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# This script installs and runs the project.
# For error-handling, we cannot use the "set -e" since: it has problems https://mywiki.wooledge.org/BashFAQ/105
# So we have our own function, for use when a single command fails.
handle_error () {
echo -e "\n\n$1\n\n"; exit $2
# Change the working directory to the script's directory, when running from another location.
cd "${0%/*}" || handle_error "Could not change-dir to this script's dir!" 1
if [[ $# -eq 1 ]]; then
elif [[ $# -eq 2 ]]; then
elif [[ $# -gt 2 ]]; then
echo -e "Wrong number of arguments given: ${#}\nPlease execute it like: script.sh <justInstall: 0 | 1> <shouldRunInDocker: 0 | 1>"; exit 2
if [[ justInstall -eq 1 && shouldRunInDocker -eq 1 ]]; then
echo -e "Cannot run in docker without re-building the project (just to be safe). Setting \"justInstall\" to < 0 >"
if [[ justInstall -eq 0 ]]; then
if [[ ! -d /opt/gradle/gradle-${gradleVersion} ]]; then
wget https://services.gradle.org/distributions/gradle-${gradleVersion}-bin.zip
echo -e "\nAsking for sudo, in order to install 'gradle'..\n"
sudo mkdir /opt/gradle
sudo apt install -y unzip && sudo unzip -d /opt/gradle gradle-${gradleVersion}-bin.zip
sudo rm -rf gradle-${gradleVersion}-bin.zip
#ls /opt/gradle/gradle-${gradleVersion} # For debugging installation
export PATH=/opt/gradle/gradle-${gradleVersion}/bin:$PATH
gradle wrapper --gradle-version=${gradleVersion} --distribution-type=bin
#gradle tasks # For debugging installation
#gradle -v # For debugging installation
gradle clean build
if [[ shouldRunInDocker -eq 1 ]]; then
runPrometheusAndGrafanaContainers=0 # This is set here, not through cmd-args.
echo -e "\nBuilding the docker image and running the containers..\n"
sudo docker --version || handle_error "Docker was not found!" 3
(sudo mkdir -p "$HOME"/tmp/config && sudo cp ./src/main/resources/application.yml "$HOME"/tmp/config) || true # This also replaces an existing "application.yml".
sudo mkdir -p "$HOME"/logs || true
# Run in "detached mode" -d (in the background).
(sudo docker compose up --build -d && echo -e "\nThe Urls_Controller docker-container started running.\n") || handle_error "Could not build and/or run the 'urls_controller' docker container!" 4
if [[ runPrometheusAndGrafanaContainers -eq 1 ]]; then
(sudo docker compose -f prometheus/docker-compose-prometheus.yml up --build -d && echo -e "\nThe Prometheus and Grafana docker-containers started running.\n") || handle_error "Could not build and/or run the 'prometheus' and/or 'grafana' docker containers!" 5
echo -e "Waiting 65 seconds before getting the status..\n"
sleep 65
sudo docker ps -a || handle_error "Could not get the status of docker-containers!" 6 # Using -a to get the status of failed containers as well.
echo -e "\n\nGetting the logs of docker-container \"urls_controller\":\n"
sudo docker logs "$(sudo docker ps -aqf "name=^urls_controller$")" || handle_error "Could not get the logs of docker-container \"urls_controller\"!" 7 # Using "regex anchors" to avoid false-positives. Works even if the container is not running, thus showing the error-log.
export PATH=/opt/gradle/gradle-${gradleVersion}/bin:$PATH # Make sure the gradle is still accessible (it usually isn't without the "export").
if [[ shouldRunInDocker -ne 1 ]]; then
gradle bootRun