diff --git a/README.md b/README.md index e7c2fad..e58b7a0 100644 --- a/README.md +++ b/README.md @@ -47,6 +47,8 @@ Note: The Shutdown Service API is accessible by the Controller's host machine. - Execute the ```installAndRun.sh``` script which builds and runs the app.
If you want to just run the app, then run the script with the argument "1": ```./installAndRun.sh 1```.
If you want to build and run the app on a **Docker Container**, then run the script with the argument "0" followed by the argument "1": ```./installAndRun.sh 0 1```.
+Additionally, if you want to test/visualize the exposed metrics on Prometheus and Grafana, you can deploy their instances on docker containers, +by enabling the "runPrometheusAndGrafanaContainers" switch, inside the "./installAndRun.sh" script.

Implementation notes: