# This script shuts down (ONLY!) the Controller, by stopping and killing the related containers. # It is used during testing. # It does not shuts down the whole service! The workers will keep running and their work will be lost. echo "Running compose down.." sudo docker compose -f docker-compose.yml down sudo docker compose -f ./prometheus/docker-compose-prometheus.yml down # In case we need to hard-remove the containers, use the following commands: #sudo docker stop $(sudo docker ps -aqf "name=^(?:urlscontroller-urls_controller|prometheus-(?:prometheus|grafana))-1$") || true # There may be no active containers #sudo docker rm $(sudo docker ps -aqf "name=^(?:urlscontroller-urls_controller|prometheus-(?:prometheus|grafana))-1$") || true # All containers may be already removed.