oa orig where exists (select 1 from TARGET.result r where r.id=orig.id);
create table TARGET.indi_pub_hybrid stored as parquet as select * from SOURCE.indi_pub_hybrid orig where exists (select 1 from TARGET.result r where r.id=orig.id); create table TARGET.indi_pub_hybrid stored as parquet as select * from SOURCE.indi_pub_hybrid orig where exists (select 1 from TARGET.result r where r.id=orig.id);
create view TARGET.indi_org_fairness as select * from SOURCE.indi_org_fairness; create view TARGET.indi_org_fairness as select * from SOURCE.indi_org_fairness;
create view TARGET.indi_org_fairness_pub_pr as select * from SOURCE.indi_org_fairness_pub_pr; create view TARGET.indi_org_fairness_pub_pr as select * from SOURCE.indi_org_fairness_pub_pr;
create view TARGET.indi_org_fairness_pub_year as select * from SOURCE.indi_org_fairness_pub_year; create view TARGET.indi_org_fairness_pub_year as select * from SOURCE.indi_org_fairness_pub_year;
@ -262,17 +162,17 @@ create view TARGET.indi_org_findable as select * from SOURCE.indi_org_findable;
create view TARGET.indi_org_openess as select * from SOURCE.indi_org_openess; create view TARGET.indi_org_openess as select * from SOURCE.indi_org_openess;
create view TARGET.indi_org_openess_year as select * from SOURCE.indi_org_openess_year; create view TARGET.indi_org_openess_year as select * from SOURCE.indi_org_openess_year;
create table TARGET.indi_pub_has_preprint stored as parquet as select * from SOURCE.indi_pub_has_preprint orig where exists (select 1 from TARGET.result r where r.id=orig.id); create table TARGET.indi_pub_has_preprint stored as parquet as select * from SOURCE.indi_pub_has_preprint orig where exists (select 1 from TARGET.result r where r.id=orig.id);
create table TARGET.indi_pub_in_subscribed stored as parquet as select * from SOURCE.indi_pub_in_subscribed orig where exists (select 1 from TARGET.result r where r.id=orig.id); create table TARGET.indi_pub_in_subscribed stored as parquet as select * from SOURCE.indi_pub_in_subscribed orig where exists (select 1 from TARGET.result r where r.id=orig.id);
create table TARGET.indi_result_with_pid stored as parquet as select * from SOURCE.indi_result_with_pid orig where exists (select 1 from TARGET.result r where r.id=orig.id); create table TARGET.indi_result_with_pid stored as parquet as select * from SOURCE.indi_result_with_pid orig where exists (select 1 from TARGET.result r where r.id=orig.id);
create table TARGET.indi_impact_measures stored as parquet as select * from SOURCE.indi_impact_measures orig where exists (select 1 from TARGET.result r where r.id=orig.id); create table TARGET.indi_impact_measures stored as parquet as select * from SOURCE.indi_impact_measures orig where exists (select 1 from TARGET.result r where r.id=orig.id);
create table TARGET.indi_pub_interdisciplinarity stored as parquet as select * from SOURCE.indi_pub_interdisciplinarity orig where exists (select 1 from TARGET.result r where r.id=orig.id); create table TARGET.indi_pub_interdisciplinarity stored as parquet as select * from SOURCE.indi_pub_interdisciplinarity orig where exists (select 1 from TARGET.result r where r.id=orig.id);
--ANALYZE TABLE TARGET.indi_pub_interdisciplinarity COMPUTE STATISTICS;
create table TARGET.result_apc_affiliations stored as parquet as select * from SOURCE.result_apc_affiliations orig where exists (select 1 from TARGET.result r where r.id=orig.id); create table TARGET.result_apc_affiliations stored as parquet as select * from SOURCE.result_apc_affiliations orig where exists (select 1 from TARGET.result r where r.id=orig.id);
create table TARGET.indi_is_project_result_after stored as parquet as select * from SOURCE.indi_is_project_result_after orig where exists (select 1 from TARGET.result r where r.id=orig.result_id); create table TARGET.indi_is_project_result_after stored as parquet as select * from SOURCE.indi_is_project_result_after orig where exists (select 1 from TARGET.result r where r.id=orig.result_id);
create table TARGET.indi_is_funder_plan_s stored as parquet as select * from SOURCE.indi_is_funder_plan_s orig where exists (select 1 from TARGET.result r where r.id=orig.id); create table TARGET.indi_is_funder_plan_s stored as parquet as select * from SOURCE.indi_is_funder_plan_s orig where exists (select 1 from TARGET.result r where r.id=orig.id);
create view TARGET.indi_funder_fairness as select * from SOURCE.indi_funder_fairness; create view TARGET.indi_funder_fairness as select * from SOURCE.indi_funder_fairness;

