package eu.openaire.urls_controller.controllers; import eu.openaire.urls_controller.models.WorkerInfo; import; import eu.openaire.urls_controller.util.GenericUtils; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired; import org.springframework.http.HttpStatus; import org.springframework.http.ResponseEntity; import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.PostMapping; import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMapping; import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestParam; import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RestController; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest; @RestController @RequestMapping("") public class ShutdownController { private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ShutdownController.class); @Autowired ShutdownService shutdownService; public static boolean shouldShutdownService = false; @PostMapping("shutdownService") public ResponseEntity shutdownServiceGracefully(HttpServletRequest request) { String initMsg = "Received a \"shutdownService\" request "; String remoteAddr = GenericUtils.getRequestorAddress(request); initMsg += "from [" + remoteAddr + "]. "; ResponseEntity responseEntity = shutdownService.passSecurityChecks(remoteAddr, initMsg); if ( responseEntity != null ) return responseEntity; String endingMsg; if ( shouldShutdownService ) { endingMsg = "The controller has already received a \"shutdownService\" (which was not canceled afterwards)."; + endingMsg); } else { shouldShutdownService = true; endingMsg = "The service will shutdown, after finishing current work."; + endingMsg); // Send "shutdownWorker" requests to all active Workers. for ( String workerId : UrlsController.workersInfoMap.keySet() ) { WorkerInfo workerInfo = UrlsController.workersInfoMap.get(workerId); if ( ! workerInfo.getHasShutdown() ) // A worker may have shutdown on its own (by sending it a shutDown request manually), so it will have told the Controller when it shut down. In case of a Worker-crash, the Controller will not know about it. shutdownService.postShutdownOrCancelRequestToWorker(workerId, workerInfo.getWorkerIP(), false); else logger.warn("Will not post ShutdownRequest to Worker \"" + workerId + "\", since is it has already shutdown."); } // That's it for now. The workers may take some hours to finish their work (including delivering the full-text files). // A scheduler monitors the shutdown of the workers. Once all worker have shutdown, the Controller shuts down as well. } return ResponseEntity.ok().body(endingMsg + "\n"); } @PostMapping("cancelShutdownService") public ResponseEntity cancelShutdownServiceGracefully(HttpServletRequest request) { String initMsg = "Received a \"cancelShutdownService\" request "; String remoteAddr = GenericUtils.getRequestorAddress(request); initMsg += "from [" + remoteAddr + "]. "; ResponseEntity responseEntity = shutdownService.passSecurityChecks(remoteAddr, initMsg); if ( responseEntity != null ) return responseEntity; shouldShutdownService = false; String endingMsg = "Any previous \"shutdownService\"-request is canceled."; + endingMsg); // Send "cancelShutdownWorker" requests to all active Workers. for ( String workerId : UrlsController.workersInfoMap.keySet() ) { WorkerInfo workerInfo = UrlsController.workersInfoMap.get(workerId); if ( ! workerInfo.getHasShutdown() ) // A worker may have shutdown on its own (by sending it a shutDown request manually), so it will have told the Controller when it shut down. In case of a Worker-crash, the Controller will not know about it. shutdownService.postShutdownOrCancelRequestToWorker(workerId, workerInfo.getWorkerIP(), true); else logger.warn("Will not post CancelShutdownRequest to Worker \"" + workerId + "\", since is it has already shutdown."); } return ResponseEntity.ok().body(endingMsg + "\n"); } @PostMapping("workerShutdownReport") public ResponseEntity workerShutdownReport(@RequestParam String workerId, HttpServletRequest request) { String initMsg = "Received a \"workerShutdownReport\" from worker: \"" + workerId + "\"."; WorkerInfo workerInfo = UrlsController.workersInfoMap.get(workerId); if ( workerInfo == null ) { String errorMsg = "The worker with id \"" + workerId + "\" has not participated in the PDF-Aggregation-Service!"; logger.warn(initMsg + "\n" + errorMsg); return ResponseEntity.badRequest().body(errorMsg); } String remoteAddr = GenericUtils.getRequestorAddress(request); if ( ! remoteAddr.equals(workerInfo.getWorkerIP()) ) { logger.error(initMsg + " The request came from another IP: " + remoteAddr + " | while this worker was registered with the IP: " + workerInfo.getWorkerIP()); return ResponseEntity.status(HttpStatus.FORBIDDEN).build(); }; workerInfo.setHasShutdown(true); // This will update the map. // Return "HTTP-OK" to this worker and wait for the scheduler to check and shutdown the service. return ResponseEntity.ok().build(); } }