package eu.openaire.urls_worker.plugins; import edu.uci.ics.crawler4j.url.URLCanonicalizer; import eu.openaire.publications_retriever.PublicationsRetriever; import eu.openaire.publications_retriever.exceptions.DocFileNotRetrievedException; import eu.openaire.publications_retriever.util.file.FileUtils; import eu.openaire.publications_retriever.util.http.ConnSupportUtils; import eu.openaire.publications_retriever.util.http.HttpConnUtils; import eu.openaire.publications_retriever.util.url.DataToBeLogged; import eu.openaire.publications_retriever.util.url.LoaderAndChecker; import eu.openaire.publications_retriever.util.url.UrlUtils; import eu.openaire.urls_worker.models.Assignment; import eu.openaire.urls_worker.models.Error; import eu.openaire.urls_worker.models.Payload; import eu.openaire.urls_worker.models.UrlReport; import; import eu.openaire.urls_worker.util.AssignmentsHandler; import eu.openaire.urls_worker.util.WorkerConstants; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import*; import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets; import java.sql.Timestamp; import java.util.*; import java.util.concurrent.Callable; import java.util.concurrent.Executors; public class PublicationsRetrieverPlugin { private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(PublicationsRetrieverPlugin.class); public static String assignmentsBasePath; public PublicationsRetrieverPlugin() { // Specify some configurations LoaderAndChecker.retrieveDocuments = true; LoaderAndChecker.retrieveDatasets = false; ConnSupportUtils.setKnownMimeTypes(); FileUtils.shouldDownloadDocFiles = true; FileUtils.docFileNameType = FileUtils.DocFileNameType.idName; PublicationsRetriever.targetUrlType = "docUrl"; FileUtils.jsonBatchSize = WorkerConstants.ASSIGNMENTS_LIMIT; assignmentsBasePath = FileStorageService.assignmentsLocation.toString(); if ( !assignmentsBasePath.endsWith(File.separator) ) assignmentsBasePath += File.separator; ConnSupportUtils.shouldBlockMost5XXDomains = false; LoaderAndChecker.setCouldRetryRegex(); PublicationsRetriever.threadsMultiplier = 6; int workerThreadsCount = Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors() * PublicationsRetriever.threadsMultiplier;"Use " + workerThreadsCount + " worker-threads."); PublicationsRetriever.executor = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(workerThreadsCount); } private static final List> callableTasks = new ArrayList<>(FileUtils.jsonBatchSize); public static void processAssignments(Long assignmentRequestCounter, Collection assignments) throws RuntimeException { FileUtils.storeDocFilesDir = assignmentsBasePath + "assignments_" + assignmentRequestCounter + "_fullTexts" + File.separator; // It needs the last separator, because of how the docFiles are named and stored. File curAssignmentsDirs = new File(FileUtils.storeDocFilesDir); try { if ( !curAssignmentsDirs.exists() ) { if ( !curAssignmentsDirs.mkdirs() ) { // Create the directories. String workingDir = System.getProperty("user.dir") + File.separator; logger.error("Could not create the \"assignments_fullTexts directories\": \"" + FileUtils.storeDocFilesDir + "\". Using the \"workingDir\" instead (" + workingDir + ")."); FileUtils.storeDocFilesDir = assignmentsBasePath = workingDir; } } } catch (Exception e) { String errorMsg = "Failed to create the full-texts directory for assignments_" + assignmentRequestCounter; logger.error(errorMsg, e); throw new RuntimeException(errorMsg + ": " + e.getMessage()); } // Start loading and checking urls. for ( Assignment assignment : assignments ) { callableTasks.add(() -> { String id = assignment.getId(); String url = assignment.getOriginalUrl(); if ( (url = LoaderAndChecker.handleUrlChecks(id, url)) == null ) { return false; } // The "url" might have changed (inside "handleUrlChecks()"). String urlToCheck = url; String sourceUrl = urlToCheck; // Hold it here for the logging-messages. if ( !sourceUrl.contains("#/") && (urlToCheck = URLCanonicalizer.getCanonicalURL(sourceUrl, null, StandardCharsets.UTF_8)) == null ) { logger.warn("Could not canonicalize url: " + sourceUrl); UrlUtils.logOutputData(id, sourceUrl, null, "unreachable", "Discarded at loading time, due to canonicalization's problems.", null, true, "true", "false", "false", "false", "false", null, null); LoaderAndChecker.connProblematicUrls.incrementAndGet(); return false; } if ( UrlUtils.docOrDatasetUrlsWithIDs.containsKey(url) ) { // If we got into an already-found docUrl, log it and return. ConnSupportUtils.handleReCrossedDocUrl(id, url, url, url, logger, true); return true; } boolean isPossibleDocOrDatasetUrl = false; // Used for specific connection settings. String lowerCaseRetrievedUrl = url.toLowerCase(); // Check if it's a possible-DocUrl, if so, this info will be used for optimal web-connection later. if ( (LoaderAndChecker.retrieveDocuments && LoaderAndChecker.DOC_URL_FILTER.matcher(lowerCaseRetrievedUrl).matches()) || (LoaderAndChecker.retrieveDatasets && LoaderAndChecker.DATASET_URL_FILTER.matcher(lowerCaseRetrievedUrl).matches()) ) { //logger.debug("Possible docUrl or datasetUrl: " + url); isPossibleDocOrDatasetUrl = true; } try { // Check if it's a docUrl, if not, it gets crawled. HttpConnUtils.connectAndCheckMimeType(id, sourceUrl, urlToCheck, urlToCheck, null, true, isPossibleDocOrDatasetUrl); } catch (Exception e) { List list = LoaderAndChecker.getWasValidAndCouldRetry(e); String wasUrlValid = list.get(0); String couldRetry = list.get(1); UrlUtils.logOutputData(id, urlToCheck, null, "unreachable", "Discarded at loading time, due to connectivity problems.", null, true, "true", wasUrlValid, "false", "false", couldRetry, null, null); return false; } return true; }); } int numFailedTasks = LoaderAndChecker.invokeAllTasksAndWait(callableTasks); if ( numFailedTasks > 0 ) logger.warn(numFailedTasks + " tasks failed!"); addUrlReportsToWorkerReport(); callableTasks.clear(); // Reset the thread-tasks-list for the next batch. } private static final String DocFileNotRetrievedExceptionName = DocFileNotRetrievedException.class.getName(); // Keep it here for easily spot if the exception changes inside the PublicationsRetriever library. public static void addUrlReportsToWorkerReport() { Timestamp timestamp = new Timestamp(System.currentTimeMillis()); // Store it here, in order to have the same for all current records. for ( DataToBeLogged data : FileUtils.dataToBeLoggedList ) { UrlReport.StatusType status = null; String fileLocation = null, comment = data.getComment(), mimeType = null, hash = data.getHash(); Long size = data.getSize(); Error error = null; if ( data.getWasDocumentOrDatasetAccessible().equals("true") ) { status = UrlReport.StatusType.accessible; if ( comment.contains(UrlUtils.alreadyDownloadedByIDMessage) ) { // The file of this docUrl was already downloaded by another docUrl. String previousId = comment.substring(UrlUtils.alreadyDownloadedByIDMessage.length() +1); //logger.debug("previousId: " + previousId); // DEBUG! // Search that ID inside the list and if that instance gave the docUrl (there might be multiple ID instances) then get the file-location. for ( DataToBeLogged data_2 : FileUtils.dataToBeLoggedList ) { if ( data_2.getUrlId().equals(previousId) && data_2.getWasDocumentOrDatasetAccessible().equals("true") ) { fileLocation = data_2.getComment(); size = data_2.getSize(); hash = data_2.getHash(); mimeType = "application/pdf"; // TODO - If support is added for other doc-formats other than "pdf", then make sure the "mime_type" is correctly specified. break; } } // TODO - The case where the "twin-ID" is not found, should "never" happen. But should we check? How to handle if that is the case..? } else if ( comment.contains(DocFileNotRetrievedExceptionName) ) fileLocation = "File not retrieved"; else { fileLocation = comment; mimeType = "application/pdf"; } error = new Error(null, null); // We do not want to send a "null" object, since it just adds more complicated handling in the controller.. } else { status = UrlReport.StatusType.non_accessible; if ( data.getCouldRetry().equals("true") ) error = new Error(Error.ErrorType.couldRetry, comment); else error = new Error(Error.ErrorType.noRetry, comment); } String docOrDatasetUrl = data.getDocOrDatasetUrl(); if ( docOrDatasetUrl.equals(UrlUtils.unreachableDocOrDatasetUrlIndicator) || docOrDatasetUrl.equals(UrlUtils.duplicateUrlIndicator) ) docOrDatasetUrl = null; // Cleanup some data. if ( (size != null) && (size == 0L) ) size = null; if ( (hash != null) && (hash.equals("null")) ) hash = null; Payload payload = new Payload(data.getUrlId(), data.getSourceUrl(), docOrDatasetUrl, timestamp, mimeType, size, hash, fileLocation, "crawl:PublicationsRetriever"); // TODO - If support is added for other doc-formats other than "pdf", then make sure the "mime_type" is correctly specified. AssignmentsHandler.urlReports.add(new UrlReport(status, payload, error)); }// end-for FileUtils.dataToBeLoggedList.clear(); // Empty the list, to be re-populated by the next batch / assignment. } public static boolean connectWithUrlTest(String urlToCheck) { try { return HttpConnUtils.connectAndCheckMimeType("null", urlToCheck, urlToCheck, urlToCheck, null, true, false); // Sent the < null > in quotes to avoid an NPE in the concurrent data-structures. } catch (Exception e) { List list = LoaderAndChecker.getWasValidAndCouldRetry(e); String wasUrlValid = list.get(0); String couldRetry = list.get(1); UrlUtils.logOutputData(null, urlToCheck, null, "unreachable", "Discarded at loading time, due to connectivity problems.", null, true, "true", wasUrlValid, "false", "false", couldRetry, null, null); return false; } } }