View File

@ -78,10 +78,11 @@ create table TARGET.result stored as parquet as
'openorgs____::4d4051b56708688235252f1d8fddb8c1', -- Iscte - Instituto Universitário de Lisboa 'openorgs____::4d4051b56708688235252f1d8fddb8c1', -- Iscte - Instituto Universitário de Lisboa
'openorgs____::5d55fb216b14691cf68218daf5d78cd9', -- Munster Technological University 'openorgs____::5d55fb216b14691cf68218daf5d78cd9', -- Munster Technological University
'openorgs____::0fccc7640f0cb44d5cd1b06b312a06b9', -- Cardiff University 'openorgs____::0fccc7640f0cb44d5cd1b06b312a06b9', -- Cardiff University
'openorgs____::8839b55dae0c84d56fd533f52d5d483a' -- Leibniz Institute of Ecological Urban and Regional Development 'openorgs____::8839b55dae0c84d56fd533f52d5d483a', -- Leibniz Institute of Ecological Urban and Regional Development
) )) foo; 'openorgs____::526468206bca24c1c90da6a312295cf4', -- Cyprus University of Technology
'openorgs____::b5ca9d4340e26454e367e2908ef3872f' -- Alma Mater Studiorum University of Bologna
create view if not exists TARGET.category as select * from SOURCE.category; create view if not exists TARGET.category as select * from SOURCE.category;
create view if not exists TARGET.concept as select * from SOURCE.concept; create view if not exists TARGET.concept as select * from SOURCE.concept;
@ -97,86 +98,63 @@ create view if not exists TARGET.doctoratestudents as select * from SOURCE.docto
create view if not exists TARGET.totalresearchers as select * from SOURCE.totalresearchers; create view if not exists TARGET.totalresearchers as select * from SOURCE.totalresearchers;
create view if not exists TARGET.totalresearchersft as select * from SOURCE.totalresearchersft; create view if not exists TARGET.totalresearchersft as select * from SOURCE.totalresearchersft;
create view if not exists TARGET.hrrst as select * from SOURCE.hrrst; create view if not exists TARGET.hrrst as select * from SOURCE.hrrst;
--create view if not exists TARGET.graduatedoctorates as select * from SOURCE.graduatedoctorates; create view if not exists TARGET.graduatedoctorates as select * from SOURCE.graduatedoctorates;
create table TARGET.result_citations stored as parquet as select * from SOURCE.result_citations orig where exists (select 1 from TARGET.result r where r.id=orig.id); create table TARGET.result_citations stored as parquet as select * from SOURCE.result_citations orig where exists (select 1 from TARGET.result r where r.id=orig.id);
create table TARGET.result_references_oc stored as parquet as select * from SOURCE.result_references_oc orig where exists (select 1 from TARGET.result r where r.id=orig.id); create table TARGET.result_references_oc stored as parquet as select * from SOURCE.result_references_oc orig where exists (select 1 from TARGET.result r where r.id=orig.id);
create table TARGET.result_citations_oc stored as parquet as select * from SOURCE.result_citations_oc orig where exists (select 1 from TARGET.result r where r.id=orig.id); create table TARGET.result_citations_oc stored as parquet as select * from SOURCE.result_citations_oc orig where exists (select 1 from TARGET.result r where r.id=orig.id);
create table TARGET.result_classifications stored as parquet as select * from SOURCE.result_classifications orig where exists (select 1 from TARGET.result r where r.id=orig.id); create table TARGET.result_classifications stored as parquet as select * from SOURCE.result_classifications orig where exists (select 1 from TARGET.result r where r.id=orig.id);
create table TARGET.result_apc stored as parquet as select * from SOURCE.result_apc orig where exists (select 1 from TARGET.result r where r.id=orig.id); create table TARGET.result_apc stored as parquet as select * from SOURCE.result_apc orig where exists (select 1 from TARGET.result r where r.id=orig.id);
create table TARGET.result_concepts stored as parquet as select * from SOURCE.result_concepts orig where exists (select 1 from TARGET.result r where r.id=orig.id); create table TARGET.result_concepts stored as parquet as select * from SOURCE.result_concepts orig where exists (select 1 from TARGET.result r where r.id=orig.id);
create table TARGET.result_datasources stored as parquet as select * from SOURCE.result_datasources orig where exists (select 1 from TARGET.result r where r.id=orig.id); create table TARGET.result_datasources stored as parquet as select * from SOURCE.result_datasources orig where exists (select 1 from TARGET.result r where r.id=orig.id);
create table TARGET.result_fundercount stored as parquet as select * from SOURCE.result_fundercount orig where exists (select 1 from TARGET.result r where r.id=orig.id); create table TARGET.result_fundercount stored as parquet as select * from SOURCE.result_fundercount orig where exists (select 1 from TARGET.result r where r.id=orig.id);
create table TARGET.result_gold stored as parquet as select * from SOURCE.result_gold orig where exists (select 1 from TARGET.result r where r.id=orig.id); create table TARGET.result_gold stored as parquet as select * from SOURCE.result_gold orig where exists (select 1 from TARGET.result r where r.id=orig.id);
create table TARGET.result_greenoa stored as parquet as select * from SOURCE.result_greenoa orig where exists (select 1 from TARGET.result r where r.id=orig.id); create table TARGET.result_greenoa stored as parquet as select * from SOURCE.result_greenoa orig where exists (select 1 from TARGET.result r where r.id=orig.id);
create table TARGET.result_languages stored as parquet as select * from SOURCE.result_languages orig where exists (select 1 from TARGET.result r where r.id=orig.id); create table TARGET.result_languages stored as parquet as select * from SOURCE.result_languages orig where exists (select 1 from TARGET.result r where r.id=orig.id);
create table TARGET.result_licenses stored as parquet as select * from SOURCE.result_licenses orig where exists (select 1 from TARGET.result r where r.id=orig.id); create table TARGET.result_licenses stored as parquet as select * from SOURCE.result_licenses orig where exists (select 1 from TARGET.result r where r.id=orig.id);
create table TARGET.licenses_normalized STORED AS PARQUET as select * from SOURCE.licenses_normalized; create table TARGET.licenses_normalized STORED AS PARQUET as select * from SOURCE.licenses_normalized;
create table TARGET.result_oids stored as parquet as select * from SOURCE.result_oids orig where exists (select 1 from TARGET.result r where r.id=orig.id); create table TARGET.result_oids stored as parquet as select * from SOURCE.result_oids orig where exists (select 1 from TARGET.result r where r.id=orig.id);
create table TARGET.result_organization stored as parquet as select * from SOURCE.result_organization orig where exists (select 1 from TARGET.result r where r.id=orig.id); create table TARGET.result_organization stored as parquet as select * from SOURCE.result_organization orig where exists (select 1 from TARGET.result r where r.id=orig.id);
create table TARGET.result_peerreviewed stored as parquet as select * from SOURCE.result_peerreviewed orig where exists (select 1 from TARGET.result r where r.id=orig.id); create table TARGET.result_peerreviewed stored as parquet as select * from SOURCE.result_peerreviewed orig where exists (select 1 from TARGET.result r where r.id=orig.id);
create table TARGET.result_pids stored as parquet as select * from SOURCE.result_pids orig where exists (select 1 from TARGET.result r where r.id=orig.id); create table TARGET.result_pids stored as parquet as select * from SOURCE.result_pids orig where exists (select 1 from TARGET.result r where r.id=orig.id);
create table TARGET.result_projectcount stored as parquet as select * from SOURCE.result_projectcount orig where exists (select 1 from TARGET.result r where r.id=orig.id); create table TARGET.result_projectcount stored as parquet as select * from SOURCE.result_projectcount orig where exists (select 1 from TARGET.result r where r.id=orig.id);
create table TARGET.result_projects stored as parquet as select * from SOURCE.result_projects orig where exists (select 1 from TARGET.result r where r.id=orig.id); create table TARGET.result_projects stored as parquet as select * from SOURCE.result_projects orig where exists (select 1 from TARGET.result r where r.id=orig.id);
create table TARGET.result_refereed stored as parquet as select * from SOURCE.result_refereed orig where exists (select 1 from TARGET.result r where r.id=orig.id); create table TARGET.result_refereed stored as parquet as select * from SOURCE.result_refereed orig where exists (select 1 from TARGET.result r where r.id=orig.id);
create table TARGET.result_sources stored as parquet as select * from SOURCE.result_sources orig where exists (select 1 from TARGET.result r where r.id=orig.id); create table TARGET.result_sources stored as parquet as select * from SOURCE.result_sources orig where exists (select 1 from TARGET.result r where r.id=orig.id);
create table TARGET.result_topics stored as parquet as select * from SOURCE.result_topics orig where exists (select 1 from TARGET.result r where r.id=orig.id); create table TARGET.result_topics stored as parquet as select * from SOURCE.result_topics orig where exists (select 1 from TARGET.result r where r.id=orig.id);
create table TARGET.result_fos stored as parquet as select * from SOURCE.result_fos orig where exists (select 1 from TARGET.result r where r.id=orig.id); create table TARGET.result_fos stored as parquet as select * from SOURCE.result_fos orig where exists (select 1 from TARGET.result r where r.id=orig.id);
create table TARGET.result_accessroute stored as parquet as select * from SOURCE.result_accessroute orig where exists (select 1 from TARGET.result r where r.id=orig.id); create table TARGET.result_accessroute stored as parquet as select * from SOURCE.result_accessroute orig where exists (select 1 from TARGET.result r where r.id=orig.id);
create table TARGET.result_orcid stored as parquet as select * from SOURCE.result_orcid orig where exists (select 1 from TARGET.result r where r.id=orig.id);
create view TARGET.foo1 as select * from SOURCE.result_result rr where rr.source in (select id from TARGET.result); create view TARGET.foo1 as select * from SOURCE.result_result rr where rr.source in (select id from TARGET.result);
create view TARGET.foo2 as select * from SOURCE.result_result rr where rr.target in (select id from TARGET.result); create view TARGET.foo2 as select * from SOURCE.result_result rr where rr.target in (select id from TARGET.result);
create table TARGET.result_result STORED AS PARQUET as select distinct * from (select * from TARGET.foo1 union all select * from TARGET.foo2) foufou; create table TARGET.result_result STORED AS PARQUET as select distinct * from (select * from TARGET.foo1 union all select * from TARGET.foo2) foufou;
drop view TARGET.foo1; drop view TARGET.foo1;
drop view TARGET.foo2; drop view TARGET.foo2;
-- datasources -- datasources
create view if not exists TARGET.datasource as select * from SOURCE.datasource; create view if not exists TARGET.datasource as select * from SOURCE.datasource;
@ -185,7 +163,6 @@ create view if not exists TARGET.datasource_organizations as select * from SOURC
create view if not exists TARGET.datasource_sources as select * from SOURCE.datasource_sources; create view if not exists TARGET.datasource_sources as select * from SOURCE.datasource_sources;
create table TARGET.datasource_results stored as parquet as select id as result, datasource as id from TARGET.result_datasources; create table TARGET.datasource_results stored as parquet as select id as result, datasource as id from TARGET.result_datasources;
-- organizations -- organizations
create view if not exists TARGET.organization as select * from SOURCE.organization; create view if not exists TARGET.organization as select * from SOURCE.organization;
@ -203,28 +180,26 @@ create view if not exists TARGET.project_classification as select * from SOURCE.
create view if not exists TARGET.project_organization_contribution as select * from SOURCE.project_organization_contribution; create view if not exists TARGET.project_organization_contribution as select * from SOURCE.project_organization_contribution;
create table TARGET.project_results stored as parquet as select id as result, project as id from TARGET.result_projects; create table TARGET.project_results stored as parquet as select id as result, project as id from TARGET.result_projects;
-- indicators -- indicators
-- Sprint 1 ---- -- Sprint 1 ----
create table TARGET.indi_pub_green_oa stored as parquet as select * from SOURCE.indi_pub_green_oa orig where exists (select 1 from TARGET.result r where r.id=orig.id); create table TARGET.indi_pub_green_oa stored as parquet as select * from SOURCE.indi_pub_green_oa orig where exists (select 1 from TARGET.result r where r.id=orig.id);
create table TARGET.indi_pub_grey_lit stored as parquet as select * from SOURCE.indi_pub_grey_lit orig where exists (select 1 from TARGET.result r where r.id=orig.id); create table TARGET.indi_pub_grey_lit stored as parquet as select * from SOURCE.indi_pub_grey_lit orig where exists (select 1 from TARGET.result r where r.id=orig.id);
