cd "${0%/*}" || (echo "Could not chdir to this script's dir!" && exit) # Change the working directory to the script's directory, when running from other location. cd libs || exit git clone # We assume there is no previously source-code here, if so, it will be overwritten. # Do not need to perform a string-replace in "build.gradle", since it automatically gets all ".jar" files. # Keep a backup of the existing JAR file. mv ./publications_retriever-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar ./publications_retriever-1.0-SNAPSHOT_BACKUP.jar cd PublicationsRetriever && mvn clean install # Copy the created JAR file to the top libs directory. cp target/publications_retriever-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar ../publications_retriever-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar # Delete the directory with the source-code. cd ../ && rm -rf PublicationsRetriever