- Fix Docker config still using the old (now removed) "application.properties" file.
- Simplify the process of building and running the docker image; Now we use docker compose to run the Controller, along with the Prometheus and Grafana. Also, now it is not requested from the user to login and push the image (this may change in the future).
One side effect of using the parquet-files, is that the timestamps are now BIGDECIMAL numbers, instead of "Timestamp" objects, but, converting them to such objects is pretty easy, if we ever need to do it.
- Code polishing.
- In case the Worker cannot be reached during a full-texts' batch request, abort the rest of the batches.
- Fix memory leaks when unzipping the batch-zip-file.
- Add explanatory comments for picking the database related to a full-text file.
- Fix a "@Value" annotation inside "FileUtils.java".
- Add a new database and show its name along with the initial's name in the logs.
- Code cleanup and improvement.
- Fix a bug, which caused multiple workers to get assigned the same batch-counter, while the assignment-tasks where different.
- Set a max-size limit to the amount of space the logs can use. Over that size, the older logs will be deleted.
- Show the error-message returned from the Worker, when a getFullTexts-request fails.
- Improve some log-messages.
- Update dependencies.
- Code cleanup.
- Add connectivity with an Impala-database and create a dedicated Controller for future statistics-requests.
- Optimize the "getTestUrls"-endpoint.
- Disable the "reportCurrentTime()" scheduled-task.
- Update dependencies and bump project's version to '1.0.0-SNAPSHOT'.
- Set the logging-appender to "File".
- Code cleanup.
-- Check if a gradle installation with the given version already exists, before downloading and installing gradle.
-- Make sure the "unzip" package is installed, before trying unzipping the gradle package.
- Update the logs' fileName.