create table TARGET.indi_pub_doi_from_crossref stored as parquet as select * from SOURCE.indi_pub_doi_from_crossref orig where exists (select 1 from TARGET.result r where r.id=orig.id); create table TARGET.indi_pub_doi_from_crossref stored as parquet as select * from SOURCE.indi_pub_doi_from_crossref orig where exists (select 1 from TARGET.result r where r.id=orig.id);
-- Sprint 2 ---- -- Sprint 2 ----
create table TARGET.indi_result_has_cc_licence stored as parquet as select * from SOURCE.indi_result_has_cc_licence orig where exists (select 1 from TARGET.result r where r.id=orig.id); create table TARGET.indi_result_has_cc_licence stored as parquet as select * from SOURCE.indi_result_has_cc_licence orig where exists (select 1 from TARGET.result r where r.id=orig.id);
create table TARGET.indi_result_has_cc_licence_url stored as parquet as select * from SOURCE.indi_result_has_cc_licence_url orig where exists (select 1 from TARGET.result r where r.id=orig.id); create table TARGET.indi_result_has_cc_licence_url stored as parquet as select * from SOURCE.indi_result_has_cc_licence_url orig where exists (select 1 from TARGET.result r where r.id=orig.id);
--ANALYZE TABLE TARGET.indi_result_has_cc_licence_url COMPUTE STATISTICS;
create table TARGET.indi_pub_has_abstract stored as parquet as select * from SOURCE.indi_pub_has_abstract orig where exists (select 1 from TARGET.result r where r.id=orig.id); create table TARGET.indi_pub_has_abstract stored as parquet as select * from SOURCE.indi_pub_has_abstract orig where exists (select 1 from TARGET.result r where r.id=orig.id);
create table TARGET.indi_result_with_orcid stored as parquet as select * from SOURCE.indi_result_with_orcid orig where exists (select 1 from TARGET.result r where r.id=orig.id); create table TARGET.indi_result_with_orcid stored as parquet as select * from SOURCE.indi_result_with_orcid orig where exists (select 1 from TARGET.result r where r.id=orig.id);
---- Sprint 3 ---- ---- Sprint 3 ----
create table TARGET.indi_funded_result_with_fundref stored as parquet as select * from SOURCE.indi_funded_result_with_fundref orig where exists (select 1 from TARGET.result r where r.id=orig.id); create table TARGET.indi_funded_result_with_fundref stored as parquet as select * from SOURCE.indi_funded_result_with_fundref orig where exists (select 1 from TARGET.result r where r.id=orig.id);
--ANALYZE TABLE TARGET.indi_funded_result_with_fundref COMPUTE STATISTICS;
create view TARGET.indi_result_org_collab as select * from SOURCE.indi_result_org_collab; create view TARGET.indi_result_org_collab as select * from SOURCE.indi_result_org_collab;
create view TARGET.indi_result_org_country_collab as select * from SOURCE.indi_result_org_country_collab; create view TARGET.indi_result_org_country_collab as select * from SOURCE.indi_result_org_country_collab;
create view TARGET.indi_project_collab_org as select * from SOURCE.indi_project_collab_org; create view TARGET.indi_project_collab_org as select * from SOURCE.indi_project_collab_org;
@ -233,32 +208,29 @@ create view TARGET.indi_funder_country_collab as select * from SOURCE.indi_funde
create view TARGET.indi_result_country_collab as select * from SOURCE.indi_result_country_collab; create view TARGET.indi_result_country_collab as select * from SOURCE.indi_result_country_collab;
---- Sprint 4 ---- ---- Sprint 4 ----
create table TARGET.indi_pub_diamond stored as parquet as select * from SOURCE.indi_pub_diamond orig where exists (select 1 from TARGET.result r where r.id=orig.id); create table TARGET.indi_pub_diamond stored as parquet as select * from SOURCE.indi_pub_diamond orig where exists (select 1 from TARGET.result r where r.id=orig.id);
create table TARGET.indi_pub_in_transformative stored as parquet as select * from SOURCE.indi_pub_in_transformative orig where exists (select 1 from TARGET.result r where r.id=orig.id); create table TARGET.indi_pub_in_transformative stored as parquet as select * from SOURCE.indi_pub_in_transformative orig where exists (select 1 from TARGET.result r where r.id=orig.id);
create table TARGET.indi_pub_closed_other_open stored as parquet as select * from SOURCE.indi_pub_closed_other_open orig where exists (select 1 from TARGET.result r where r.id=orig.id); create table TARGET.indi_pub_closed_other_open stored as parquet as select * from SOURCE.indi_pub_closed_other_open orig where exists (select 1 from TARGET.result r where r.id=orig.id);
---- Sprint 5 ---- ---- Sprint 5 ----
create table TARGET.indi_result_no_of_copies stored as parquet as select * from SOURCE.indi_result_no_of_copies orig where exists (select 1 from TARGET.result r where r.id=orig.id); create table TARGET.indi_result_no_of_copies stored as parquet as select * from SOURCE.indi_result_no_of_copies orig where exists (select 1 from TARGET.result r where r.id=orig.id);
---- Sprint 6 ---- ---- Sprint 6 ----
create table TARGET.indi_pub_hybrid_oa_with_cc stored as parquet as select * from SOURCE.indi_pub_hybrid_oa_with_cc orig where exists (select 1 from TARGET.result r where r.id=orig.id); create table TARGET.indi_pub_hybrid_oa_with_cc stored as parquet as select * from SOURCE.indi_pub_hybrid_oa_with_cc orig where exists (select 1 from TARGET.result r where r.id=orig.id);
create table TARGET.indi_pub_bronze_oa stored as parquet as select * from SOURCE.indi_pub_bronze_oa orig where exists (select 1 from TARGET.result r where r.id=orig.id); create table TARGET.indi_pub_bronze_oa stored as parquet as select * from SOURCE.indi_pub_bronze_oa orig where exists (select 1 from TARGET.result r where r.id=orig.id);
create table TARGET.indi_pub_downloads stored as parquet as select * from SOURCE.indi_pub_downloads orig where exists (select 1 from TARGET.result r where r.id=orig.result_id); create table TARGET.indi_pub_downloads stored as parquet as select * from SOURCE.indi_pub_downloads orig where exists (select 1 from TARGET.result r where r.id=orig.result_id);
create table TARGET.indi_pub_downloads_datasource stored as parquet as select * from SOURCE.indi_pub_downloads_datasource orig where exists (select 1 from TARGET.result r where r.id=orig.result_id); create table TARGET.indi_pub_downloads_datasource stored as parquet as select * from SOURCE.indi_pub_downloads_datasource orig where exists (select 1 from TARGET.result r where r.id=orig.result_id);
--ANALYZE TABLE TARGET.indi_pub_downloads_datasource COMPUTE STATISTICS;
create table TARGET.indi_pub_downloads_year stored as parquet as select * from SOURCE.indi_pub_downloads_year orig where exists (select 1 from TARGET.result r where r.id=orig.result_id); create table TARGET.indi_pub_downloads_year stored as parquet as select * from SOURCE.indi_pub_downloads_year orig where exists (select 1 from TARGET.result r where r.id=orig.result_id);
create table TARGET.indi_pub_downloads_datasource_year stored as parquet as select * from SOURCE.indi_pub_downloads_datasource_year orig where exists (select 1 from TARGET.result r where r.id=orig.result_id); create table TARGET.indi_pub_downloads_datasource_year stored as parquet as select * from SOURCE.indi_pub_downloads_datasource_year orig where exists (select 1 from TARGET.result r where r.id=orig.result_id);
--ANALYZE TABLE TARGET.indi_pub_downloads_datasource_year COMPUTE STATISTICS;
---- Sprint 7 ---- ---- Sprint 7 ----
create table TARGET.indi_pub_gold_oa stored as parquet as select * from SOURCE.indi_pub_gold_oa orig where exists (select 1 from TARGET.result r where r.id=orig.id); create table TARGET.indi_pub_gold_oa stored as parquet as select * from SOURCE.indi_pub_gold_oa orig where exists (select 1 from TARGET.result r where r.id=orig.id);
create table TARGET.indi_pub_hybrid stored as parquet as select * from SOURCE.indi_pub_hybrid orig where exists (select 1 from TARGET.result r where r.id=orig.id); create table TARGET.indi_pub_hybrid stored as parquet as select * from SOURCE.indi_pub_hybrid orig where exists (select 1 from TARGET.result r where r.id=orig.id);
create view TARGET.indi_org_fairness as select * from SOURCE.indi_org_fairness; create view TARGET.indi_org_fairness as select * from SOURCE.indi_org_fairness;
create view TARGET.indi_org_fairness_pub_pr as select * from SOURCE.indi_org_fairness_pub_pr; create view TARGET.indi_org_fairness_pub_pr as select * from SOURCE.indi_org_fairness_pub_pr;
create view TARGET.indi_org_fairness_pub_year as select * from SOURCE.indi_org_fairness_pub_year; create view TARGET.indi_org_fairness_pub_year as select * from SOURCE.indi_org_fairness_pub_year;
@ -269,19 +241,22 @@ create view TARGET.indi_org_findable as select * from SOURCE.indi_org_findable;
create view TARGET.indi_org_openess as select * from SOURCE.indi_org_openess; create view TARGET.indi_org_openess as select * from SOURCE.indi_org_openess;
create view TARGET.indi_org_openess_year as select * from SOURCE.indi_org_openess_year; create view TARGET.indi_org_openess_year as select * from SOURCE.indi_org_openess_year;
create table TARGET.indi_pub_has_preprint stored as parquet as select * from SOURCE.indi_pub_has_preprint orig where exists (select 1 from TARGET.result r where r.id=orig.id); create table TARGET.indi_pub_has_preprint stored as parquet as select * from SOURCE.indi_pub_has_preprint orig where exists (select 1 from TARGET.result r where r.id=orig.id);
create table TARGET.indi_pub_in_subscribed stored as parquet as select * from SOURCE.indi_pub_in_subscribed orig where exists (select 1 from TARGET.result r where r.id=orig.id); create table TARGET.indi_pub_in_subscribed stored as parquet as select * from SOURCE.indi_pub_in_subscribed orig where exists (select 1 from TARGET.result r where r.id=orig.id);
create table TARGET.indi_result_with_pid stored as parquet as select * from SOURCE.indi_result_with_pid orig where exists (select 1 from TARGET.result r where r.id=orig.id); create table TARGET.indi_result_with_pid stored as parquet as select * from SOURCE.indi_result_with_pid orig where exists (select 1 from TARGET.result r where r.id=orig.id);
create table TARGET.indi_impact_measures stored as parquet as select * from SOURCE.indi_impact_measures orig where exists (select 1 from TARGET.result r where r.id=orig.id); create table TARGET.indi_impact_measures stored as parquet as select * from SOURCE.indi_impact_measures orig where exists (select 1 from TARGET.result r where r.id=orig.id);
create table TARGET.indi_pub_interdisciplinarity stored as parquet as select * from SOURCE.indi_pub_interdisciplinarity orig where exists (select 1 from TARGET.result r where r.id=orig.id); create table TARGET.indi_pub_interdisciplinarity stored as parquet as select * from SOURCE.indi_pub_interdisciplinarity orig where exists (select 1 from TARGET.result r where r.id=orig.id);
--ANALYZE TABLE TARGET.indi_pub_interdisciplinarity COMPUTE STATISTICS;
create table TARGET.result_apc_affiliations stored as parquet as select * from SOURCE.result_apc_affiliations orig where exists (select 1 from TARGET.result r where r.id=orig.id); create table TARGET.result_apc_affiliations stored as parquet as select * from SOURCE.result_apc_affiliations orig where exists (select 1 from TARGET.result r where r.id=orig.id);
--ANALYZE TABLE TARGET.result_apc_affiliations COMPUTE STATISTICS; create table TARGET.result_instance stored as parquet as select * from SOURCE.result_instance orig where exists (select 1 from TARGET.result r where r.id=orig.id);
create table TARGET.indi_is_project_result_after stored as parquet as select * from SOURCE.indi_is_project_result_after orig where exists (select 1 from TARGET.result r where r.id=orig.id); create table TARGET.result_orcid stored as parquet as select * from SOURCE.result_orcid orig where exists (select 1 from TARGET.result r where r.id=orig.id);
create table TARGET.indi_is_funder_plan_s stored as parquet as select * from SOURCE.indi_is_funder_plan_s orig where exists (select 1 from TARGET.result r where r.id=orig.id); create table TARGET.indi_pub_publicly_funded stored as parquet as select * from SOURCE.indi_pub_publicly_funded orig where exists (select 1 from TARGET.result r where r.id=orig.id);
create table TARGET.indi_is_project_result_after stored as parquet as select * from SOURCE.indi_is_project_result_after orig where exists (select 1 from TARGET.result r where r.id=orig.result_id);
create view TARGET.indi_is_funder_plan_s as select * from SOURCE.indi_is_funder_plan_s;
create view TARGET.indi_funder_fairness as select * from SOURCE.indi_funder_fairness; create view TARGET.indi_funder_fairness as select * from SOURCE.indi_funder_fairness;
create view TARGET.indi_funder_openess as select * from SOURCE.indi_funder_openess; create view TARGET.indi_funder_openess as select * from SOURCE.indi_funder_openess;
create view TARGET.indi_funder_findable as select * from SOURCE.indi_funder_findable; create view TARGET.indi_funder_findable as select * from SOURCE.indi_funder_findable;

