package eu.openaire.urls_worker.controllers; import eu.openaire.urls_worker.components.AssignmentsHandler; import eu.openaire.urls_worker.components.plugins.PublicationsRetrieverPlugin; import eu.openaire.urls_worker.util.UriBuilder; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Value; import org.springframework.http.HttpStatus; import org.springframework.http.ResponseEntity; import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.*; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest; import; import; import java.util.regex.Pattern; @RestController @RequestMapping("") public class GeneralController { private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(GeneralController.class); private final String controllerIp; private final String workerReportsDirPath; private final String workerId; private static final Pattern DOMAIN_DETECTOR = Pattern.compile("^.*[a-zA-Z].*$"); public GeneralController(@Value("${info.controllerIp}") String controllerIp, @Value("${workerReportsDirPath}") String workerReportsDirPath, @Value("${info.workerId}") String workerId) { if ( DOMAIN_DETECTOR.matcher(controllerIp).matches() ) { try { this.controllerIp =; } catch (UnknownHostException uhe) { String errorMsg = "The domain given for the Controller (" + controllerIp + ") is unknown to the world! So its IP cannot be retrieved!"; logger.error(errorMsg); throw new RuntimeException(errorMsg); } } else this.controllerIp = controllerIp; this.workerReportsDirPath = workerReportsDirPath; this.workerId = workerId; } @GetMapping("isAlive") public ResponseEntity isWorkerAlive() {"Received an \"isAlive\" request."); return ResponseEntity.ok().build(); } public static boolean shouldShutdownWorker = false; @PostMapping("shutdownWorker") public ResponseEntity shutdownWorkerGracefully(HttpServletRequest request) { String initMsg = "Received a \"shutdownWorker\" request. "; ResponseEntity responseEntity = passSecurityChecks(request, initMsg); if ( responseEntity != null ) return responseEntity; String finalMsg = ""; if ( shouldShutdownWorker ) finalMsg = "The worker has already received a \"shutdownWorker\" (which was not canceled afterwards)."; else shouldShutdownWorker = true; finalMsg += "The worker will shutdown, after finishing current work."; + finalMsg); return ResponseEntity.ok().body(finalMsg + "\n"); } @PostMapping("cancelShutdownWorker") public ResponseEntity cancelShutdownWorkerGracefully(HttpServletRequest request) { String initMsg = "Received a \"cancelShutdownWorker\" request. "; ResponseEntity responseEntity = passSecurityChecks(request, initMsg); if ( responseEntity != null ) return responseEntity; shouldShutdownWorker = false; String finalMsg = "Any previous \"shutdownWorker\"-request is canceled. The \"maxAssignmentsBatchesToHandleBeforeShutdown\" will still be honored (if it's set)."; + finalMsg); return ResponseEntity.ok().body(finalMsg + "\n"); } @GetMapping("getHandledAssignmentsCounts") public ResponseEntity getHandledAssignmentsCounts() { return ResponseEntity.ok(AssignmentsHandler.assignmentsNumsHandled); } @PostMapping("addReportResultToWorker/{assignmentsCounter}") public ResponseEntity addReportResultToWorker(@PathVariable long assignmentsCounter, @RequestBody(required=false) String errorMsg) { String directoryPath = PublicationsRetrieverPlugin.assignmentsBasePath + "assignments_" + assignmentsCounter + "_fullTexts"; File dir = new File(directoryPath); if ( ! dir.isDirectory() ) { logger.error("The \"addReportResultToWorker\"-endpoint was called for an unknown \"assignmentsCounter\": " + assignmentsCounter); return ResponseEntity.notFound().build(); } if ( errorMsg == null ) {"The Controller successfully handled the WorkerReport, for assignments_" + assignmentsCounter + ". The worker-report and all full-text files associated with it, will be deleted."); FullTextsController.deleteAssignmentsDirectory(assignmentsCounter, dir); FullTextsController.deleteFile(this.workerReportsDirPath + this.workerId + "_assignments_" + assignmentsCounter + "_report.json"); } else logger.error("The Controller failed to handle the WorkerReport, for assignments_" + assignmentsCounter + ". The error is:\n" + errorMsg); return ResponseEntity.ok().build(); } public ResponseEntity passSecurityChecks(HttpServletRequest request, String initMsg) { if ( request == null ) { logger.error(initMsg + "The \"HttpServletRequest\" is null!"); return ResponseEntity.internalServerError().build(); } String remoteAddr = request.getHeader("X-FORWARDED-FOR"); // This retrieves the original IP address, if the request passes through a proxy server. if ( remoteAddr == null ) remoteAddr = request.getRemoteAddr(); if ( ! (remoteAddr.equals("") || remoteAddr.equals(UriBuilder.ip) || remoteAddr.equals(controllerIp)) ) { logger.error(initMsg + "The request came from another IP: " + remoteAddr + " | while this worker has the IP: " + UriBuilder.ip); return ResponseEntity.status(HttpStatus.FORBIDDEN).build(); } return null; // The checks are passing. } }