- Improve the "getMultipleFullTexts"-endpoint. Check if the "fileNamesWithExtensions"-list is empty. Check if the baseDir for the fullTexts of a given assignments-counter is missing.
- Optimize the "PublicationsRetrieverPlugin.processAssignments()" method.
- Set a max-size limit to the amount of space the logs can use. Over that size, the older logs will be deleted.
- Show the heap size, in the beginning.
- Update Gradle.
- Code cleanup.
- Avoid a potential NPE when giving information about the received AssignmentRequest.
- Log and return, when the received assignments-list is empty.
- Improve some logging-messages.
- Update the logs' fileName and change the preferred appender to "File".
- Code cleanup.
- Switch the "AssignmentsHandler.askForTest" to "false".
- Get the size and the hash of a docFile which is previously downloaded by another ID in that batch.
- Reset the "AssignmentHandler.urlReports" list after posting the results to the Controller.
- Enhance logging and comments.
- Add more guidelines in the README.
- Disable the scheduled test-live job.
- Code cleanup.