View File

@ -11,5 +11,4 @@ create table TARGET.result stored as parquet as
join SOURCE.context cont on cont.id=cat.context join SOURCE.context cont on cont.id=cat.context
-- join SOURCE.result -- join SOURCE.result
where rc.id=r.id and conc.category like CONTEXT) where rc.id=r.id and conc.category like CONTEXT)
) foo; ) foo;

View File

@ -11,5 +11,4 @@ create table TARGET.result stored as parquet as
join SOURCE.context cont on cont.id=cat.context join SOURCE.context cont on cont.id=cat.context
-- join SOURCE.result -- join SOURCE.result
where rc.id=r.id and conc.category not in (CONTEXTS)) where rc.id=r.id and conc.category not in (CONTEXTS))
) foo; ) foo;

View File

@ -4,6 +4,4 @@ create database if not exists TARGET;
create table TARGET.result stored as parquet as create table TARGET.result stored as parquet as
select distinct * from ( select distinct * from (
select * from SOURCE.result r where exists (select 1 from SOURCE.result_projects rp join SOURCE.project p on rp.project=p.id where rp.id=r.id) select * from SOURCE.result r where exists (select 1 from SOURCE.result_projects rp join SOURCE.project p on rp.project=p.id where rp.id=r.id)
) foo; ) foo;

View File

@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ create table TARGET.result stored as parquet as
'openorgs____::4d4051b56708688235252f1d8fddb8c1', -- Iscte - Instituto Universitário de Lisboa 'openorgs____::4d4051b56708688235252f1d8fddb8c1', -- Iscte - Instituto Universitário de Lisboa
'openorgs____::5d55fb216b14691cf68218daf5d78cd9', -- Munster Technological University 'openorgs____::5d55fb216b14691cf68218daf5d78cd9', -- Munster Technological University
'openorgs____::0fccc7640f0cb44d5cd1b06b312a06b9', -- Cardiff University 'openorgs____::0fccc7640f0cb44d5cd1b06b312a06b9', -- Cardiff University
'openorgs____::8839b55dae0c84d56fd533f52d5d483a' -- Leibniz Institute of Ecological Urban and Regional Development 'openorgs____::8839b55dae0c84d56fd533f52d5d483a', -- Leibniz Institute of Ecological Urban and Regional Development
))) foo; 'openorgs____::526468206bca24c1c90da6a312295cf4', -- Cyprus University of Technology
'openorgs____::b5ca9d4340e26454e367e2908ef3872f' -- Alma Mater Studiorum University of Bologna

View File

@ -8,7 +8,6 @@ from ${stats_db_name}.result r
group by rl.id group by rl.id
) rln on rln.id=r.id; ) rln on rln.id=r.id;
--ANALYZE TABLE ${observatory_db_name}.result_cc_licence COMPUTE STATISTICS;
create table ${observatory_db_name}.result_affiliated_country stored as parquet as create table ${observatory_db_name}.result_affiliated_country stored as parquet as
select select
@ -39,7 +38,6 @@ group by r.green, r.gold, case when rl.type is not null then true else false end
case when r.access_mode in ('Open Access', 'Open Source') then true else false end, r.peer_reviewed, r.type, abstract, case when r.access_mode in ('Open Access', 'Open Source') then true else false end, r.peer_reviewed, r.type, abstract,
cc_licence, r.authors > 1, rpc.count > 1, rfc.count > 1, c.code, c.name; cc_licence, r.authors > 1, rpc.count > 1, rfc.count > 1, c.code, c.name;
--ANALYZE TABLE ${observatory_db_name}.result_affiliated_country COMPUTE STATISTICS;
create table ${observatory_db_name}.result_affiliated_year stored as parquet as create table ${observatory_db_name}.result_affiliated_year stored as parquet as
select select
@ -70,7 +68,6 @@ group by r.green, r.gold, case when rl.type is not null then true else false end
case when r.access_mode in ('Open Access', 'Open Source') then true else false end, r.peer_reviewed, r.type, abstract, case when r.access_mode in ('Open Access', 'Open Source') then true else false end, r.peer_reviewed, r.type, abstract,
cc_licence, r.authors > 1, rpc.count > 1, rfc.count > 1, r.year; cc_licence, r.authors > 1, rpc.count > 1, rfc.count > 1, r.year;
--ANALYZE TABLE ${observatory_db_name}.result_affiliated_year COMPUTE STATISTICS;
create table ${observatory_db_name}.result_affiliated_year_country stored as parquet as create table ${observatory_db_name}.result_affiliated_year_country stored as parquet as
select select
@ -101,7 +98,6 @@ group by r.green, r.gold, case when rl.type is not null then true else false end
case when r.access_mode in ('Open Access', 'Open Source') then true else false end, r.peer_reviewed, r.type, abstract, case when r.access_mode in ('Open Access', 'Open Source') then true else false end, r.peer_reviewed, r.type, abstract,
cc_licence, r.authors > 1, rpc.count > 1, rfc.count > 1, r.year, c.code, c.name; cc_licence, r.authors > 1, rpc.count > 1, rfc.count > 1, r.year, c.code, c.name;
--ANALYZE TABLE ${observatory_db_name}.result_affiliated_year_country COMPUTE STATISTICS;
create table ${observatory_db_name}.result_affiliated_datasource stored as parquet as create table ${observatory_db_name}.result_affiliated_datasource stored as parquet as
select select
@ -134,8 +130,6 @@ group by r.green, r.gold, case when rl.type is not null then true else false end
case when r.access_mode in ('Open Access', 'Open Source') then true else false end, r.peer_reviewed, r.type, abstract, case when r.access_mode in ('Open Access', 'Open Source') then true else false end, r.peer_reviewed, r.type, abstract,
cc_licence, r.authors > 1, rpc.count > 1, rfc.count > 1, d.name; cc_licence, r.authors > 1, rpc.count > 1, rfc.count > 1, d.name;
--ANALYZE TABLE ${observatory_db_name}.result_affiliated_datasource COMPUTE STATISTICS;
create table ${observatory_db_name}.result_affiliated_datasource_country stored as parquet as create table ${observatory_db_name}.result_affiliated_datasource_country stored as parquet as
select select
count(distinct r.id) as total, count(distinct r.id) as total,
@ -167,8 +161,6 @@ group by r.green, r.gold, case when rl.type is not null then true else false end
case when r.access_mode in ('Open Access', 'Open Source') then true else false end, r.peer_reviewed, r.type, abstract, case when r.access_mode in ('Open Access', 'Open Source') then true else false end, r.peer_reviewed, r.type, abstract,
cc_licence, r.authors > 1, rpc.count > 1, rfc.count > 1, d.name, c.code, c.name; cc_licence, r.authors > 1, rpc.count > 1, rfc.count > 1, d.name, c.code, c.name;
--ANALYZE TABLE ${observatory_db_name}.result_affiliated_datasource_country COMPUTE STATISTICS;
create table ${observatory_db_name}.result_affiliated_organization stored as parquet as create table ${observatory_db_name}.result_affiliated_organization stored as parquet as
select select
count(distinct r.id) as total, count(distinct r.id) as total,
@ -198,8 +190,6 @@ group by r.green, r.gold, case when rl.type is not null then true else false end
case when r.access_mode in ('Open Access', 'Open Source') then true else false end, r.peer_reviewed, r.type, abstract, case when r.access_mode in ('Open Access', 'Open Source') then true else false end, r.peer_reviewed, r.type, abstract,
cc_licence, r.authors > 1, rpc.count > 1, rfc.count > 1, o.name; cc_licence, r.authors > 1, rpc.count > 1, rfc.count > 1, o.name;
--ANALYZE TABLE ${observatory_db_name}.result_affiliated_organization COMPUTE STATISTICS;
create table ${observatory_db_name}.result_affiliated_organization_country stored as parquet as create table ${observatory_db_name}.result_affiliated_organization_country stored as parquet as
select select
count(distinct r.id) as total, count(distinct r.id) as total,
@ -229,8 +219,6 @@ group by r.green, r.gold, case when rl.type is not null then true else false end
case when r.access_mode in ('Open Access', 'Open Source') then true else false end, r.peer_reviewed, r.type, abstract, case when r.access_mode in ('Open Access', 'Open Source') then true else false end, r.peer_reviewed, r.type, abstract,
cc_licence, r.authors > 1, rpc.count > 1, rfc.count > 1, o.name, c.code, c.name; cc_licence, r.authors > 1, rpc.count > 1, rfc.count > 1, o.name, c.code, c.name;
--ANALYZE TABLE ${observatory_db_name}.result_affiliated_organization_country COMPUTE STATISTICS;
create table ${observatory_db_name}.result_affiliated_funder stored as parquet as create table ${observatory_db_name}.result_affiliated_funder stored as parquet as
select select
count(distinct r.id) as total, count(distinct r.id) as total,
@ -262,8 +250,6 @@ group by r.green, r.gold, case when rl.type is not null then true else false end
case when r.access_mode in ('Open Access', 'Open Source') then true else false end, r.peer_reviewed, r.type, abstract, case when r.access_mode in ('Open Access', 'Open Source') then true else false end, r.peer_reviewed, r.type, abstract,
