Fix adding an invalid error-message in case of an "alreadyDownloaded" full-text being discovered inside the "FileUtils.dataToBeLoggedList".

Lampros Smyrnaios 2 years ago
parent 0032a8018f
commit 8912bb1cf9

@ -166,6 +166,7 @@ public class PublicationsRetrieverPlugin {
String initialSourceUrl = comment.substring(indexOfAlreadyDownloadedFromSourceUrl);
//logger.debug("initialId: " + initialId + " | sourceUrl: " + initialSourceUrl); // DEBUG!
// Search that ID and sourceUrl inside the list, if that instance is the first-found one, then get the file-data (there might be duplicate ID-sourceUrl instances, but only one of them has the file-data).
boolean foundAlreadyDownloadedFullText = false;
for ( DataToBeLogged data_2 : FileUtils.dataToBeLoggedList ) {
if ( data_2.getUrlId().equals(initialId) && (data_2.getSourceUrl().equals(initialSourceUrl))
&& ! data_2.getComment().startsWith(UrlUtils.alreadyDownloadedFromIDMessage) ) {
@ -173,10 +174,12 @@ public class PublicationsRetrieverPlugin {
size = data_2.getSize();
hash = data_2.getHash();
mimeType = "application/pdf"; // TODO - If support is added for other doc-formats other than "pdf", then make sure the "mime_type" is correctly specified.
foundAlreadyDownloadedFullText = true;
// In case the "alreadyDownloaded" full-text is not found, we have an error.
if ( !foundAlreadyDownloadedFullText )
error = new Error(Error.ErrorType.couldRetry, comment + " | That ID-sourceUrl was not found inside the WorkerReport!"); // We can still try to download it from the found docUrl, in the future.
else if ( ! comment.equals(HttpConnUtils.docFileNotRetrievedMessage) ) { // If it was downloaded without an error.

@ -106,19 +106,18 @@ public class AssignmentsHandler {
//countDatasourcesAndRecords(assignmentsSize); // Only for DEBUG! Keep it commented in normal run.
// TODO - Decide which tasks run with what plugin (depending on their datasource).
// First run -in parallel- the tasks which require some specific plugin.
// Then run the remaining tasks in the generic plugin (which handles parallelism itself).
// For now, let's just run all tasks in the generic plugin.
try {
PublicationsRetrieverPlugin.processAssignments(assignmentRequestCounter, assignmentsForPlugins.values());
} catch (Exception e) {
logger.error("Exception when processing the assignments_" + assignmentRequestCounter, e);
} // In this case, we will either have an empty WorkerReport or a half-filled one. Either way, we want to report back to the Controller.
// TODO - If we have more than one plugin running at the same time, then make the "AssignmentsHandler.urlReports"-list thread-safe.
if ( askForTest ) {
logger.debug("UrlReports:"); // DEBUG!
for ( UrlReport urlReport : urlReports )