cc_licence, r.authors > 1, rpc.count > 1, rfc.count > 1, p.funder; cc_licence, r.authors > 1, rpc.count > 1, rfc.count > 1, p.funder;
--ANALYZE TABLE ${observatory_db_name}.result_affiliated_funder COMPUTE STATISTICS;
create table ${observatory_db_name}.result_affiliated_funder_country stored as parquet as create table ${observatory_db_name}.result_affiliated_funder_country stored as parquet as
select select
count(distinct r.id) as total, count(distinct r.id) as total,
@ -295,8 +281,6 @@ group by r.green, r.gold, case when rl.type is not null then true else false end
case when r.access_mode in ('Open Access', 'Open Source') then true else false end, r.peer_reviewed, r.type, abstract, case when r.access_mode in ('Open Access', 'Open Source') then true else false end, r.peer_reviewed, r.type, abstract,
cc_licence, r.authors > 1, rpc.count > 1, rfc.count > 1, p.funder, c.code, c.name; cc_licence, r.authors > 1, rpc.count > 1, rfc.count > 1, p.funder, c.code, c.name;
--ANALYZE TABLE ${observatory_db_name}.result_affiliated_funder_country COMPUTE STATISTICS;
create table ${observatory_db_name}.result_deposited_country stored as parquet as create table ${observatory_db_name}.result_deposited_country stored as parquet as
select select
count(distinct r.id) as total, count(distinct r.id) as total,
@ -328,8 +312,6 @@ group by r.green, r.gold, case when rl.type is not null then true else false end
case when r.access_mode in ('Open Access', 'Open Source') then true else false end, r.peer_reviewed, r.type, abstract, case when r.access_mode in ('Open Access', 'Open Source') then true else false end, r.peer_reviewed, r.type, abstract,
cc_licence, r.authors > 1, rpc.count > 1, rfc.count > 1, c.code, c.name; cc_licence, r.authors > 1, rpc.count > 1, rfc.count > 1, c.code, c.name;
--ANALYZE TABLE ${observatory_db_name}.result_deposited_country COMPUTE STATISTICS;
create table ${observatory_db_name}.result_deposited_year stored as parquet as create table ${observatory_db_name}.result_deposited_year stored as parquet as
select select
count(distinct r.id) as total, count(distinct r.id) as total,
@ -361,7 +343,6 @@ group by r.green, r.gold, case when rl.type is not null then true else false end
case when r.access_mode in ('Open Access', 'Open Source') then true else false end, r.peer_reviewed, r.type, abstract, case when r.access_mode in ('Open Access', 'Open Source') then true else false end, r.peer_reviewed, r.type, abstract,
cc_licence, r.authors > 1, rpc.count > 1, rfc.count > 1, r.year; cc_licence, r.authors > 1, rpc.count > 1, rfc.count > 1, r.year;
--ANALYZE TABLE ${observatory_db_name}.result_deposited_year COMPUTE STATISTICS;
create table ${observatory_db_name}.result_deposited_year_country stored as parquet as create table ${observatory_db_name}.result_deposited_year_country stored as parquet as
select select
@ -394,8 +375,6 @@ group by r.green, r.gold, case when rl.type is not null then true else false end
case when r.access_mode in ('Open Access', 'Open Source') then true else false end, r.peer_reviewed, r.type, abstract, case when r.access_mode in ('Open Access', 'Open Source') then true else false end, r.peer_reviewed, r.type, abstract,
cc_licence, r.authors > 1, rpc.count > 1, rfc.count > 1, r.year, c.code, c.name; cc_licence, r.authors > 1, rpc.count > 1, rfc.count > 1, r.year, c.code, c.name;
--ANALYZE TABLE ${observatory_db_name}.result_deposited_year_country COMPUTE STATISTICS;
create table ${observatory_db_name}.result_deposited_datasource stored as parquet as create table ${observatory_db_name}.result_deposited_datasource stored as parquet as
select select
count(distinct r.id) as total, count(distinct r.id) as total,
@ -427,8 +406,6 @@ group by r.green, r.gold, case when rl.type is not null then true else false end
case when r.access_mode in ('Open Access', 'Open Source') then true else false end, r.peer_reviewed, r.type, abstract, case when r.access_mode in ('Open Access', 'Open Source') then true else false end, r.peer_reviewed, r.type, abstract,
cc_licence, r.authors > 1, rpc.count > 1, rfc.count > 1, d.name; cc_licence, r.authors > 1, rpc.count > 1, rfc.count > 1, d.name;
--ANALYZE TABLE ${observatory_db_name}.result_deposited_datasource COMPUTE STATISTICS;
create table ${observatory_db_name}.result_deposited_datasource_country stored as parquet as create table ${observatory_db_name}.result_deposited_datasource_country stored as parquet as
select select
count(distinct r.id) as total, count(distinct r.id) as total,
@ -460,8 +437,6 @@ group by r.green, r.gold, case when rl.type is not null then true else false end
case when r.access_mode in ('Open Access', 'Open Source') then true else false end, r.peer_reviewed, r.type, abstract, case when r.access_mode in ('Open Access', 'Open Source') then true else false end, r.peer_reviewed, r.type, abstract,
cc_licence, r.authors > 1, rpc.count > 1, rfc.count > 1, d.name, c.code, c.name; cc_licence, r.authors > 1, rpc.count > 1, rfc.count > 1, d.name, c.code, c.name;
--ANALYZE TABLE ${observatory_db_name}.result_deposited_datasource_country COMPUTE STATISTICS;
create table ${observatory_db_name}.result_deposited_organization stored as parquet as create table ${observatory_db_name}.result_deposited_organization stored as parquet as
select select
count(distinct r.id) as total, count(distinct r.id) as total,
@ -493,8 +468,6 @@ group by r.green, r.gold, case when rl.type is not null then true else false end
case when r.access_mode in ('Open Access', 'Open Source') then true else false end, r.peer_reviewed, r.type, abstract, case when r.access_mode in ('Open Access', 'Open Source') then true else false end, r.peer_reviewed, r.type, abstract,
cc_licence, r.authors > 1, rpc.count > 1, rfc.count > 1, o.name; cc_licence, r.authors > 1, rpc.count > 1, rfc.count > 1, o.name;
--ANALYZE TABLE ${observatory_db_name}.result_deposited_organization COMPUTE STATISTICS;
create table ${observatory_db_name}.result_deposited_organization_country stored as parquet as create table ${observatory_db_name}.result_deposited_organization_country stored as parquet as
select select
count(distinct r.id) as total, count(distinct r.id) as total,
@ -526,8 +499,6 @@ group by r.green, r.gold, case when rl.type is not null then true else false end
case when r.access_mode in ('Open Access', 'Open Source') then true else false end, r.peer_reviewed, r.type, abstract, case when r.access_mode in ('Open Access', 'Open Source') then true else false end, r.peer_reviewed, r.type, abstract,
cc_licence, r.authors > 1, rpc.count > 1, rfc.count > 1, o.name, c.code, c.name; cc_licence, r.authors > 1, rpc.count > 1, rfc.count > 1, o.name, c.code, c.name;
--ANALYZE TABLE ${observatory_db_name}.result_deposited_organization_country COMPUTE STATISTICS;
create table ${observatory_db_name}.result_deposited_funder stored as parquet as create table ${observatory_db_name}.result_deposited_funder stored as parquet as
select select
count(distinct r.id) as total, count(distinct r.id) as total,
@ -561,8 +532,6 @@ group by r.green, r.gold, case when rl.type is not null then true else false end
case when r.access_mode in ('Open Access', 'Open Source') then true else false end, r.peer_reviewed, r.type, abstract, case when r.access_mode in ('Open Access', 'Open Source') then true else false end, r.peer_reviewed, r.type, abstract,
cc_licence, r.authors > 1, rpc.count > 1, rfc.count > 1, p.funder; cc_licence, r.authors > 1, rpc.count > 1, rfc.count > 1, p.funder;
--ANALYZE TABLE ${observatory_db_name}.result_deposited_funder COMPUTE STATISTICS;
create table ${observatory_db_name}.result_deposited_funder_country stored as parquet as create table ${observatory_db_name}.result_deposited_funder_country stored as parquet as
select select
count(distinct r.id) as total, count(distinct r.id) as total,
@ -595,5 +564,3 @@ from ${stats_db_name}.result r
group by r.green, r.gold, case when rl.type is not null then true else false end, case when pids.pid is not null then true else false end, group by r.green, r.gold, case when rl.type is not null then true else false end, case when pids.pid is not null then true else false end,
case when r.access_mode in ('Open Access', 'Open Source') then true else false end, r.peer_reviewed, r.type, abstract, case when r.access_mode in ('Open Access', 'Open Source') then true else false end, r.peer_reviewed, r.type, abstract,
cc_licence, r.authors > 1, rpc.count > 1, rfc.count > 1, p.funder, c.code, c.name; cc_licence, r.authors > 1, rpc.count > 1, rfc.count > 1, p.funder, c.code, c.name;
--ANALYZE TABLE ${observatory_db_name}.result_deposited_funder_country COMPUTE STATISTICS;

View File

@ -5,6 +5,8 @@
------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------
-- Dataset temporary table supporting updates -- Dataset temporary table supporting updates
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS ${stats_db_name}.dataset_tmp purge;
CREATE TABLE ${stats_db_name}.dataset_tmp CREATE TABLE ${stats_db_name}.dataset_tmp
( (
@ -40,6 +42,8 @@ SELECT substr(d.id, 4) AS id,
FROM ${openaire_db_name}.dataset d FROM ${openaire_db_name}.dataset d
WHERE d.datainfo.deletedbyinference = FALSE and d.datainfo.invisible=false; WHERE d.datainfo.deletedbyinference = FALSE and d.datainfo.invisible=false;
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS ${stats_db_name}.dataset_citations purge;
CREATE TABLE ${stats_db_name}.dataset_citations STORED AS PARQUET AS CREATE TABLE ${stats_db_name}.dataset_citations STORED AS PARQUET AS
SELECT substr(d.id, 4) AS id, xpath_string(citation.value, "//citation/id[@type='openaire']/@value") AS cites SELECT substr(d.id, 4) AS id, xpath_string(citation.value, "//citation/id[@type='openaire']/@value") AS cites
FROM ${openaire_db_name}.dataset d FROM ${openaire_db_name}.dataset d
@ -47,12 +51,16 @@ FROM ${openaire_db_name}.dataset d
WHERE xpath_string(citation.value, "//citation/id[@type='openaire']/@value") != "" WHERE xpath_string(citation.value, "//citation/id[@type='openaire']/@value") != ""
and d.datainfo.deletedbyinference = false and d.datainfo.invisible=false; and d.datainfo.deletedbyinference = false and d.datainfo.invisible=false;
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS ${stats_db_name}.dataset_classifications purge;
CREATE TABLE ${stats_db_name}.dataset_classifications STORED AS PARQUET AS CREATE TABLE ${stats_db_name}.dataset_classifications STORED AS PARQUET AS
SELECT substr(p.id, 4) AS id, instancetype.classname AS type SELECT substr(p.id, 4) AS id, instancetype.classname AS type
FROM ${openaire_db_name}.dataset p FROM ${openaire_db_name}.dataset p
LATERAL VIEW explode(p.instance.instancetype) instances AS instancetype LATERAL VIEW explode(p.instance.instancetype) instances AS instancetype
where p.datainfo.deletedbyinference = false and p.datainfo.invisible=false; where p.datainfo.deletedbyinference = false and p.datainfo.invisible=false;
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS ${stats_db_name}.dataset_concepts purge;
CREATE TABLE ${stats_db_name}.dataset_concepts STORED AS PARQUET AS CREATE TABLE ${stats_db_name}.dataset_concepts STORED AS PARQUET AS
SELECT substr(p.id, 4) as id, case SELECT substr(p.id, 4) as id, case
when contexts.context.id RLIKE '^[^::]+::[^::]+::.+$' then contexts.context.id when contexts.context.id RLIKE '^[^::]+::[^::]+::.+$' then contexts.context.id
@ -62,6 +70,8 @@ from ${openaire_db_name}.dataset p
LATERAL VIEW explode(p.context) contexts as context LATERAL VIEW explode(p.context) contexts as context
where p.datainfo.deletedbyinference = false and p.datainfo.invisible=false; where p.datainfo.deletedbyinference = false and p.datainfo.invisible=false;
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS ${stats_db_name}.dataset_datasources purge;
CREATE TABLE ${stats_db_name}.dataset_datasources STORED AS PARQUET AS CREATE TABLE ${stats_db_name}.dataset_datasources STORED AS PARQUET AS
SELECT p.id, case when d.id IS NULL THEN 'other' ELSE p.datasource END AS datasource SELECT p.id, case when d.id IS NULL THEN 'other' ELSE p.datasource END AS datasource
@ -74,23 +84,31 @@ FROM (
FROM ${openaire_db_name}.datasource d FROM ${openaire_db_name}.datasource d
WHERE d.datainfo.deletedbyinference = false and d.datainfo.invisible=false) d ON p.datasource = d.id; WHERE d.datainfo.deletedbyinference = false and d.datainfo.invisible=false) d ON p.datasource = d.id;
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS ${stats_db_name}.dataset_languages purge;
CREATE TABLE ${stats_db_name}.dataset_languages STORED AS PARQUET AS CREATE TABLE ${stats_db_name}.dataset_languages STORED AS PARQUET AS
SELECT substr(p.id, 4) AS id, p.language.classname AS language SELECT substr(p.id, 4) AS id, p.language.classname AS language
FROM ${openaire_db_name}.dataset p FROM ${openaire_db_name}.dataset p
where p.datainfo.deletedbyinference = false and p.datainfo.invisible=false; where p.datainfo.deletedbyinference = false and p.datainfo.invisible=false;
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS ${stats_db_name}.dataset_oids purge;
CREATE TABLE ${stats_db_name}.dataset_oids STORED AS PARQUET AS CREATE TABLE ${stats_db_name}.dataset_oids STORED AS PARQUET AS
SELECT substr(p.id, 4) AS id, oids.ids AS oid SELECT substr(p.id, 4) AS id, oids.ids AS oid
FROM ${openaire_db_name}.dataset p FROM ${openaire_db_name}.dataset p
LATERAL VIEW explode(p.originalid) oids AS ids LATERAL VIEW explode(p.originalid) oids AS ids
where p.datainfo.deletedbyinference = false and p.datainfo.invisible=false; where p.datainfo.deletedbyinference = false and p.datainfo.invisible=false;
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS ${stats_db_name}.dataset_pids purge;
CREATE TABLE ${stats_db_name}.dataset_pids STORED AS PARQUET AS CREATE TABLE ${stats_db_name}.dataset_pids STORED AS PARQUET AS
SELECT substr(p.id, 4) AS id, ppid.qualifier.classname AS type, ppid.value AS pid SELECT substr(p.id, 4) AS id, ppid.qualifier.classname AS type, ppid.value AS pid
FROM ${openaire_db_name}.dataset p FROM ${openaire_db_name}.dataset p
LATERAL VIEW explode(p.pid) pids AS ppid LATERAL VIEW explode(p.pid) pids AS ppid
where p.datainfo.deletedbyinference = false and p.datainfo.invisible=false; where p.datainfo.deletedbyinference = false and p.datainfo.invisible=false;
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS ${stats_db_name}.dataset_topics purge;
CREATE TABLE ${stats_db_name}.dataset_topics STORED AS PARQUET AS CREATE TABLE ${stats_db_name}.dataset_topics STORED AS PARQUET AS
SELECT substr(p.id, 4) AS id, subjects.subject.qualifier.classname AS type, subjects.subject.value AS topic SELECT substr(p.id, 4) AS id, subjects.subject.qualifier.classname AS type, subjects.subject.value AS topic
FROM ${openaire_db_name}.dataset p FROM ${openaire_db_name}.dataset p

View File

@ -5,6 +5,7 @@
-------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------
-- Software temporary table supporting updates -- Software temporary table supporting updates
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS ${stats_db_name}.software_tmp purge;
CREATE TABLE ${stats_db_name}.software_tmp CREATE TABLE ${stats_db_name}.software_tmp
( (
@ -40,6 +41,8 @@ SELECT substr(s.id, 4) as id,
from ${openaire_db_name}.software s from ${openaire_db_name}.software s
where s.datainfo.deletedbyinference = false and s.datainfo.invisible=false; where s.datainfo.deletedbyinference = false and s.datainfo.invisible=false;
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS ${stats_db_name}.software_citations purge;
CREATE TABLE ${stats_db_name}.software_citations STORED AS PARQUET AS CREATE TABLE ${stats_db_name}.software_citations STORED AS PARQUET AS
SELECT substr(s.id, 4) as id, xpath_string(citation.value, "//citation/id[@type='openaire']/@value") AS cites SELECT substr(s.id, 4) as id, xpath_string(citation.value, "//citation/id[@type='openaire']/@value") AS cites
FROM ${openaire_db_name}.software s FROM ${openaire_db_name}.software s
@ -47,6 +50,8 @@ FROM ${openaire_db_name}.software s
where xpath_string(citation.value, "//citation/id[@type='openaire']/@value") != "" where xpath_string(citation.value, "//citation/id[@type='openaire']/@value") != ""
and s.datainfo.deletedbyinference = false and s.datainfo.invisible=false; and s.datainfo.deletedbyinference = false and s.datainfo.invisible=false;
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS ${stats_db_name}.software_classifications purge;
CREATE TABLE ${stats_db_name}.software_classifications STORED AS PARQUET AS CREATE TABLE ${stats_db_name}.software_classifications STORED AS PARQUET AS
SELECT substr(p.id, 4) AS id, instancetype.classname AS type SELECT substr(p.id, 4) AS id, instancetype.classname AS type
FROM ${openaire_db_name}.software p FROM ${openaire_db_name}.software p
@ -62,6 +67,8 @@ FROM ${openaire_db_name}.software p
LATERAL VIEW explode(p.context) contexts AS context LATERAL VIEW explode(p.context) contexts AS context
where p.datainfo.deletedbyinference = false and p.datainfo.invisible=false; where p.datainfo.deletedbyinference = false and p.datainfo.invisible=false;
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS ${stats_db_name}.software_datasources purge;
CREATE TABLE ${stats_db_name}.software_datasources STORED AS PARQUET AS CREATE TABLE ${stats_db_name}.software_datasources STORED AS PARQUET AS
SELECT p.id, CASE WHEN d.id IS NULL THEN 'other' ELSE p.datasource end as datasource SELECT p.id, CASE WHEN d.id IS NULL THEN 'other' ELSE p.datasource end as datasource
@ -74,23 +81,31 @@ FROM (
FROM ${openaire_db_name}.datasource d FROM ${openaire_db_name}.datasource d
WHERE d.datainfo.deletedbyinference = false and d.datainfo.invisible=false) d ON p.datasource = d.id; WHERE d.datainfo.deletedbyinference = false and d.datainfo.invisible=false) d ON p.datasource = d.id;
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS ${stats_db_name}.software_languages purge;
CREATE TABLE ${stats_db_name}.software_languages STORED AS PARQUET AS CREATE TABLE ${stats_db_name}.software_languages STORED AS PARQUET AS
select substr(p.id, 4) AS id, p.language.classname AS language select substr(p.id, 4) AS id, p.language.classname AS language
FROM ${openaire_db_name}.software p FROM ${openaire_db_name}.software p
where p.datainfo.deletedbyinference = false and p.datainfo.invisible=false; where p.datainfo.deletedbyinference = false and p.datainfo.invisible=false;
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS ${stats_db_name}.software_oids purge;
CREATE TABLE ${stats_db_name}.software_oids STORED AS PARQUET AS CREATE TABLE ${stats_db_name}.software_oids STORED AS PARQUET AS
SELECT substr(p.id, 4) AS id, oids.ids AS oid SELECT substr(p.id, 4) AS id, oids.ids AS oid
FROM ${openaire_db_name}.software p FROM ${openaire_db_name}.software p
LATERAL VIEW explode(p.originalid) oids AS ids LATERAL VIEW explode(p.originalid) oids AS ids
where p.datainfo.deletedbyinference = false and p.datainfo.invisible=false; where p.datainfo.deletedbyinference = false and p.datainfo.invisible=false;
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS ${stats_db_name}.software_pids purge;
CREATE TABLE ${stats_db_name}.software_pids STORED AS PARQUET AS CREATE TABLE ${stats_db_name}.software_pids STORED AS PARQUET AS
SELECT substr(p.id, 4) AS id, ppid.qualifier.classname AS type, ppid.value AS pid SELECT substr(p.id, 4) AS id, ppid.qualifier.classname AS type, ppid.value AS pid
FROM ${openaire_db_name}.software p FROM ${openaire_db_name}.software p
LATERAL VIEW explode(p.pid) pids AS ppid LATERAL VIEW explode(p.pid) pids AS ppid
where p.datainfo.deletedbyinference = false and p.datainfo.invisible=false; where p.datainfo.deletedbyinference = false and p.datainfo.invisible=false;
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS ${stats_db_name}.software_topics purge;
CREATE TABLE ${stats_db_name}.software_topics STORED AS PARQUET AS CREATE TABLE ${stats_db_name}.software_topics STORED AS PARQUET AS
SELECT substr(p.id, 4) AS id, subjects.subject.qualifier.classname AS type, subjects.subject.value AS topic SELECT substr(p.id, 4) AS id, subjects.subject.qualifier.classname AS type, subjects.subject.value AS topic
FROM ${openaire_db_name}.software p FROM ${openaire_db_name}.software p

View File

@ -5,6 +5,8 @@
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Otherresearchproduct temporary table supporting updates -- Otherresearchproduct temporary table supporting updates
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS ${stats_db_name}.otherresearchproduct_tmp purge;
CREATE TABLE ${stats_db_name}.otherresearchproduct_tmp CREATE TABLE ${stats_db_name}.otherresearchproduct_tmp
( (
@ -40,6 +42,8 @@ FROM ${openaire_db_name}.otherresearchproduct o
WHERE o.datainfo.deletedbyinference = FALSE and o.datainfo.invisible=false; WHERE o.datainfo.deletedbyinference = FALSE and o.datainfo.invisible=false;
-- Otherresearchproduct_citations -- Otherresearchproduct_citations
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS ${stats_db_name}.otherresearchproduct_citations purge;
CREATE TABLE ${stats_db_name}.otherresearchproduct_citations STORED AS PARQUET AS CREATE TABLE ${stats_db_name}.otherresearchproduct_citations STORED AS PARQUET AS
SELECT substr(o.id, 4) AS id, xpath_string(citation.value, "//citation/id[@type='openaire']/@value") AS cites SELECT substr(o.id, 4) AS id, xpath_string(citation.value, "//citation/id[@type='openaire']/@value") AS cites
FROM ${openaire_db_name}.otherresearchproduct o LATERAL VIEW explode(o.extrainfo) citations AS citation FROM ${openaire_db_name}.otherresearchproduct o LATERAL VIEW explode(o.extrainfo) citations AS citation
@ -51,6 +55,8 @@ SELECT substr(p.id, 4) AS id, instancetype.classname AS type
FROM ${openaire_db_name}.otherresearchproduct p LATERAL VIEW explode(p.instance.instancetype) instances AS instancetype FROM ${openaire_db_name}.otherresearchproduct p LATERAL VIEW explode(p.instance.instancetype) instances AS instancetype
where p.datainfo.deletedbyinference = false and p.datainfo.invisible=false; where p.datainfo.deletedbyinference = false and p.datainfo.invisible=false;
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS ${stats_db_name}.otherresearchproduct_concepts purge;
CREATE TABLE ${stats_db_name}.otherresearchproduct_concepts STORED AS PARQUET AS CREATE TABLE ${stats_db_name}.otherresearchproduct_concepts STORED AS PARQUET AS
SELECT substr(p.id, 4) as id, case SELECT substr(p.id, 4) as id, case
when contexts.context.id RLIKE '^[^::]+::[^::]+::.+$' then contexts.context.id when contexts.context.id RLIKE '^[^::]+::[^::]+::.+$' then contexts.context.id
@ -59,6 +65,8 @@ SELECT substr(p.id, 4) as id, case
FROM ${openaire_db_name}.otherresearchproduct p LATERAL VIEW explode(p.context) contexts AS context FROM ${openaire_db_name}.otherresearchproduct p LATERAL VIEW explode(p.context) contexts AS context
where p.datainfo.deletedbyinference = false and p.datainfo.invisible=false; where p.datainfo.deletedbyinference = false and p.datainfo.invisible=false;
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS ${stats_db_name}.otherresearchproduct_datasources purge;
CREATE TABLE ${stats_db_name}.otherresearchproduct_datasources STORED AS PARQUET AS CREATE TABLE ${stats_db_name}.otherresearchproduct_datasources STORED AS PARQUET AS
SELECT p.id, CASE WHEN d.id IS NULL THEN 'other' ELSE p.datasource END AS datasource SELECT p.id, CASE WHEN d.id IS NULL THEN 'other' ELSE p.datasource END AS datasource
FROM (SELECT substr(p.id, 4) AS id, substr(instances.instance.hostedby.key, 4) AS datasource FROM (SELECT substr(p.id, 4) AS id, substr(instances.instance.hostedby.key, 4) AS datasource
@ -68,21 +76,29 @@ FROM (SELECT substr(p.id, 4) AS id, substr(instances.instance.hostedby.key, 4) A
from ${openaire_db_name}.datasource d from ${openaire_db_name}.datasource d
WHERE d.datainfo.deletedbyinference = false and d.datainfo.invisible=false) d on p.datasource = d.id; WHERE d.datainfo.deletedbyinference = false and d.datainfo.invisible=false) d on p.datasource = d.id;
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS ${stats_db_name}.otherresearchproduct_languages purge;
CREATE TABLE ${stats_db_name}.otherresearchproduct_languages STORED AS PARQUET AS CREATE TABLE ${stats_db_name}.otherresearchproduct_languages STORED AS PARQUET AS
SELECT substr(p.id, 4) AS id, p.language.classname AS language SELECT substr(p.id, 4) AS id, p.language.classname AS language
FROM ${openaire_db_name}.otherresearchproduct p FROM ${openaire_db_name}.otherresearchproduct p
where p.datainfo.deletedbyinference = false and p.datainfo.invisible=false; where p.datainfo.deletedbyinference = false and p.datainfo.invisible=false;
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS ${stats_db_name}.otherresearchproduct_oids purge;
CREATE TABLE ${stats_db_name}.otherresearchproduct_oids STORED AS PARQUET AS CREATE TABLE ${stats_db_name}.otherresearchproduct_oids STORED AS PARQUET AS
SELECT substr(p.id, 4) AS id, oids.ids AS oid SELECT substr(p.id, 4) AS id, oids.ids AS oid
FROM ${openaire_db_name}.otherresearchproduct p LATERAL VIEW explode(p.originalid) oids AS ids FROM ${openaire_db_name}.otherresearchproduct p LATERAL VIEW explode(p.originalid) oids AS ids
where p.datainfo.deletedbyinference = false and p.datainfo.invisible=false; where p.datainfo.deletedbyinference = false and p.datainfo.invisible=false;
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS ${stats_db_name}.otherresearchproduct_pids purge;
CREATE TABLE ${stats_db_name}.otherresearchproduct_pids STORED AS PARQUET AS CREATE TABLE ${stats_db_name}.otherresearchproduct_pids STORED AS PARQUET AS
SELECT substr(p.id, 4) AS id, ppid.qualifier.classname AS type, ppid.value AS pid SELECT substr(p.id, 4) AS id, ppid.qualifier.classname AS type, ppid.value AS pid
FROM ${openaire_db_name}.otherresearchproduct p LATERAL VIEW explode(p.pid) pids AS ppid FROM ${openaire_db_name}.otherresearchproduct p LATERAL VIEW explode(p.pid) pids AS ppid
where p.datainfo.deletedbyinference = false and p.datainfo.invisible=false; where p.datainfo.deletedbyinference = false and p.datainfo.invisible=false;
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS ${stats_db_name}.otherresearchproduct_topics purge;
CREATE TABLE ${stats_db_name}.otherresearchproduct_topics STORED AS PARQUET AS CREATE TABLE ${stats_db_name}.otherresearchproduct_topics STORED AS PARQUET AS
SELECT substr(p.id, 4) AS id, subjects.subject.qualifier.classname AS type, subjects.subject.value AS topic SELECT substr(p.id, 4) AS id, subjects.subject.qualifier.classname AS type, subjects.subject.value AS topic
FROM ${openaire_db_name}.otherresearchproduct p LATERAL VIEW explode(p.subject) subjects AS subject FROM ${openaire_db_name}.otherresearchproduct p LATERAL VIEW explode(p.subject) subjects AS subject

View File

@ -3,29 +3,39 @@
-- Project table/view and Project related tables/views -- Project table/view and Project related tables/views
------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------
------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS ${stats_db_name}.project_oids purge;
CREATE TABLE ${stats_db_name}.project_oids STORED AS PARQUET AS CREATE TABLE ${stats_db_name}.project_oids STORED AS PARQUET AS
SELECT substr(p.id, 4) AS id, oids.ids AS oid SELECT substr(p.id, 4) AS id, oids.ids AS oid
FROM ${openaire_db_name}.project p LATERAL VIEW explode(p.originalid) oids AS ids FROM ${openaire_db_name}.project p LATERAL VIEW explode(p.originalid) oids AS ids
where p.datainfo.deletedbyinference=false and p.datainfo.invisible=false; where p.datainfo.deletedbyinference=false and p.datainfo.invisible=false;
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS ${stats_db_name}.project_organizations purge;
CREATE TABLE ${stats_db_name}.project_organizations STORED AS PARQUET AS CREATE TABLE ${stats_db_name}.project_organizations STORED AS PARQUET AS
SELECT substr(r.source, 4) AS id, substr(r.target, 4) AS organization SELECT substr(r.source, 4) AS id, substr(r.target, 4) AS organization
from ${openaire_db_name}.relation r from ${openaire_db_name}.relation r
WHERE r.reltype = 'projectOrganization' and r.source like '40|%' WHERE r.reltype = 'projectOrganization' and r.source like '40|%'
and r.datainfo.deletedbyinference = false and r.datainfo.invisible=false; and r.datainfo.deletedbyinference = false and r.datainfo.invisible=false;
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS ${stats_db_name}.project_results purge;
CREATE TABLE ${stats_db_name}.project_results STORED AS PARQUET AS CREATE TABLE ${stats_db_name}.project_results STORED AS PARQUET AS
SELECT substr(r.target, 4) AS id, substr(r.source, 4) AS result, r.datainfo.provenanceaction.classname as provenance SELECT substr(r.target, 4) AS id, substr(r.source, 4) AS result, r.datainfo.provenanceaction.classname as provenance
FROM ${openaire_db_name}.relation r FROM ${openaire_db_name}.relation r
WHERE r.reltype = 'resultProject' and r.target like '40|%' WHERE r.reltype = 'resultProject' and r.target like '40|%'
and r.datainfo.deletedbyinference = false and r.datainfo.invisible=false; and r.datainfo.deletedbyinference = false and r.datainfo.invisible=false;
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS ${stats_db_name}.project_classification purge;
create table ${stats_db_name}.project_classification STORED AS PARQUET as create table ${stats_db_name}.project_classification STORED AS PARQUET as
select substr(p.id, 4) as id, class.h2020programme.code, class.level1, class.level2, class.level3 select substr(p.id, 4) as id, class.h2020programme.code, class.level1, class.level2, class.level3
from ${openaire_db_name}.project p from ${openaire_db_name}.project p
lateral view explode(p.h2020classification) classifs as class lateral view explode(p.h2020classification) classifs as class
where p.datainfo.deletedbyinference=false and p.datainfo.invisible=false and class.h2020programme is not null; where p.datainfo.deletedbyinference=false and p.datainfo.invisible=false and class.h2020programme is not null;
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS ${stats_db_name}.project_tmp purge;
CREATE TABLE ${stats_db_name}.project_tmp CREATE TABLE ${stats_db_name}.project_tmp
( (
@ -80,12 +90,16 @@ SELECT substr(p.id, 4) AS id,
FROM ${openaire_db_name}.project p FROM ${openaire_db_name}.project p
WHERE p.datainfo.deletedbyinference = false and p.datainfo.invisible=false; WHERE p.datainfo.deletedbyinference = false and p.datainfo.invisible=false;
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS ${stats_db_name}.funder purge;
create table ${stats_db_name}.funder STORED AS PARQUET as create table ${stats_db_name}.funder STORED AS PARQUET as
select distinct xpath_string(fund, '//funder/id') as id, select distinct xpath_string(fund, '//funder/id') as id,
xpath_string(fund, '//funder/name') as name, xpath_string(fund, '//funder/name') as name,
xpath_string(fund, '//funder/shortname') as shortname xpath_string(fund, '//funder/shortname') as shortname
from ${openaire_db_name}.project p lateral view explode(p.fundingtree.value) fundingtree as fund; from ${openaire_db_name}.project p lateral view explode(p.fundingtree.value) fundingtree as fund;
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS ${stats_db_name}.project_organization_contribution purge;
CREATE TABLE ${stats_db_name}.project_organization_contribution STORED AS PARQUET AS CREATE TABLE ${stats_db_name}.project_organization_contribution STORED AS PARQUET AS
SELECT distinct substr(r.source, 4) AS project, substr(r.target, 4) AS organization, SELECT distinct substr(r.source, 4) AS project, substr(r.target, 4) AS organization,
properties[0].value contribution, properties[1].value currency properties[0].value contribution, properties[1].value currency

View File

@ -123,6 +123,8 @@ UNION ALL
FROM ${stats_db_name}.otherresearchproduct_topics; FROM ${stats_db_name}.otherresearchproduct_topics;
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS ${stats_db_name}.result_fos purge;
create table ${stats_db_name}.result_fos stored as parquet as create table ${stats_db_name}.result_fos stored as parquet as
with with
lvl1 as (select id, topic from ${stats_db_name}.result_topics where topic like '__ %' and type='Fields of Science and Technology classification'), lvl1 as (select id, topic from ${stats_db_name}.result_topics where topic like '__ %' and type='Fields of Science and Technology classification'),
@ -133,6 +135,8 @@ from lvl1
join lvl2 on lvl1.id=lvl2.id and substr(lvl2.topic, 1, 2)=substr(lvl1.topic, 1, 2) join lvl2 on lvl1.id=lvl2.id and substr(lvl2.topic, 1, 2)=substr(lvl1.topic, 1, 2)
join lvl3 on lvl3.id=lvl1.id and substr(lvl3.topic, 1, 4)=substr(lvl2.topic, 1, 4); join lvl3 on lvl3.id=lvl1.id and substr(lvl3.topic, 1, 4)=substr(lvl2.topic, 1, 4);
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS ${stats_db_name}.result_organization purge;
CREATE TABLE ${stats_db_name}.result_organization STORED AS PARQUET AS CREATE TABLE ${stats_db_name}.result_organization STORED AS PARQUET AS
SELECT substr(r.target, 4) AS id, substr(r.source, 4) AS organization SELECT substr(r.target, 4) AS id, substr(r.source, 4) AS organization
FROM ${openaire_db_name}.relation r FROM ${openaire_db_name}.relation r
@ -140,6 +144,8 @@ WHERE r.reltype = 'resultOrganization'
and r.target like '50|%' and r.target like '50|%'
and r.datainfo.deletedbyinference = false and r.datainfo.invisible=false; and r.datainfo.deletedbyinference = false and r.datainfo.invisible=false;
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS ${stats_db_name}.result_projects purge;
CREATE TABLE ${stats_db_name}.result_projects STORED AS PARQUET AS CREATE TABLE ${stats_db_name}.result_projects STORED AS PARQUET AS
select pr.result AS id, pr.id AS project, datediff(p.enddate, p.startdate) AS daysfromend, pr.provenance as provenance select pr.result AS id, pr.id AS project, datediff(p.enddate, p.startdate) AS daysfromend, pr.provenance as provenance
FROM ${stats_db_name}.result r FROM ${stats_db_name}.result r

View File

@ -5,6 +5,8 @@
-- Datasource table/view and Datasource related tables/views -- Datasource table/view and Datasource related tables/views
------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------
------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS ${stats_db_name}.datasource_tmp purge;
CREATE TABLE ${stats_db_name}.datasource_tmp CREATE TABLE ${stats_db_name}.datasource_tmp
( (
`id` string, `id` string,
@ -48,6 +50,7 @@ WHERE d1.datainfo.deletedbyinference = FALSE and d1.datainfo.invisible=false;
-- Updating temporary table with everything that is not based on results -> This is done with the following "dual" table. -- Updating temporary table with everything that is not based on results -> This is done with the following "dual" table.
-- Creating a temporary dual table that will be removed after the following insert -- Creating a temporary dual table that will be removed after the following insert
CREATE TABLE ${stats_db_name}.dual ( dummy CHAR(1)); CREATE TABLE ${stats_db_name}.dual ( dummy CHAR(1));
INSERT INTO ${stats_db_name}.dual VALUES ('X'); INSERT INTO ${stats_db_name}.dual VALUES ('X');
@ -74,16 +77,22 @@ DROP TABLE ${stats_db_name}.dual;
UPDATE ${stats_db_name}.datasource_tmp SET name='Other' WHERE name = 'Unknown Repository'; UPDATE ${stats_db_name}.datasource_tmp SET name='Other' WHERE name = 'Unknown Repository';
UPDATE ${stats_db_name}.datasource_tmp SET yearofvalidation=null WHERE yearofvalidation = '-1'; UPDATE ${stats_db_name}.datasource_tmp SET yearofvalidation=null WHERE yearofvalidation = '-1';
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS ${stats_db_name}.datasource_languages purge;
CREATE TABLE ${stats_db_name}.datasource_languages STORED AS PARQUET AS CREATE TABLE ${stats_db_name}.datasource_languages STORED AS PARQUET AS
SELECT substr(d.id, 4) AS id, langs.languages AS language SELECT substr(d.id, 4) AS id, langs.languages AS language
FROM ${openaire_db_name}.datasource d LATERAL VIEW explode(d.odlanguages.value) langs AS languages FROM ${openaire_db_name}.datasource d LATERAL VIEW explode(d.odlanguages.value) langs AS languages
where d.datainfo.deletedbyinference=false and d.datainfo.invisible=false; where d.datainfo.deletedbyinference=false and d.datainfo.invisible=false;
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS ${stats_db_name}.datasource_oids purge;
CREATE TABLE ${stats_db_name}.datasource_oids STORED AS PARQUET AS CREATE TABLE ${stats_db_name}.datasource_oids STORED AS PARQUET AS
SELECT substr(d.id, 4) AS id, oids.ids AS oid SELECT substr(d.id, 4) AS id, oids.ids AS oid
FROM ${openaire_db_name}.datasource d LATERAL VIEW explode(d.originalid) oids AS ids FROM ${openaire_db_name}.datasource d LATERAL VIEW explode(d.originalid) oids AS ids
where d.datainfo.deletedbyinference=false and d.datainfo.invisible=false; where d.datainfo.deletedbyinference=false and d.datainfo.invisible=false;
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS ${stats_db_name}.datasource_organizations purge;
CREATE TABLE ${stats_db_name}.datasource_organizations STORED AS PARQUET AS CREATE TABLE ${stats_db_name}.datasource_organizations STORED AS PARQUET AS
SELECT substr(r.target, 4) AS id, substr(r.source, 4) AS organization SELECT substr(r.target, 4) AS id, substr(r.source, 4) AS organization
FROM ${openaire_db_name}.relation r FROM ${openaire_db_name}.relation r
@ -91,6 +100,8 @@ WHERE r.reltype = 'datasourceOrganization' and r.datainfo.deletedbyinference = f
-- datasource sources: -- datasource sources:
-- where the datasource info have been collected from. -- where the datasource info have been collected from.
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS ${stats_db_name}.datasource_sources purge;
create table if not exists ${stats_db_name}.datasource_sources STORED AS PARQUET AS create table if not exists ${stats_db_name}.datasource_sources STORED AS PARQUET AS
select substr(d.id, 4) as id, substr(cf.key, 4) as datasource select substr(d.id, 4) as id, substr(cf.key, 4) as datasource
from ${openaire_db_name}.datasource d lateral view explode(d.collectedfrom) cfrom as cf from ${openaire_db_name}.datasource d lateral view explode(d.collectedfrom) cfrom as cf

View File

@ -3,6 +3,8 @@
-- Organization table/view and Organization related tables/views -- Organization table/view and Organization related tables/views
---------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------
---------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS ${stats_db_name}.organization purge;
SELECT substr(o.id, 4) as id, SELECT substr(o.id, 4) as id,
o.legalname.value as name, o.legalname.value as name,

View File

@ -114,6 +114,7 @@
<case to="step21-createObservatoryDB">${wf:conf('resumeFrom') eq 'step21-createObservatoryDB'}</case> <case to="step21-createObservatoryDB">${wf:conf('resumeFrom') eq 'step21-createObservatoryDB'}</case>
<case to="step21-createObservatoryDB-post">${wf:conf('resumeFrom') eq 'step21-createObservatoryDB-post'}</case> <case to="step21-createObservatoryDB-post">${wf:conf('resumeFrom') eq 'step21-createObservatoryDB-post'}</case>
<case to="step22-copyDataToImpalaCluster">${wf:conf('resumeFrom') eq 'step22-copyDataToImpalaCluster'}</case> <case to="step22-copyDataToImpalaCluster">${wf:conf('resumeFrom') eq 'step22-copyDataToImpalaCluster'}</case>
<case to="step22a-createPDFsAggregated">${wf:conf('resumeFrom') eq 'step22a-createPDFsAggregated'}</case>
<case to="step23-finalizeImpalaCluster">${wf:conf('resumeFrom') eq 'step23-finalizeImpalaCluster'}</case> <case to="step23-finalizeImpalaCluster">${wf:conf('resumeFrom') eq 'step23-finalizeImpalaCluster'}</case>
<case to="Step24-updateCache">${wf:conf('resumeFrom') eq 'Step24-updateCache'}</case> <case to="Step24-updateCache">${wf:conf('resumeFrom') eq 'Step24-updateCache'}</case>
<default to="Step1"/> <default to="Step1"/>
@ -448,6 +449,22 @@
<argument>${hadoop_user_name}</argument> <argument>${hadoop_user_name}</argument>
<file>copyDataToImpalaCluster.sh</file> <file>copyDataToImpalaCluster.sh</file>
</shell> </shell>
<ok to="step22a-createPDFsAggregated"/>
<error to="Kill"/>
<action name="step22a-createPDFsAggregated">
<shell xmlns="uri:oozie:shell-action:0.1">
<!-- <env-var>HADOOP_USER_NAME=${wf:user()}</env-var>-->
<!-- <argument>${external_stats_db_name}</argument>-->
<ok to="step23-finalizeImpalaCluster"/> <ok to="step23-finalizeImpalaCluster"/>
<error to="Kill"/> <error to="Kill"/>
</action> </action>